How To Win On Tinder, Advice From Most Swiped Guy In Nj.


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WHERE the F*CK is Fred? I feel so alone and empty lately without him. :(


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I like how this is the one millionth post totaling like 10 billion views just to reaffirm the same exact point. haha


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If only my pictures showed so much confidence!!!

in my profile pictures I am on top of a tank, wearing a tank top and holding a puppy while beating an innocent woman with my huge rock hard dick. It's all bout dat confidence brahhhhh


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in my profile pictures I am on top of a tank, wearing a tank top and holding a puppy while beating an innocent woman with my huge rock hard dick. It's all bout dat confidence brahhhhh

sh*t... that's a lot of confidence. Congrats brah.

That Guy

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The best way I can put this is, there's a line that says "I'll f*** you". Either you are over that line or you're under it. What you say can put you under that line, but never over it. So essentially all you are doing with your "game" is not f*****g up the attraction from your looks.

Where have I heard this before? :p

But yeah, the PUA thing is total bullshit. It astounds me that we're this far into the 21st century and people still believe it at all. Many people are funny, witty, charismatic etc., but comparatively few are good looking.

All any man needs to debunk the entire concept of "game" is a bit of self reflection. You know that hot Playboy centerfold? You don't even read about her, what her hobbies are, how charitable she is or anything else because you simply don't care — you'd date her because you'd f*** her. It really is that simple.


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sh*t... that's a lot of confidence. Congrats brah.

no probs brah. I am like here for my brah's brah. I also try to take like at least like twelve selfies a day, just mirror abs in like umm, like gas station bathrooms and stuff? dat game is tight for sure brah. I know down b****s like flies brah.


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Confidence is one if the stupidest terms but at the same time the strongest aphrodisiac we have going for ourselves.

After a line of ecstacy flowing through my brain, and veins I tend to be more secure in my abilities.


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This guy is good-looking, but he's unlikely to be the best looking in New Jersey.

What's his secret to being overrated?


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This guy is good-looking, but he's unlikely to be the best looking in New Jersey.

What's his secret to being overrated?

Perhaps he's holding up a sign in his tinder photo that reads 'My confidence level is over 9000' ??


The best way I can put this is, there's a line that says "I'll f*** you". Either you are over that line or you're under it. What you say can put you under that line, but never over it. So essentially all you are doing with your "game" is not f*****g up the attraction from your looks. Whether she will have sex with you or not is decided very early, often before meeting you or within seconds of meeting her, and based almost exclusively on your appearance. That's not me talking btw, most of the women I have talked to about this have actually told me this themselves. A common refrain was that they had met men that they found funny and interesting, but not sexually attractive, and that they had realized this absence of attraction almost instantly when meeting them. These guys were then brushed off after a date or two.

I have heard from many that I am good conversation and a funny person. People tend to open up to me and tell me stuff they usually wouldn't confess to others. At first I too thought that my pristine wit what was getting me in the sack with the girls, along with not being horrid-looking. After having had sex with them, I would usually ask them about our first encounter and what they thought. My impression? They were mainly just sitting there thinking "God he's so hot I want to f*** him". Even smart girls, ones you would never imagine doing that.

For an average young bald guy without compensatory features like height, there's a high chance he'll simply struggle getting a woman wet. This is something I base on conversations with my Tinder lays as well; many of them have admitted that baldness is one of the things they dislike the most, along with being short. And following the line of reasoning I laid out above, in this scenario you're already dead, nothing will ever put you above that line. If you had hair, you might have crossed it. And therein lies the problem.

As far as the PUA industry, it is built on selling books and seminars to unattractive men on the hope that they can get laid with good-looking women (or any women at all for that matter) through wit and charm. That alone should make you skeptical of their claims. Some guys have approached literally thousands of women without results following the lead of these gurus. Whatever "success" is had through these methods is usually through a numbers game of approaching a LOT of women and eventually finding someone for whom you cross the threshold. The gurus themselves have been caught using paid actresses, prostitutes and other underhanded methods to make it seem like they are doing well.

Took the words right out of my mouth on this one Zircon, great post. Wit, charm and charisma etc. are definitely valuable things to have; I like to think I've exhibited them in the past and they're never going do a man harm. As you say though, they're useless if you don't pass the looks test. When my ex girlfriend first met me she turned to her friend and gushed "Oh sh*t, he's hot, oh god Flo help meee". I still had some hair at this point, had not yet been disfigured and so fortunately made the grade. Fast-forward a year or so later and I tried courting a couple of girls at my university. Though I still had my face at this point, my hairline had all but evaporated. As you can imagine, the results were horrific. The first one I knew from a poetry society, she was maybe about a 5 out of 10 and from a couple of chats we'd had I'd gauged we had plenty in common. She laughed at my jokes and had even engaged in some light flirting. I ticked the wit and charm boxes comfortably. The problem was my looks. I timed the question well, asking her out after a particularly positive couple of exchanges, but was shot down pretty much instantly. Awkward silence, followed by a "erm yeah, sure, but only as friends right?". The second girl rejected me in a similar fashion. She would have been about a 4 out of 10 and her rejection was at least a little more considered. She spent 5 minutes staring long and hard at my hairline before shakily claiming that she was already spoken for. Both girls enjoyed my company and were happy to have me as a friend, but that was where their attachment ended. With hair I was being complimented by a legitimate 8 out of 10, without it, even the plain jane's were ignoring me.


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I sometimes comment on women photo
Took the words right out of my mouth on this one Zircon, great post. Wit, charm amd charisma etc. are definitely valuable things to have; I like to think I've exhibited them in the past and they're never going do a man harm. As you say though, they're useless if you don't pass the looks test. When my ex girlfriend first met me she turned to her friend and gushed "Oh sh*t, he's hot, oh god Flo help meee". I still had some hair at this point, had not yet been disfigured and so fortunately made the grade. Fast-forward a year or so later and I tried courting a couple of girls at my university. Though I still had my face at this point my hairline had all but evaporated. As you can imagine, the results were horrific. The first one I knew from a poetry society, she was maybe about a 5 out of 10 and from a couple of chats we'd had I'd gauged me had plenty in common. She laughed at my jokes and had even engaged in some light flirting. I ticked the wit and charm boxes comfortably. The problem was my looks. I timed the question well, asking her out after a particularly positive couple of exchanges but was shot down pretty much instantly. Awkward silence, followed by a "erm yeah, sure, but only as friends right?". The second girl rejected me in a similar fashion. She would have been about a 4 out of 10 and her rejection was at least a little more considered. She spent 5 minutes staring long and hard at my hairline before shakily claiming that she was already spoken for. Both girls enjoyed my company and were happy to have me as a friend, but that was where their attachment ended. With hair I was being complimented by a legitimate 8 out of 10, without it, even the plain jane's were ignoring me.

Another reality check dose.

I can relate all to well to situations where this happened. That personality vibe was on point, everything seems to work in your favor. But wait, it all becomes irrelevant if she is not attracted to your face.

This is why I tell people, Guage how a responds to you in a bar or club whe she's under the influence. School, and works in areas where you otherwise need to act in a certain social construct are not the best ways to Guage your level of aesthetics.


Just out of curiosity - how do you guys explains ugly men getting good looking women?

That Guy

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Just out of curiosity - how do you guys explains ugly men getting good looking women?

I don't because I never see it. The Mark Addy/Jami Gertz combo just doesn't exist in most places in the real world. Not without caveats, anyway.

If you see an unattractive man with a much more attractive woman, there is something else going on. Maybe she is with him because he has status, maybe she did it for the green card, maybe they've been together for decades and he's let himself go, maybe (but extremely unlikely) she genuinely doesn't care. More than 9 times out of 10 though, there is some compromise she is making.

Let me flip this around: How many Brad Pitt types do you see with chicks that look like Lena Dunham? None.

A few years ago, I met this really hot foreign chick. She refused to date anybody because though she really wanted to stay in this country, she refused to do it via a relationship. She turned every guy that came her way down...until that visa was about to expire.

Long story short: she moved away and I see she got married to this fat, unattractive, redneck dude (got money though) and married him in less than six months; the wedding was just a month before she was set to go back home. I don't consider myself "ugly" nor "super attractive" even when I was NW0, but holy christ, most of us guys who tried to get with her before her husband were Zac Efron compared to this guy she's with. Unsurprisingly, now that she's a citizen, I've heard many rumors that she is cheating on him.


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Let me flip this around: How many Brad Pitt types do you see with chicks that look like Lena Dunham? None.

Seen Hugh Jackman and his wife?

I see couples where one is much better looking than the other in daily life quite often. Of course you state that on this forum and some obsessive will have 9 'studies' at the ready waiting to prove you wrong.

That Guy

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She looks worse than him now because she is much older and not fit. She wasn't unattractive when they met and were married. They are looks matched.




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Seen Hugh Jackman and his wife?

I see couples where one is much better looking than the other in daily life quite often. Of course you state that on this forum and some obsessive will have 9 'studies' at the ready waiting to prove you wrong.

this is actually true and I can personally vouch for this. In my mid-late twenties I was probably an 8-9. Most of the girls I dated were like 5-6, with super hot bodies of course. I am not trying to imply anything or troll. you all know I f*cking hate myself and can't even look in a f*cking mirror without puking blood. I was an attractive dude. I liked it, because I could just as easily get turned on by the hot body and their "mediocre" face would make me feel more secure in the relationship. I knew they wouldn't cheat or leave me. I know that sounds f*cked, but it is what it is. That may explain why you see some people that aren't "looksmatched". they are truly attracted to the other traits of the partner, or they are f*cked up, like I was and it is insecurity.