How To Win On Tinder, Advice From Most Swiped Guy In Nj.


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She looks worse than him now because she is much older and not fit. She wasn't unattractive when they met and were married. They are looks matched.



I think you're clutching at straws personally. She was obviously more attractive then..she's older. He was still 'better looking' than she was. It happens regularly.

That Guy

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I think you're clutching at straws personally. She was obviously more attractive then..she's older. He was still 'better looking' than she was. It happens regularly.

I very specifically explained that there are caveats and people who have been together a long time may see one partner deteriorate worse than the other.

These go in the trash.



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She looks worse than him now because she is much older and not fit. She wasn't unattractive when they met and were married. They are looks matched.


Horrible genes. How old is this hag?

Looks matched


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All the "rules" you guys are implying here are just that, rules. It doesn't take into factor the individuals life story and their emotional or mental vulnerability. I do actually know a few girls that are super attractive, yet too insecure, or mentally damaged to date men that are on their level of attractiveness. Some of them try, but can't. Just like how I explained I was in my twenties. The error in everything you guys are trying to explain is that it is being applied to humans, not robots swiping right to left on grinder or celebrities.


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I think you may be in denial to the importance of your good looks. I'm glad you mentioned Tinder as I'm a bit of an old hat on the app and can counter your nonsense with real authority. I have had a number of profiles over the last year or so, some using older photos of myself pre-NW6, others with my hairline as it is now, some with pictures of male models, some with female models and swiped pics of attractive girls and boys that I knew in real life. I wanted to see for myself the impact that looks had in online dating compared to personality, whether 'online game' has any impact or whether its all just predetermined from the photos. You want to know what I concluded? Its the f*****g photos man! The results were something like follows: NW2/3 me (flattering photos), roughly 15-20 matches in a couple of days, a match rate of something around 15%. NW6 me got 2, both landwhales, and I actually swiped slightly more girls right on the NW6 account than I did on the NW2.5. The models, as you can imagine, cleaned up. It was actually quite depressing. The dude was pushing 100 matches, the match rate was easily 80%+, while the model girl was even more succesful, I don't think even a single guy I swiped right rejected her. Most depressing though were the results of the real-life attractive acquaintances. Whilst nowhere near on the model level, the attractive guy secured an easy 50-60 matches (he was probably around an 8 in terms of rating). The attractive everyday girl (who is actually also a model so potentially unrepresentative) secured around 100, many of them highly attractive suitors in their own right.

These stats are crushing, but they're far from the most discouraging thing I witnessed in these experiments. That came when I begun to arrange fake dates. The "game" aspect, as you would call it. I deliberately modulated my "game" significantly between matches. For some, I would genuinely go out of my way to try and screw things up, pretending to be socially awkward, a virgin, thick as a plank of wood. Whilst I would be lying if I said that my severe lack of game made no difference, it was incredibly difficult to mess things up with the attractive profiles. The model girl, in particular, could do no f*****g wrong. Several times I outrighted insulted a number of matches, to which they would only grovel and lust after her all the more. With the exception of outright rejecting them, I could say anything and still get in their pants. With NW2/3 me though, it was a different story, poor game was crucified by and large, but interestingly, 'good game' didn't actually do a whole lot for me either. A lot of girls were still on the fence, no matter how slick my conversation. The experience with the attractive acquaintances was, as you'd expect, half way between the models' and mine. Bad game could certainly still blow things, but in terms of securing a date, it was much more a matter of not doing anything drastically wrong than actively doing things right.

Possibly the most damning bit of evidence from this whole thing though came when the NW2/3 me matched with the same girl as the male model profile. She was a 5/6 out of 10, nothing amazing, but cute nonetheless. I used almost the exact same chat up line to open the conversation with each profile, a variant of "I bet I can make you c*m with my hands tied behind my back". The NW2.5 was unmatched within seconds, the male model got "go onnnn ;)".

I imagine you're going to pour scorn on this, accuse me of BS or something similar. I understand your skepticism. I saw a similar experiement to mine on a bodybuilding website and I reacted exactly the same. So I tested it out for myself and lo and behold, they were right. I'd encourage you and others to do the same. Create a few fake profiles yourself and prepare to be red-pilled to the eyeballs.

Legendary post DBW, I commend you on conducting this experiment.


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It is never a good idea to set your expectations on the exceptions to the rule rather than the rule itself.

I imagine you being a lot like Mr. Miyagi in real life. Is this accurate? Are you trimming a little tree right now? :D


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Where have I heard this before? :p

But yeah, the PUA thing is total bullshit. It astounds me that we're this far into the 21st century and people still believe it at all. Many people are funny, witty, charismatic etc., but comparatively few are good looking.

All any man needs to debunk the entire concept of "game" is a bit of self reflection. You know that hot Playboy centerfold? You don't even read about her, what her hobbies are, how charitable she is or anything else because you simply don't care — you'd date her because you'd f*** her. It really is that simple.
You are astounded by this compensatory crap?
Well imagine that no longer than seven years ago an American girlfriend left me because I did not believe the truth of "The Secret" and was not optimistic enough about it!

That Guy

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I imagine you being a lot like Mr. Miyagi in real life. Is this accurate? Are you trimming a little tree right now? :D

No, I'm more like Sean Bean, dropping cautionary, truth-bomb one liners like, "One does not simply..." and then no one listens, everything goes to sh*t like I knew it would, and I've died before I can tell you "I told you so".


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Am I the only one who likes Amy Schumer in here? I know this is Amy Poheler but they remind me of one another.
Mostly I like her hair (...)


Both are confident and relatively successful people.

This is just one example of ordinary men who can get a decent looking partner.

(cue guys saying the blonde is ugly lol)


People were saying that bald average men don't get decent looking women. I post a picture of a case where this is not true and people get mad. And the reason I show this case is because if it can happen for this guy then it can happen to other guys on here.

As for the questions: none religious, both british, both on middle incomes, both out going and fun, both intelligent.


Of course I read the replies. This talk of statistics seems pretty odd as you have supplied no statistics backing your hypothesis. It would appear you are the one who could do with an education if you want to take that tone with me.

The reason it is hard to use quantitative data is because there is none regarding this matter. I've used qualitative data because that is the only evidence I have.

Remember, I am not saying looks do not matter. What I am saying is that even if you are ugly then there is still a fine chance you can get a partner and live a normal life.

I'm essentially saying that life goes on and we shouldn't be all so doom and gloom in this big pity party.


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The question is not so much of being born ugly or not, rather one of hair loss making everyone UGLIER than what we started out with - which is something everyone should be trying to avoid.

Hence saying you can still be ugly and live a good life is moot. The point is, regardless of whether you're ugly or not, in 99% of cases, you're going to be EVEN UGLIER - without hair.

That Guy

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"Oh you lost your leg and it prevents you from indulging in your love of playing Tennis? Well, quit with the pity party because you don't need legs to play ping pong! Why can't you just be satisfied with that? Life goes on!"

No, you've not shared "data", you've shared random pictures and asked us to take you at your word. If anything, your "data" is as good as anecdotal at best.

Some stone-cold cope in this thread, I tell ya (h)what.


Zircon, I've had to do modules on statistics during university, so I am aware of the rigours. The reason I don't write in an academic style is because it can alienate the readers (I've also worked as a journalist and a copywriter - albeit not a successful one!).

Many of you seem to think I do not understand how bad hair loss feels but I think many on here seem to forget that I have been losing some hair for 8 years. I know how it feels and I always concede that it is far more cruel and brutal for a younger fellow.

The point I make is that all you can do is try and stop hair loss (finasteride or hair transplant) and after that you just have to get on with it. You all have a lot of life ahead of you and it would be a terrible shame to waste it feeling depressed and not living your life to the best of your abilities.


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Story of my ugly, bald life. You can't even complain, only "man up" and "be confident". If you do anything different, you're a pussy or wrong anyway.

Hair loss is a personal matter, in the end. I wouldn't expect any sort of clever advice, or even acknowledgement, from anyone who isn't going through it personally and isn't a coper.

That's why I don't talk about it with anyone. I tried just recently talking about it with one dude, just to test the waters so to speak, and he popped a Pez dispenser full of blue pills at me. At some point you've just got to stop giving a f*** about what people tell you and just do what you inside know and feel is right.


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People were saying that bald average men don't get decent looking women. I post a picture of a case where this is not true and people get mad. And the reason I show this case is because if it can happen for this guy then it can happen to other guys on here.

While i don't agree with posting photos of people without their knowledge, you're spot on with your point. I can also think off the top of my head of quite a few couples on my facebook who are not 'looksmatched' and of bald guys with objectively hot girlfriends. That is just life. Even if on average, people pair off based on objective attractiveness, there are so many variables that any wannabe scientist is wasting their time trying to study it. I go to the gym, I see rough looking bald guys training with their hot girlfriends, I go to salsa dancing socials and see attractive girls pairing off with way less attractive guys based on their dance abilities (note: if you can dance as a guy then you get ahead), i walk in the park or head into town and regularly see couples where one is 'better looking' than the other. It happens. The irony is that the 'red pill' groupies who mock others for not being able to accept reality struggle to accept anything other than their own version of reality. Perhaps it hurts to imagine that their lack of success in certain areas could be down to things other than 'looks'?

Also, having spent some time away from this board, it is actually funny to witness the circle jerk that goes on between the self certified 'red pillers'. Patting each other on the back for their 'red pill' posts but referencing it as 'work'.... "I love your work man". And zircons recent post; 'the dearly missed fredthebelgian'. Get a grip ffs, it's embarassing.

I await the 15 dislike notifications...


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