5'7 BALD, is NOT okay, I wouldent bother to spend the money on LL if this is the maximum you can reach. It will give you nothing.
5'9 has to be the minimal height for a bald guy. That's becuase a bald guy can't allow himeself to be short like a nw1
Btw after those 2 LL's I suggest you drop the wig and the lift shoes cuz its stupid to live with a mop on your head and you cant be with shoes in bed she will find out. I understand that with your height now it's hard but as a 5'10 you can pull the bald look.
lol dont' let chris hear you say that, he hates "rules" to dating such as 5 7 bald not ok, need at least 5 9, under 5 7 with hair a no go, watch it, soon he will claim your a socially inept virgin that even if you were 6 2 NW1 with a lambo you'd have no chance!
see how silly you claim now chris, no one is interested in your height is fine BS, go on the LL forum and tell people they are all socially inept virgins and even if they were taller they'd do terribly, go on hairloss forum and tell people to get off meds (which your on) cause you don't need it.
anyway I meant with hair by that statement, no i can get to 5 10 with LL + 2" lifts 6 0.
tbh i'd rather be 5 7 NW1, so that's 1 LL and in "flats" aka no lifts, i'd rather that than 6 0 bald, I just don't look right at all, your good looking in your pic, im average looking so the baldness makes things worse.
Once again avoiding the salient points there. Ok, I'll play it your way. I didn't tell you not to worry about your height, and if you inferred that, I'm sorry. I have neuroses about being short as well. But it isn't some excuse to put your life on hold, wasting your youth which you will never get back. You imply that NO woman is interested in you because of your height. I refute that. Yes it is harder to play the dating game if you are below average height, but not as bad as you make it out to be. I mean you live in Scotland where obesity is rife, at least you aren't fat!
As for your paragraph, well it's not a paragraph is it? You've just written single sentences, in which I notice you seem allergic to using capital letters.
Are you angry that you're no longer the shortest guy on the forum, is that it? As I really don't understand why you're so hostile towards me, and attempted to troll me about being poor...
Oh and how am I being childish?
the thing is about you is you judge me way to quick and
claim i am socially inept with no evidence, that is what rattles me, everything to say about someone is fine, but when you take into account personal/social skills that is unfair because you don't know me.
for the record I don't care to indulge on my accomplishments, why? because who cares, there is a guy i know 5 7 NW1 pretty fugly, only been with 1 girl, she is a beached whale 300 pounder, I don't judge him, whatever makes 2 people happy, tbh i couldn't have sex with someone of that body mass, another guy 5 5 fugly NW1 with a girl again another 400 pounder together for 5 years.
do i care about them, I DON'T, i mean who cares, my personal goals for girls is just to be with a nice girl, im not that bothered about looks facial symmetry or breast size, but NOT fat, I want her to be much shorter than me so i feel like a man around her, i don't want gold diggers that need money to like me as well. I will just say i haven't been with women for over 3 years, but I mean who cares, i don't use hookers but have considered it lately, but quite frankly i don't give a hoot if im with 3 or 30 women in my lifetime, so "numbers" or "looks" don't pay much a factor, just to be equally loved but again her not to obese etc.
I NEVER said you were like that, I have only said positive things to you such as "im glad you are getting on well but..."
when you try to say height isn't a problem, you say its cause im socially retarded, and its
MY social skills which i have none (for some reason you seem to know my social skills but i don't see how) and even with NW1 6 0 i couldn't get any girl, this is not constructive,
but I do -however- provide a lot of scientifical evidence to show that male height is major factor in attraction between couples.
i -mostly- just that I feel i am massively penalised for being less than 5 7, maybe i made a little exaggeration of being "totally ****ed" under 5 7 but it was mostly in good spirit, but we all know its pretty bad news below 5 7. and don't just throw back "its because your a social retard" BS.