-I am an 18 year old guy, and the balding won the fight against me.
-When I noticed the balding was already noticeable(about 1 year ago) I decided it is time for treatment. So I tried everything written on the internet, every method because I was desperate to believe it. Tried even the legit cures like minoxidil and all sorts of pills for 5-6 months but only made it worse...
-At this point I am a student and seeing every guy my age having hair, styling it however he wants makes me so jealous.
It’s just not fair, it makes me look so bad not to mention how unnatractive a girl finds an 18 year old balding guy. It looks so unnatural and bad...
-I have androgenetic alopecia from what I have been told (mom also started balding after she gave birth and now she has few hair at the top but did not lose it completely,and dad only went bald in his late 30’s but by choice)
-I want to know, how did other guys manage to handle it at my age? How did people react(boys and girls) what did they think of it? I know many of you will say they cut it completely and also that some friends might tell you “you look better”. Isn’t that lying to ourselver though and don’t they just say that to make us feel better?definitely bald is better than thin rare hair on top, but 19 and bald sounds depressing for me.
Thank you.