I did something very stupid today... [Better pics]


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f*** me, I thought it would be a cool idea to try a #0 buzz now that it's summer and all... and I ended up looking a f*****g convict! I guess I will have to hide until some hair has grown, it looks so groce. Take a look:

f*** me if I didn't have the balding gene, I wouldn't have to go through all this damn sh*t... and oh yeah, I always look so weird on camera phone pictures, the flash is so powerless.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

You look like just another guy with #0 buzz. Your problem is that you aren't used to seeing yourself in the mirror with #0 buzz.

Give it a few days, and you'll get used to it.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

GHG, that buzz cut looks fine on you. You can definitely carry that off well. I probably could never have a hair transplant because I would have to buzz cut my hair if I want an FUE. My BDD would be overactive and I would probably need medication to deal with it. I would have to do a strip hair transplant if I don't want to buzz my hair. I am just going to have to keep fighting to keep what I have so I do not have to go through with one.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

Biggest thing here is what ali said. I remember what it's like. It's been awhile for me though.

But when I shaved my head.. I like flipped.... It looked very wrong. But it's just a really different appearance. That your not used to. Your facial features stand out much more. Many people look very very different with a close shaved head.

You'll get used to it though. Trust on that mate.

personally I think you look good with it.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

GHG I think you suit the look well.

Plus I think you're going to save yourself a few fights in the future I reckon ;)


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

To be honest I think you look great bald. (and im not just saying that). You have the perfect strong facial structure for it. Its guys with round faces that look like pussies. You just need to buff up now and get an awesome body. Maybe get a few tattoos.

You just have to come to terms with the fact that the pretty boy look with golden blonde hair is over for you. Its time to embrace your bad boy side! Many girls will like you trust me.

Since your diffusing and not losing your hairline I would look into a transplant to lower your hairline and keep this shaved look. Then it wont matter if you bald behind the hairline. Wont be noitcable.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

Thanks for the positive responses, made me feel a little better about this. It's amazing how big a difference the #3 mm of hair makes! I'm like looking at a stranger now when I look in the mirror. Well it's only a week and I'll have my usual 3 mm back.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

It suits you, but you need a tan.

Hubert Gruber

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Re: I did something very stupid today...

It f*****g looks great on you stop being a whining c*nt...get some tan.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

nerdwood said:
It suits you, but you need a tan.

Dude he is from freaking Norway! Scandinvians dont tan well.

Besides its his natural skin color there is NOTHING wrong with it. Pale skin looks good.

What ur saying is like telling a really dark skinned person to go get some skin lightening products.

Which would be considered racist.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

metalheaddude you are a such a troll.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

metalheaddude said:
nerdwood said:
It suits you, but you need a tan.

Dude he is from freaking Norway! Scandinvians dont tan well.

Besides its his natural skin color there is NOTHING wrong with it. Pale skin looks good.

What ur saying is like telling a really dark skinned person to go get some skin lightening products.

Which would be considered racist.

I'm from Finland actually and I do tan quite normally. However, the summer has been crappy so far so I haven't had a chance to get myself a proper tan. But you're right there's nothing wrong with pale skin... I can't really understand all this fascination for tanning, I think really dark brown tan looks awful on SOME naturally white people.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

ghg said:
f*** me, I thought it would be a cool idea to try a #0 buzz now that it's summer and all... and I ended up looking a f****ing convict! I guess I will have to hide until some hair has grown, it looks so groce. Take a look:

f*** me if I didn't have the balding gene, I wouldn't have to go through all this damn s***... and oh yeah, I always look so weird on camera phone pictures, the flash is so powerless.

Yet you want me to feel comfortable with this look permanently. You are shaving with a full head of hair. I am shaving my head with a 0 guard with no hair on top at all. You can't even take the look for a few days. Try a lifetime.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

Can't this guy be banned for these false accusations? I don't f*****g have a full head of hair, get it? Do you think I'd even dream of cutting my hair short if I wasn't losing it badly? Do you?

And I do can take the look, infact I have to because it's done already. I'm sure I'll get used to it in a shorter time than you...

EDIT: And oh yeah, this thread isn't me begging for sympathy. I can take negative feedback, too... if some of you think it looks like sh*t, you can say it. But don't claim that I have a full head of hair because I know I don't. I wouldn't be on this forum and I wouldn't be experimenting with these buzzcuts if I had a full head of hair :).


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If anyone should be banned, it's you for your language. You have hair on top. You might be thinning but you have tons of hair. You won't know what I'm talking about unless it is all gone.

My point is you shaved with a 0 guard like I do. You are complaining you look like a convict. And can't wait until it grows back in. How would you feel if it couldn't grow back in? You are forced to like to "convict look".

Hilarious how you were trolling my posts but I comment on one of yours and you throw a fit.


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Re: I did something very stupid today...

ghg said:
I'm from Finland actually and I do tan quite normally. However, the summer has been crappy so far so I haven't had a chance to get myself a proper tan.

All those people participating from warmer climates can laugh at us :)

I went sun bathing in the park one day in May, it was about 25 degrees I think. The weather has been really bad lately. 15 degrees today :sobbing: :badmood:

Next time the temperature gets anywhere near 25 degrees, I will be down in the park sun bathing again.... I need a tan...


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Looks fine buzzed, nothing looks abnormal, you look like a young bloke with buzzed hair, 90% of guys I know or work with buzz to nothing, even with no hairloss.

Like others have said, you are lucky to still have hair and you have a great hairline, diffused hair looks good buzzed down in any case imo, NW4+ guys would do anything to have what you have.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
If anyone should be banned, it's you for your language. You have hair on top. You might be thinning but you have tons of hair. You won't know what I'm talking about unless it is all gone.

My point is you shaved with a 0 guard like I do. You are complaining you look like a convict. And can't wait until it grows back in. How would you feel if it couldn't grow back in? You are forced to like to "convict look".

Hilarious how you were trolling my posts but I comment on one of yours and you throw a fit.

Hey, wasn't it you who was telling people to get out of "your topics". Can you take your own advice?

Hubert Gruber

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metalheaddude said:
What ur saying is like telling a really dark skinned person to go get some skin lightening products.

Which would be considered racist.

Only an idiot such as you could come up with something like that.