I just looked into the mirror.....(sry, more whining)



... and it clearly looks thinner than a few days ago. The difference is so obvious, mostly in a Norwood 2.8 area. The "hair" there offers only a VERY limited coverage to hide my scalp. Even under normal light my skin is visible from a close distance. I am desperate again....... :cry:

I currently am at my university. I can´t concentrate under these circumstances on studying. I have to go to the bathroom at least once a hour just to feel another hit in my stomach when I am watching "it". I just can´t deal with this anymore.

Sry, if you are getting annoyed by my constant whining, but I have to get this off my chest.


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sorry man but your choice of words is so funny
the hair clippers are calling you
its time to buzz


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yeah what is he crying about ,hes just using the p*ssy regimen of 1 mg finasteride
change to dutasteride and add foam, hell even add tricomin and spironolactone cream for like 3 months to give things a kick start if you then dont see sucsess well let you wine all day long


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yeah taug, you need to change your regimen man. add minoxidil, or switch to dutasteride...something to give your tunnel a brighter light.


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blondeguy said:
To be frank I wonder how much of it is all in Taugs head
I dont wonder at all I know its all in his head.
Come on then, post a pic of this "hairloss". I bet its so bad that most of us would kill for it.


roki said:
yeah what is he crying about ,hes just using the p*ssy regimen of 1 mg finasteride
change to dutasteride and add foam, hell even add tricomin and spironolactone cream for like 3 months to gice things a kick start if you then dont see sucsess well let you wine all they long

I agree, I am still on the pussy regimen, but dutasteride and minoxidil can be very dangerous for me. No, I am not talking about some shitty health problems, lol. I don´t care about my health as long as I have got hair. I am scared of an eventual shedding. With my bad mental situation I couldn´t cope with another setback. Nevertheless I am realizing more and more that I need to take the next step. For me there is no more hope, I am about to order dutasteride even though I am extremely nervous.

I also want to remind you, that I may be on the pussy regimen but I am no pussy. 80% of all people on this side would quit if they would get the sides I get (total loss of libido). I hardly complained about it.


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well taug you'll never know unless you try man. if i were as unhappy as you i'd keep trying.

you say you can't cope with another setback, but can you cope with feeling like this?

i mean, by the way you talk on this site everyone already assumes you're slick bald, a shed won't kill you. and if you shed, you'll just grow it back thicker. go at it!


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you need to shed the hair so it can grow thicker get a few more hats and some xanex and youll go through it


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dietcola said:
i mean, by the way you talk on this site everyone already assumes you're slick bald, a shed won't kill you. and if you shed, you'll just grow it back thicker. go at it!

Taug once claimed he's lost 70% of his hair, but the pictures he posted showed full coverage. There's something mental at play here. The guy obsesses over three shed hairs in the morning.


blondeguy said:
dietcola said:
i mean, by the way you talk on this site everyone already assumes you're slick bald, a shed won't kill you. and if you shed, you'll just grow it back thicker. go at it!

Taug once claimed he's lost 70% of his hair, but the pictures he posted showed full coverage. There's something mental at play here. The guy obsesses over three shed hairs in the morning.

hes basically just a troll. thats what he is. theres no other excuse to give for him claiming he's lost 70% of his hair.

people keep asking him to post pictures as proof that he's lost this much hair, and he won't. that should tell you a lot. he just ignores them and creates a new thread about it seemingly every day.


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JayMan said:
blondeguy said:
dietcola said:
i mean, by the way you talk on this site everyone already assumes you're slick bald, a shed won't kill you. and if you shed, you'll just grow it back thicker. go at it!

Taug once claimed he's lost 70% of his hair, but the pictures he posted showed full coverage. There's something mental at play here. The guy obsesses over three shed hairs in the morning.

hes basically just a troll. thats what he is. theres no other excuse to give for him claiming he's lost 70% of his hair.

people keep asking him to post pictures as proof that he's lost this much hair, and he won't. that should tell you a lot. he just ignores them and creates a new thread about it seemingly every day.

I am pretty damn disgusted over the realization that people like CCS and Taug are trolls. I thought they were true people with true feelings.

Taug, please tell me at least that YOU are real!


Am I a troll? Judge yourself:

That´s how much my crown deterioareted from July to January (I have lost a lot of thickness before that of course), all pictures are in my story thread, I will update in a few days, when I get access to my camera soon. I have no idea why Jayman is calling me a troll and blamed me for not posting pictures. I have always done so on request.


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So where did you get the idea that you've lost 70% of your hair? Your loss is barely noticeable, if you're losing any at all!


blondeguy said:
So where did you get the idea that you've lost 70% of your hair? Your loss is barely noticeable, if you're losing any at all!

That is just the development from July 06 to January 07! A small bald spot deteriorated to thinning all over the back of my head. I lost a lot before that, luckily I always had very thick hair so that it wasn´t too noticeable.


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Taugenichts said:
Am I a troll? Judge yourself:

You think this makes you a hideous freak?
If I had this (problem) I would be jumping for joy. :roll:
Most non m.p.b sufferers would'nt even notice. Hairloss is not an attractive feature but just because hairloss is hideous to you it does'nt mean that the rest of the world see it as that bad.

Hans Gruber

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Taugenichts said:
Am I a troll? Judge yourself:

That´s how much my crown deterioareted from July to January (I have lost a lot of thickness before that of course), all pictures are in my story thread, I will update in a few days, when I get access to my camera soon. I have no idea why Jayman is calling me a troll and blamed me for not posting pictures. I have always done so on request.

ooooooh dear lord

if you are concerned about that TINY amount of loss then toppik it! or nanogen fibres,jesus,you mus tknow about toppik and nanogen? it will cover up all that scalp(the teeny tiny bt showing) completely,and that with the propecia will be the answer to your prayers!

tauge i REALLY REALLY think you should use toppik,youll be so glad you did