I just looked into the mirror.....(sry, more whining)


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Hey Taugenichts, I feel your pain man. I have similar pattern thinning as you do. Everyone says the back is the worst place to lose it too. I have been on finasteride for almost a year without any results. I'm afraid to use rogaine because i don't think I could handle the shedding. It sucks to lose your hair in your 20's. Let me know if you find something that works.


s.a.f said:
You think this makes you a hideous freak?
If I had this (problem) I would be jumping for joy. :roll:
Most non m.p.b sufferers would'nt even notice. Hairloss is not an attractive feature but just because hairloss is hideous to you it does'nt mean that the rest of the world see it as that bad.

Well, I know that there are many people here who are worse off then me. But this doesn´t help me so much. I mean I would kill myself if I was going beyong a NW3.


adgates81 said:
Hey Taugenichts, I feel your pain man. I have similar pattern thinning as you do. Everyone says the back is the worst place to lose it too. I have been on finasteride for almost a year without any results. I'm afraid to use rogaine because i don't think I could handle the shedding. It sucks to lose your hair in your 20's. Let me know if you find something that works.

Similiar situation here. I couldn´t deal with the Rogaine shedding either. I am 9 months on finasteride. My hair got worse, but I think that it slows down the inevitable at least. I am switching to dutasteride soon, though I am nervous about the shedding, too. But what choices do I have left? :(


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Taugenichts said:
Well, I know that there are many people here who are worse off then me. But this doesn´t help me so much. I mean I would kill myself if I was going beyong a NW3.

you should really consider seeing a mental health professional, i think a good doctor could change your life. you mention not having girlfriends for your whole life and feeling down about it, but i think your general outlook on life is the only thing holding you back.

i've seen your pictures man, and i've seen your hair. neither are bad. you aren't ugly and you have alot of hair (not just for this forum). you're also lucky the hair you have is thick and brown, covers thinning well.

not to mention you have stayed on the wussiest regimen ever, it's not like you've even tried. do you think you're scared to try a better regimen because you're afraid it won't work and you'll be out of options with no hope?

i get the feeling you don't interact with alot of people on a regular day. what kind of job do you have? i have been working jobs that keep me on my own for years now, and i've just decided to get a job serving so i can meet new people and get comfortable talking to strangers. i know i need to develop my people skills or i'll feel secluded and lonely. being alone all the time and keeping to yourself create conflict within oneself. it's called introversion, when you focus all of your attention on thoughts and feelings, rather than wants and needs. depressed people are introverts 100% of the time. consider being a little more extroverted, as in, talk to more people or put yourself in a position to make new friends. as i meet new people i realize that lots of them have the same mental hurdles to overcome that i do, and i also see alot of them struggling more than i do. which gives me a sense of self accomplishment, to see other fully functioning people having a hard time with certain parts of life. when you stick by yourself all the time you begin to think your problems are the biggest problems in the world, and that everyone else is perfect.

any of that apply to your current situation?


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dietcola i totally agree with you! :thumbs_up:

Taugenichts.. do what you can do to male pattern baldness.. go out.. there's no one noticing your hairloss beside you


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If it wasn't for his mental issues, I'd suggest he take a Friday afternoon to shave his head and enjoy the liberation of not obsessing over three shed hairs in the morning. Obsessing over hair is attaching yourself to something meaningless for validation. Hair just doesn't matter that much in the modern era.

What gets to me is when he calls guys with buzzed or shaved heads ugly. I'm one of those guys and have gotten nothing but compliments!


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blondeguy said:
Hair just doesn't matter that much in the modern era.
PLEASE MAN JUST PLEASE STOP ALREADY! I know that youre proud of your shaved head and whatnot but stop blowing smoke up your own *** already. No matter how many times you feed something to someone, they still dont have to swallow it.

taugh annoys the sh*t out of me because hes a flat out pusssy. But your annoying too, to a far lesser extent but annoying nonetheless, with your oversimplifications.

OF COURSE Hair matter...Just because "shaving" is acceptable today doesnt mean hair is worthless today. Hair means more today than it did at anytime in history. People are living far longer today than ever before. People dont marry and settle down until much later today than ever in history. Society is OBSESSED with celebrities and outward appearance much more than ever before. Men are not supposed to be the rugged, aged, tired, old man that you used to see going to mediocre wage jobs anymore. If anything, men are expected to be "pretty" and keep up with themselves more than ever before. Hair matters MORE than ever before and the length of time in which you have it matters more than ever before. Stop with the self improvement lies just as much as Taugh should grow a sack.


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JayB said:
blondeguy said:
Hair just doesn't matter that much in the modern era.
PLEASE MAN JUST PLEASE STOP ALREADY! I know that youre proud of your shaved head and whatnot but stop blowing smoke up your own *** already. No matter how many times you feed something to someone, they still dont have to swallow it.

taugh annoys the sh*t out of me because hes a flat out pusssy. But your annoying too, to a far lesser extent but annoying nonetheless, with your oversimplifications.

OF COURSE Hair matter...Just because "shaving" is acceptable today doesnt mean hair is worthless today. Hair means more today than it did at anytime in history. People are living far longer today than ever before. People dont marry and settle down until much later today than ever in history. Society is OBSESSED with celebrities and outward appearance much more than ever before. Men are not supposed to be the rugged, aged, tired, old man that you used to see going to mediocre wage jobs anymore. If anything, men are expected to be "pretty" and keep up with themselves more than ever before. Hair matters MORE than ever before and the length of time in which you have it matters more than ever before. Stop with the self improvement lies just as much as Taugh should grow a sack.

1. Men are expected to be pretty? Celebrities are the top 1% of the gene pool, comparing yourself to them and expecting society to judge you by those standards, and well, you will disappointed alot in your life.

2. On the contrary, hairloss is MUCH more acceptable today than ever. Despite people focusing on looks, people also focus on looks that fit THE PERSON. Somewhere in your equation of vanity, you seem to forget that people are not all shallow pricks, and other things matter.

3. "Society" is obsessed with celebrities. Generalizations like that are ridiculous. Sure it is nice to look at a pretty person but "society" is certainly not obsessed. It's STAR magazines and all that other crap that make you BELIEVE you are obsessed, and make you think that the average person is doomed if their hair doesnt grow, or their abs aren't ripped.

4. The whole pretty guy routine is getting turned upside down. The rugged man look is actually quite in style, along with beards. Men are actually complimented on looking older, smarter, and well, MORE LIKE MEN. The baby face look is good for some, but it is in no way the norm.

Self improvement lies? So self confidence isnt your cup of tea. Okay, be depressed. But don't start jumping down other people's throats for taking pride in their appearance, an appearance which you clearly don't have sack for. Stop focusing on the outside so much. But I suppose "society" is what controls your life, and not you.

Taug has mental problems.
Blondguy has balls, confidence, and charm...despite his "disability".

And you just whine because he has the courage and confidence to stand in his own skin.


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BornBaldDieBald said:
JayB said:
blondeguy said:
Hair just doesn't matter that much in the modern era.
PLEASE MAN JUST PLEASE STOP ALREADY! I know that youre proud of your shaved head and whatnot but stop blowing smoke up your own *** already. No matter how many times you feed something to someone, they still dont have to swallow it.

taugh annoys the sh*t out of me because hes a flat out pusssy. But your annoying too, to a far lesser extent but annoying nonetheless, with your oversimplifications.

OF COURSE Hair matter...Just because "shaving" is acceptable today doesnt mean hair is worthless today. Hair means more today than it did at anytime in history. People are living far longer today than ever before. People dont marry and settle down until much later today than ever in history. Society is OBSESSED with celebrities and outward appearance much more than ever before. Men are not supposed to be the rugged, aged, tired, old man that you used to see going to mediocre wage jobs anymore. If anything, men are expected to be "pretty" and keep up with themselves more than ever before. Hair matters MORE than ever before and the length of time in which you have it matters more than ever before. Stop with the self improvement lies just as much as Taugh should grow a sack.

1. Men are expected to be pretty? Celebrities are the top 1% of the gene pool, comparing yourself to them and expecting society to judge you by those standards, and well, you will disappointed alot in your life.

2. On the contrary, hairloss is MUCH more acceptable today than ever. Despite people focusing on looks, people also focus on looks that fit THE PERSON. Somewhere in your equation of vanity, you seem to forget that people are not all shallow pricks, and other things matter.

3. "Society" is obsessed with celebrities. Generalizations like that are ridiculous. Sure it is nice to look at a pretty person but "society" is certainly not obsessed. It's STAR magazines and all that other crap that make you BELIEVE you are obsessed, and make you think that the average person is doomed if their hair doesnt grow, or their abs aren't ripped.

4. The whole pretty guy routine is getting turned upside down. The rugged man look is actually quite in style, along with beards. Men are actually complimented on looking older, smarter, and well, MORE LIKE MEN. The baby face look is good for some, but it is in no way the norm.

Self improvement lies? So self confidence isnt your cup of tea. Okay, be depressed. But don't start jumping down other people's throats for taking pride in their appearance, an appearance which you clearly don't have sack for. Stop focusing on the outside so much. But I suppose "society" is what controls your life, and not you.

Taug has mental problems.
Blondguy has balls, confidence, and charm...despite his "disability".

And you just whine because he has the courage and confidence to stand in his own skin.
another person living in their own delusions. society is vain, its a celebrity obsessed culture that makes these magazines sell in the first place. Its funny how newspapers can no longer sell and with the exception of a few major ones, are losing tons of cash, yet gossip magazines are riding an all time high. People are buying these stupid things and fascinated by the top 1% of the gene pool lottery.

These people are in the top 1% of the gene pool lottery SPECIFICALLY for their looks, so what does that tell you about your own views of the top 1% of the gene pool, yea thats right- their the best LOOKING the world has to offer. Looks and good genes are always intertwined and you contradicted yourself by inferring that they are not while also relegating the best looking people to the very top of the gene pool bell curve.

And the "rugged" look may be in, but you know whats in even more? The good looking rugged look. And you know who makes the rugged-look come into style? Yes thats right- that gosh darn 1% of the gene pool again. What Im finding laughable about your post is the blatant contradictions youre not even aware are in it. Celebs do- People follow. Like Johnny Depp said in Blow "you get hollywood to do it, the rest of america will follow". A celeb sports some scruff on his face...Justin timberlake, brad pitt, johnny depp...suddenly this look has never been more "in". What you're failing to realize is that celebs and the best looking men in society are still dictating to you what YOU Think is attractive.

All youre doing is morphing it to make it seem like you had something to do with it all by going bald and not being "pretty" or "Average" as you call it. Please. you took your cues as to what society looks up to in todays world from the same people i did- once again, the top 1% of the gene pool.

And like I said before, statistic after statistic show that in todays world, Looks have never been more important. Im sorry to say but if i am a better looking guy than you in a suit and we have close credentials, im getting the job over you. If a boss thinks Im a better looking guy than you, and we're both doing the same caliber of work...guess whose getting that raise according to documented statistics...thats right Me.

We both approach a girl in the same bar with the same game and the same personality..guess whose more likely to be going home with her..yes thats right the better looking guy. There is just no denying how crucial a role looks play today. My career wont really get started until im 30. 30 years ago, i'd have been married, with children, and a mortgage at that age. Today the average man has already changed careers 10 times by that age. Maintaning your looks are more crucial now than ever before. Deal with it, dont paint a pretty picture thats not accurate.

Are looks everything? No. Intelligence is probably the most important attribute to have in life though only because we forget that we're still animals and our only purpose is reproduction in which case intelligence will take a back seat to looks for the most part since a females attraction dictates whether the male gets to spread his genetics or not.
BUT having good looks in addition is a win-win scenario. Looks can get your foot into any door assuming you have the abilities...and looks can seal the deal for anyone once their foot is already in that door. Sucks, but like I said...all were are and ever will be are intelligent animals. Looks are essential to our survival and "average" will never be "in style" unless you want women to stop f*cking us and the human race to die out or the female brain after thousands of years of evolution and natural selection suddenly gets rewired to find average men the best mates which will ultimately end up causing the race to die out anyways due to bad genes.


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you guys are all trying to live in the 'big' world (Kind of hard for me to explain). Just try living in your own little world, with your friends,family and significant other and you'll be happy. Forget about that other stupid sh*t.


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Ok, JAYB, I'll live in my "delusion", and you live in yours. Let society morph you into a pathetic bald man with no girl, no job, no personality, and a defeatist attitude. Hair or no hair, my friend, you would not be any better off, despite what "society" tells you.

You can go around hating yourself, and refusing to see past your own bald existence. Extending your sorrow onto the lives of delusional men who have the balls to live with themselves.

Your "objective" truth is nothing more than your own self pity manifest through the internet.

Oh, and Bald Jason Statham, Bald Bruce Willis, Bald Daniel Craig, Bald Billy Zane, etc...... are all the top 1% of the gene pool, hair or no hair.

You should worry less about "society", one that you are far out of touch with, and focus on your own life. Your attitude is the same that drives girls to starve themselves, because they don't look like stick models, etc.

It's not "society" that has become conceited, and you the victim; its your own vanity faded, your own conceit and arrogance, that you are the victim of. The only delusional one here is you...

...and taug of course.

p.s. do you really think all your brilliant statistics are representative? none of these things are broad enough to encompass the population proportionally. Just another cheap numbers trick. 300+ million people in the U.S. alone. And 1000 of them take a poll, and what.... they legislate your life? Your thoughts? Your confidence.

Apparently, they do.


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It is also amazing how your over simplify natural selection to bolster your argument. Wouldn't it be nice to just write an equation and BELIEVE that everything will follow those parameters. We aren't fruitflies, we are humans.


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JayB said:
blondeguy said:
Hair just doesn't matter that much in the modern era.
PLEASE MAN JUST PLEASE STOP ALREADY! I know that youre proud of your shaved head and whatnot but stop blowing smoke up your own *** already. No matter how many times you feed something to someone, they still dont have to swallow it.

taugh annoys the sh*t out of me because hes a flat out pusssy. But your annoying too, to a far lesser extent but annoying nonetheless, with your oversimplifications.

OF COURSE Hair matter...Just because "shaving" is acceptable today doesnt mean hair is worthless today. Hair means more today than it did at anytime in history. People are living far longer today than ever before. People dont marry and settle down until much later today than ever in history. Society is OBSESSED with celebrities and outward appearance much more than ever before. Men are not supposed to be the rugged, aged, tired, old man that you used to see going to mediocre wage jobs anymore. If anything, men are expected to be "pretty" and keep up with themselves more than ever before. Hair matters MORE than ever before and the length of time in which you have it matters more than ever before. Stop with the self improvement lies just as much as Taugh should grow a sack.

You know what? I was going to write a polite response, but you're just being insulting. I don't tell people they have no other option but to shave their heads. I just point out that it's made me and other guys very happy, whether we're naturally balding or not. So many of the guys here are depressed and anxious, and I just want to ease the frustrations of the few who come to the realization that it doesn't matter if they have a dead protein appendage coming out of the tops of their heads or not. I pity you and your bitterness.

Everything you said is the exact opposite of what has been written about in the media and shown in public polls. The fact it's an accepted fashion statement disproves your claim about the importance of hair. I can't even fathom why you think it's more important than ever before, because action stars and athletes have been sporting the look for decades now. In the age of the Internet, society is caring less about celebrities. They're punchlines for PerezHilton.com, not idols worshipped.

There's nothing wrong with having a regimen to keep your hair, but at some point you'll have to accept there is absolutely no cure for this, and that the treatments lose their effectiveness eventually as the power of genetics overcomes their potency. If you want to live your life according to what you believe society wants, that's your issue, but don't project your obsessions onto me. Some of us are busy living our lives, not counting the strands of our hairline.

I don't think you really mean to attack me personally; you're just frustrated about hair loss and assholes like me who tell you to let go. I understand--I went through it myself, until I cut it off and never felt that weight again. Whatever you do, I hope you're happy enough to accept it as who you are.


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barcafan said:
you guys are all trying to live in the 'big' world (Kind of hard for me to explain). Just try living in your own little world, with your friends,family and significant other and you'll be happy. Forget about that other stupid $#iT.

very true. i read something along similar lines somewhere that i now cant recall . think it went like 'in comparison there is only conceit or depression'.


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Honestly, it's people like JayB and others which turn an online community for those who seek help, like this one, into a cesspool of whiny crybabies who worship their Rogaine bottles like the Second Coming.

Blondeguy, who happens to be my older brother, has infinitely bigger balls than I do, because rather than go through what I have, the pills and topicals and all the months of self-loathing in the mirror, he took a step in the right direction. I wish I had whatever 'delusions' my brother might have, because he isn't obsessed about losing a few hairs in the morning like I was, until I started buzzing a month ago.

I went through a few months of emotional crap over the way my hair looks, avoiding the wind and rain, and even using concealers like Toppik for a while. The funny thing is, my hair really isn't bad at all. It's just I spent so much time here listening to the crybabies whine about this and that I started to believe like they did, that hair was the solution to our problems, but the problem wasn't their hair, it was that they aren't happy at all with the way they are, and maybe never will be.

I can't say whether or not I'll end up smooth-shaving my head like my bro Blondeguy, but every week, I've been buzzing my hair shorter and shorter, and every week, more and more worries over hairloss are going out the door and gone forever.

I hope everybody will just come to terms with how they are.


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hellocowboy said:
Honestly, it's people like JayB and others which turn an online community for those who seek help, like this one, into a cesspool of whiny crybabies who worship their Rogaine bottles like the Second Coming.

Blondeguy, who happens to be my older brother, has infinitely bigger balls than I do, because rather than go through what I have, the pills and topicals and all the months of self-loathing in the mirror, he took a step in the right direction. I wish I had whatever 'delusions' my brother might have, because he isn't obsessed about losing a few hairs in the morning like I was, until I started buzzing a month ago.

I went through a few months of emotional crap over the way my hair looks, avoiding the wind and rain, and even using concealers like Toppik for a while. The funny thing is, my hair really isn't bad at all. It's just I spent so much time here listening to the crybabies whine about this and that I started to believe like they did, that hair was the solution to our problems, but the problem wasn't their hair, it was that they aren't happy at all with the way they are, and maybe never will be.

I can't say whether or not I'll end up smooth-shaving my head like my bro Blondeguy, but every week, I've been buzzing my hair shorter and shorter, and every week, more and more worries over hairloss are going out the door and gone forever.

I hope everybody will just come to terms with how they are.
I didnt whine about anything. I certainly didnt cry about anything either. If anything you need to check my own posts... I dont even post in this section. The only times that I do, its to give my opinion on posters' body dismorphia and emotional problems.

You and your brother like buzzing their hair. Congratulations, I buzz my hair every spring for the last 2 years on a number 4. I like the look. Would I be happy if i was "forced" to buzz the rest of my life? Certainly not. Should I be happy being forced to do anything for the rest of my life? Certainly not.

I commend you people on a good attitude, i seriously do. However, not everyone is willing to accept a "lot" in life. Regardless of what condition it may be, people strive to better their situation not make it worse and hair loss will make my situation worse. Its human nature to not be happy with hairloss, with your appearance looking worse because you dont look good without hair. And dont for a second say "you look spectacular bald" Some may, but MOST do not and you just blow smoke up each others asses when you project your own helpless situation onto each other by making excuses for not being able to rid yourself of hairloss.

Make no mistake, if you had an option to have hair or be bald- youd choose hair. We all would. Does life go on? Sure it does. Does that mean you spend years convincing yourself hairloss doest matter? Perhaps, but deep down...we all know it does and will until we get our hair. Most older men I interact with whether they be coworkers or parents or even salesmen who lack hair are perfectly fine and capable of living happy healthy lives...Yet theyll look at me and my friends and say "oh man if only i had your hair"...like WOW this guy still cares about hairloss at 60! You convince yourself you dont care, but you do. And you always will want hair. Its natural. Stop trying to morph your brain into genuinely believing you dont want hair. ANd stop assuming you know all about my life by reading a post I made which made valid points I still havent seen contradicted.

And make 1 more thing clear: the cure for baldness when it does eventually come will be discovered by someone like me, rather than someone like your brother. And when that time comes, ill remind your brother that hes a hypocrit for even considering it since 'hair means nothing.'


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JayB said:
And dont for a second say "you look spectacular bald" Some may, but MOST do not and you just blow smoke up each others asses when you project your own helpless situation onto each other by making excuses for not being able to rid yourself of hairloss.

What helpless situation? The one where I'm confident and secure in myself? A lot of guys shave because it's a great look, whether or not they're thinning. No offense, but you're the one projecting, or at least making unfounded assumptions about a lot of people's motivations. I attribute it to the desire to fight and keep what hair you can, and that's fine for you, but it's not my thing to fawn over dead protein.

Most guys look just fine bald. I have yet to see someone who didn't look good with a shaved head. It accentuates your face and your clothing. I understand there's some resistance to that idea on a hair loss forum filled with insecure guys checking their mirrors constantly. Me? I shave in the shower without a mirror and go about my day.

The idea of caring so much about your hair doesn't compute to me. I summarize some of the folks here as insecure, shy guys devastated that the negative self-image they have inside is now apparently coming out on display for everyone to see. They come onto these forums and vent their rage and frustrations onto everyone. They use their regimens like emotional security blankets to be able to say "I'm doing something!" and give each other false hopes about some inevitable magic cure coming down the pipeline that will whisk away this horrible cloud that has formed over their heads (for a fee, of course).

One day, I couldn't tell if my hairline was receding further, if it was the natural "mature hairline" recession you get through age 18-25, or if it was just in my head. It only took me a couple of weeks to get bored with thinking about it and move on. It's just hair.

Make no mistake, if you had an option to have hair or be bald- youd choose hair. We all would.

I wouldn't. My hair was thin and unmanageable. I never knew it until I shaved, but it just wasn't me. The receding hairline I've had since puberty isn't a factor here--I always liked my power alleys. I say all this because you're making assumptions about what "we all" would do, but some of us don't value ourselves by our hair. That attitude threatens some guys who are stuck on their regimens like a confidence crutch, tolerating treatment side effects for some small scrap of positive self-image to return the next time they check the mirror. They don't want to let go because they think it's some sort of defeat. I don't know about you, but to me, a lot of guys here already seem defeated.

Does life go on? Sure it does. Does that mean you spend years convincing yourself hairloss doest matter? Perhaps, but deep down...we all know it does and will until we get our hair.

Nope. Deep down, my hair doesn't matter. I hope all of you can reach that point someday, because you're going to have to eventually. There's no cure for this. Even using the word "cure" attaches some negative connotation to a process that's normal and natural.

Most older men I interact with whether they be coworkers or parents or even salesmen who lack hair are perfectly fine and capable of living happy healthy lives...Yet theyll look at me and my friends and say "oh man if only i had your hair"...like WOW this guy still cares about hairloss at 60!

What does some 60-year-old you talked to have to do with me or other guys who shave? Because this guy complimented your hair, that means I'm like him? I don't even like the way most hair looks at 50 or 60 years old, all thin, gray, and scraggly.

You convince yourself you dont care, but you do. And you always will want hair. Its natural. Stop trying to morph your brain into genuinely believing you dont want hair.

You want hair, not me. I've got better things to do than waste time in front of a mirror. That's not morphing my brain; it's having a life.

And make 1 more thing clear: the cure for baldness when it does eventually come will be discovered by someone like me, rather than someone like your brother. And when that time comes, ill remind your brother that hes a hypocrit for even considering it since 'hair means nothing.'

What a parting shot. Until you find a way to "cure" DNA, good luck. It won't be discovered by someone spending every 30 minutes checking their hair in front of a mirror. And if it comes, guess what? I'll still be shaving my head!


seriously he has a lot of nerve getting mad at me for calling him a troll when he claimed he lost 70% of his hair and it looks like he's lost less than or equal to 10%

taug, why dont you ever take pics of the top of your head with your hair combed back? why is it always combed forward?

maybe your loss is actually greater than you are showing us because you seem to be a diffuser and diffusers can hide their moderate hair loss by combing it forward( i know it, because thats what i used to do). you need to wet your hair, comb it back to expose your hairline, and then take pics of the top of your head to show us. otherwise those pictures are worthless.


blondeguy said:
and that the treatments lose their effectiveness eventually as the power of genetics overcomes their potency

dont make us all out to be like taug. just because most of us are on medication doesn't mean that we all count the hairs in our hairline or whatever or make daily posts crying about it like taug

i like your posts here and i like them over on the Sly site, but i think it's a general attitude of guys who shave their heads because of male pattern baldness to decry the drugs and treatments as generally worthless and ineffective over time when studies prove you wrong. Someone who shampoos with Nizoral twice a week and takes Avodart every day can expect to maintain the hair that they have for 20 years, with a continuous SLOW, SLOW decline after that. NW4, 5, 6 and 7 are no longer certainties for people with gene coding for those. If they get on Propecia/Proscar or Avodart early enough, they can keep the vast majority of their hair for the rest of their life. Hair cloning will almost certainly be here by then or people can just get conventional transplants, of which the techniques are quite good. So I've addressed the medical treatment myths propagated by most male pattern baldness shavers but the other side of it is the myths about conventional hair transplants. I see these guys around on sites like Sly talking about how transplants are pluggy looking and people can spot them from miles away- uh, NOT if you go to a TOP DOCTOR like Armani or Hasson and Wong or someone like that.

So i like your attitude and i respect the fact that you accepted your baldness by shaving your head, but you shouldn't have to lie or just be ignorant in general of the effectiveness of the drugs/topicals on the market right now.

And i think it's funny that you guys all talk about the nasty side effects of these drugs. Well I've been on Avodart for 8 months and I still can have sex 3 times a day or masturbate 7 times a day without a problem. Sexual sides would have certainly manifested themselves by now.

Here I'll even show you some pics to prove that your talk about shaved/buzzed people lookiong as good as they did with hair is BS. Here's pics of me with my hair buzzed to 1/2 inch(4 guard) in the first pic and in the second pic, 1/8 inch(1 guard).



Here's pics of me with my hair grown out to medium length:



Hmm I wonder which looks better?

And I have the same amount of HAIR in both pics basically, it's just a lot shorter in the first two. Now Imagine if I was NW5 or 6 in those buzzed pics. I wouldn't have the hairline that I have now that can help frame my face.