I just looked into the mirror.....(sry, more whining)



s.a.f said:
neo1234 said:

So thats why your posting on here because you prefer being bald.

i think he posts here to help others. thats his reason.

Its fairly obvious that he's happy with shaving but how many times is he going to make the point.
Its good for him but its not for everyone.
I would never wear a rug but I'm not going to go on the hairsystems thread and make loads of posts telling them that they're all wrong.[/quote:2089b]

i think what he just wants is to help us get a better attitude towards baldness because for some if they dont use though methods like transplants its hopeless. so he wants to help us deal better with baldness. i think he s a good guy. he doesnt even say that everyone should shave his head, he only says that he is happy with it.


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I had some other things written originally, but f*ck it. This insecurity from this thread is the exact reason I left this website. While I respect those who really are just here for advice and are levelheaded (most of the mods fit into this category, with a few other regular posters), the rest are just insecure anti-social nerds, the EXACT people the hair loss industry wants to target (and ironically, this website has an online store). Because they know they have you by the balls, thinking that a Norwood 1 is not only easily obtainable, but that it is what you should look like, and a woman won't have sex with you unless your hairline is straight across. You are being exploited and you don't realize it.

After being away from this forum for a while, I realized that I really am not going bald. A Norwood 2 is no big deal - as one of my close female friends put it, "I just thought that the V-shape was normal, I never thought it was balding". She's right. But listening to you guys here, it's like the end of the world. People like you turned me into a slave to minoxidil and finasteride. But no longer - I packed all that hairloss sh*t I've bought over the months up in a box and I plan to set that unholy thing on fire. I thought about giving my leftover year supply of finasteride and rogaine and Toppik to someone from this website who needs it, but that's the point - nobody needs it. They just think they do.

JayB, have fun developing your cure (or, as you say, someone like you). Since you are such a dedicated scientist :roll:, can you develop a cure for sweaty palms and being short also? I also suffer from those. They used to affect my life, but they don't anymore. Why? Because I grew up. I implore you to do the same.

While you are developing your 'cure' (or waiting for one), obsessing over a non-issue, I'll be as confident as can be, enjoying life with my girlfriend. I sure as hell know she would prefer a confident, bold bald man to a whiny boy like you. You don't have to make any crybaby posts for me to make an educated guess as to your attitude - with the posts you've made in this thread, you might as well get the word P*SSY tattooed on your forehead, 'cause you sure act like one, and you sure ain't going to get much of it.

If I had the choice between a Norwood 1 and my current bald look, I'd take my current look hands down. Ever since I was 13, before I had an inkling of thought about hairloss, I've wanted shorter and shorter hair. You, and people like you, who say everybody wants a full head of hair and is just lying about liking being bald, are the true liars.

I really hope you come to your senses, and quit deluding yourself. Same goes to the others. All the hair in the world won't make you attractive, because women will see right through your insecurity.


You all need a wakeup call. And a razor :lol:


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s.a.f said:
neo1234 said:

So thats why your posting on here because you prefer being bald.

i think he posts here to help others. thats his reason.

Its fairly obvious that he's happy with shaving but how many times is he going to make the point.
Its good for him but its not for everyone.
I would never wear a rug but I'm not going to go on the hairsystems thread and make loads of posts telling them that they're all wrong.[/quote:82be7]

Fair enough, I'll try to tone down the bald propaganda. :) I just feel like it can make others feel better to see that you don't need any hair to be confident, which makes it easier to deal with this stuff. Really, only guys worry about this stuff. It's like penis size, these silly male insecurities we have that others don't care about yet men obsess over them.


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hellocowboy said:
I had some other things written originally, but f*ck it. This insecurity from this thread is the exact reason I left this website. While I respect those who really are just here for advice and are levelheaded (most of the mods fit into this category, with a few other regular posters), the rest are just insecure anti-social nerds, the EXACT people the hair loss industry wants to target (and ironically, this website has an online store). Because they know they have you by the balls, thinking that a Norwood 1 is not only easily obtainable, but that it is what you should look like, and a woman won't have sex with you unless your hairline is straight across. You are being exploited and you don't realize it.

After being away from this forum for a while, I realized that I really am not going bald. A Norwood 2 is no big deal - as one of my close female friends put it, "I just thought that the V-shape was normal, I never thought it was balding". She's right. But listening to you guys here, it's like the end of the world. People like you turned me into a slave to minoxidil and finasteride. But no longer - I packed all that hairloss $#iT I've bought over the months up in a box and I plan to set that unholy thing on fire. I thought about giving my leftover year supply of finasteride and rogaine and Toppik to someone from this website who needs it, but that's the point - nobody needs it. They just think they do.

JayB, have fun developing your cure (or, as you say, someone like you). Since you are such a dedicated scientist :roll:, can you develop a cure for sweaty palms and being short also? I also suffer from those. They used to affect my life, but they don't anymore. Why? Because I grew up. I implore you to do the same.

While you are developing your 'cure' (or waiting for one), obsessing over a non-issue, I'll be as confident as can be, enjoying life with my girlfriend. I sure as hell know she would prefer a confident, bold bald man to a whiny boy like you. You don't have to make any crybaby posts for me to make an educated guess as to your attitude - with the posts you've made in this thread, you might as well get the word P*SSY tattooed on your forehead, 'cause you sure act like one, and you sure ain't going to get much of it.

If I had the choice between a Norwood 1 and my current bald look, I'd take my current look hands down. Ever since I was 13, before I had an inkling of thought about hairloss, I've wanted shorter and shorter hair. You, and people like you, who say everybody wants a full head of hair and is just lying about liking being bald, are the true liars.

I really hope you come to your senses, and quit deluding yourself. Same goes to the others. All the hair in the world won't make you attractive, because women will see right through your insecurity.


I'm done with this website. You all need a wakeup call. And a razor :lol:

Calm down cowboy.. there's a nugget or two tucked away amongst that pile of sh*t that you just regurgitated but there's no need for you to get on your high horse. Treatment obviously didn't work for you, sorry.. you can't seriously be telling us that you'd choose to look like you do in that avatar if you had a choice of a head full of lovely hair?


UK1 said:
hellocowboy said:
I had some other things written originally, but f*ck it. This insecurity from this thread is the exact reason I left this website. While I respect those who really are just here for advice and are levelheaded (most of the mods fit into this category, with a few other regular posters), the rest are just insecure anti-social nerds, the EXACT people the hair loss industry wants to target (and ironically, this website has an online store). Because they know they have you by the balls, thinking that a Norwood 1 is not only easily obtainable, but that it is what you should look like, and a woman won't have sex with you unless your hairline is straight across. You are being exploited and you don't realize it.

After being away from this forum for a while, I realized that I really am not going bald. A Norwood 2 is no big deal - as one of my close female friends put it, "I just thought that the V-shape was normal, I never thought it was balding". She's right. But listening to you guys here, it's like the end of the world. People like you turned me into a slave to minoxidil and finasteride. But no longer - I packed all that hairloss $#iT I've bought over the months up in a box and I plan to set that unholy thing on fire. I thought about giving my leftover year supply of finasteride and rogaine and Toppik to someone from this website who needs it, but that's the point - nobody needs it. They just think they do.

JayB, have fun developing your cure (or, as you say, someone like you). Since you are such a dedicated scientist :roll:, can you develop a cure for sweaty palms and being short also? I also suffer from those. They used to affect my life, but they don't anymore. Why? Because I grew up. I implore you to do the same.

While you are developing your 'cure' (or waiting for one), obsessing over a non-issue, I'll be as confident as can be, enjoying life with my girlfriend. I sure as hell know she would prefer a confident, bold bald man to a whiny boy like you. You don't have to make any crybaby posts for me to make an educated guess as to your attitude - with the posts you've made in this thread, you might as well get the word P*SSY tattooed on your forehead, 'cause you sure act like one, and you sure ain't going to get much of it.

If I had the choice between a Norwood 1 and my current bald look, I'd take my current look hands down. Ever since I was 13, before I had an inkling of thought about hairloss, I've wanted shorter and shorter hair. You, and people like you, who say everybody wants a full head of hair and is just lying about liking being bald, are the true liars.

I really hope you come to your senses, and quit deluding yourself. Same goes to the others. All the hair in the world won't make you attractive, because women will see right through your insecurity.


I'm done with this website. You all need a wakeup call. And a razor :lol:

Calm down cowboy.. there's a nugget or two tucked away amongst that pile of $#iT that you just regurgitated but there's no need for you to get on your high horse. Treatment obviously didn't work for you, sorry.. you can't seriously be telling us that you'd choose to look like you do in that avatar if you had a choice of a head full of lovely hair?

i think he does. even if i dont understand it. even if i still want a full head of hair, i know that there are other guys out there who like their bald head or live a happy life with it. hairloss, like every bad thing in the world, has also advantages. though i have to say, i dont know them very much. i know an advantage i got due to hairloss, i met two new friends due to hairloss. :) but still i want to have a full head of hair. and i will get one. i believe in that. if you believe in it, the universe is on your side.


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My treatment was showing good results. But I don't want to be a slave to drugs and products that won't work forever. I like my new look better.

And this isn't me in my avatar. My hairline is way better than that.


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some good thoughts in there cowboy, some a little out there but that's alright. i'll agree i don't support the whiny boys on this forum who seem to let a few missing hairs ruin their perception of themselves.

it's a flaw in character to let something like early signs of male pattern baldness ruin ones life. it is a major insecurity issue, stemming back to personality disorders.
but, you have to understand what that means.

the whiners don't want to be pansies, they just are. if you read though some of the whining posts, alot of the cry babies aren't happy with anything about their face or body, not just the hair.

this is their flaw, not hairloss. the mental notion that they don't size up to others is what they are really battling. sure hair loss can make you feel depressed, and it does to everyone that ever experiences it, at least once.
but it's the personality disorders that are the underlying cause to why people get so frantic and deranged about it.

the best thing you can do is offer sound advice, and ignore the ones that are beyond that.


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neo1234 said:
i think he does. even if i dont understand it. even if i still want a full head of hair, i know that there are other guys out there who like their bald head or live a happy life with it. hairloss, like every bad thing in the world, has also advantages. though i have to say, i dont know them very much. i know an advantage i got due to hairloss, i met two new friends due to hairloss. :) but still i want to have a full head of hair. and i will get one. i believe in that. if you believe in it, the universe is on your side.

Neo, I encourage you to stay at this website, because you aren't psycho about hairloss like many are. In the end, I think you will end up liking yourself better, whether or not you regrow anything. You're a nice guy, I like you. But remember, hair isn't a substitute for confidence.


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..and I do apologize for going a little crazy, but come on fellas! It's not the end of the world! One door closes, another door opens!


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hellocowboy said:
..and I do apologize for going a little crazy, but come on fellas! It's not the end of the world! One door closes, another door opens!

You're absolutely right, I just believe that the kind of people you're refering to are a small minority and your post sounded a bit more general, the treatments are a positive experience to lots of people and being a 'slave' can be a small price to pay, I personally find that it takes 10 minutes out of my day. Somewhere down the line I'll be shaving my head too, but not after I've cheated nature for a bit longer. Had I not started treatment I would be a skinhead now, and for the rest of my life, it doesn't take a genius to work out why this is a tempting option. One day we will be brothers in bald, but right now I'm still hanging in there.


hellocowboy said:
neo1234 said:
i think he does. even if i dont understand it. even if i still want a full head of hair, i know that there are other guys out there who like their bald head or live a happy life with it. hairloss, like every bad thing in the world, has also advantages. though i have to say, i dont know them very much. i know an advantage i got due to hairloss, i met two new friends due to hairloss. :) but still i want to have a full head of hair. and i will get one. i believe in that. if you believe in it, the universe is on your side.

Neo, I encourage you to stay at this website, because you aren't psycho about hairloss like many are. In the end, I think you will end up liking yourself better, whether or not you regrow anything. You're a nice guy, I like you. But remember, hair isn't a substitute for confidence.

thank you very much cowboy for the compliments. i think the only way to like myself bald is if i change my mind. actually i cant think like that. i want to be what JayB describes or what he is. guys like that, perfect hair, very good looking, tall, they are the once I really admire. i got a friend who is like that and i really admire him for beeing that. by the way, he gets more girls than 10 normal guys together.
i dont have problems with girls though, but i want to be like that. and i dont think its the worst to be pretty, perfect hair, tall.
i know this makes me to a freak now, but i have to admit it, i think about doing a hair transplant. not even thinking, i really want to do it. and i will.

and this with im not psycho about hairloss is not right. :roll: i dont study hard enough coz of my hair and my "unperfection". for me there are three ways to overcome that. first, i change my hair. second, i change my mind, third, my parents push me more to study hard. but if the third is the case, i will still suck at other things in my life. so best is probably in my honest opinion if i do all three ways. change hair, change mind and talk to my parents that they push me more to study hard (they can give me less money if i dont have good marks, that will push me).

in society , you always represent something. you need to choose what you want to represent.


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neo1234 said:
i got a friend who is like that and i really admire him for beeing that. by the way, he gets more girls than 10 normal guys together.

It's not the hair, it's the confidence. That's the underlying lesson here.


blondeguy said:
neo1234 said:
i got a friend who is like that and i really admire him for beeing that. by the way, he gets more girls than 10 normal guys together.

It's not the hair, it's the confidence. That's the underlying lesson here.

i know. but if he hadnt such hair, i wouldnt admire him so much. maybe he had the same confidence without hair, maybe not. i dont know it. but i know i wouldnt admire him so much if he hadnt hair.

though maybe if i would meet such a guy, good looking but bald, maybe i would change my mind in that case??? you dont know. maybe thats what i need to do, meet such a guy, bald but good and cool looking and who gets many girls. :roll:


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want to be what JayB describes or what he is. guys like that, perfect hair, very good looking, tall, they are the once I really admire. i got a friend who is like that and i really admire him for beeing that. by the way, he gets more girls than 10 normal guys together.

You just need to learn to be at ease with yourself.It will come with time. There are several stages of acceptance. I have finally accepted it and Im not bothered about talking about hairloss anymore.

You remind me of how I was about a year ago, I felt like I was going nowhere, I was struggling to get a better job, my hair was getting noticeably thinner, I was depressed as hell.
Fast Forward a year on

Ive got a very well paid job especially for a 23 year old, Im happy, Im confident, girls are noticing me more and yes my hair is still thinning.

Life can never be perfect, so make the most of what you have, study hard, get a good job, if you dont like something , try your hardest to change it(i.e. your body-workout loads, your conversation-talk to loads of people).

I will try and advise you, PLEASE DONT GET A HAIR TRANSPLANT. It wont last forever, when the hair dies as it will, you will be left with horrible scarring, remember hair transplants havent been going for long and the long term affects have not been fully discovered.

Remember be happy in yourself, everything else will follow


Itsonlyinmyhead said:
want to be what JayB describes or what he is. guys like that, perfect hair, very good looking, tall, they are the once I really admire. i got a friend who is like that and i really admire him for beeing that. by the way, he gets more girls than 10 normal guys together.

You just need to learn to be at ease with yourself.It will come with time. There are several stages of acceptance. I have finally accepted it and Im not bothered about talking about hairloss anymore.

You remind me of how I was about a year ago, I felt like I was going nowhere, I was struggling to get a better job, my hair was getting noticeably thinner, I was depressed as hell.
Fast Forward a year on

Ive got a very well paid job especially for a 23 year old, Im happy, Im confident, girls are noticing me more and yes my hair is still thinning.

Life can never be perfect, so make the most of what you have, study hard, get a good job, if you dont like something , try your hardest to change it(i.e. your body-workout loads, your conversation-talk to loads of people).

I will try and advise you, PLEASE DONT GET A HAIR TRANSPLANT. It wont last forever, when the hair dies as it will, you will be left with horrible scarring, remember hair transplants havent been going for long and the long term affects have not been fully discovered.

Remember be happy in yourself, everything else will follow

with fue and trichore closure transplants dont have much scarring anymore. and you wont bring off it. im other than you. everyone should go his own way. you went yours, i go mine.


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with fue and trichore closure transplants dont have much scarring anymore. and you wont bring off it. im other than you. everyone should go his own way. you went yours, i go mine.

Fair enough, I just dont know about hair transplants at the moment. Just wouldnt trust them.
Like I was trying to say, dont make this about getting your hair back/making it better, make it about being at ease with yourself


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I completely agree with everything Jay B has to say.

Society now is more shallow than ever in history, etc etc.

Sure, the bald look works for some people...

Ever remember that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine was dating that guy who shaved? She saw an old picture of him, and asked him to grow his hair in. He tried, and realized he had a receding hairline?

Elaine didn't like him so much anymore.

Society is about apperance. Sure, if you shave your head, it looks good. But people never by default assume that you are doing it to hide your shame. The second they realize that you shave your head BECAUSE you are going bald (not personal preference), their opinion in you will drop.

It sucks to be raised in this century.


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Itsonlyinmyhead said:
with fue and trichore closure transplants dont have much scarring anymore. and you wont bring off it. im other than you. everyone should go his own way. you went yours, i go mine.

Fair enough, I just dont know about hair transplants at the moment. Just wouldnt trust them.
Like I was trying to say, dont make this about getting your hair back/making it better, make it about being at ease with yourself

I'm thinking about transplants, and I'm only 21.


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Too young. :(