I just looked into the mirror.....(sry, more whining)


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i think the buzzed ones looks better


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wow, your hair looks so good, jayman. can you tell me, how much density of before do you think you have? is it 100 %? i dont think so because always loose some hairs. but it looks perfect to me though.

what density do you have? i want to know how much density you need for such a look.


neo1234 said:
wow, your hair looks so good, jayman. can you tell me, how much density of before do you think you have? is it 100 %? i dont think so because always loose some hairs. but it looks perfect to me though.

what density do you have? i want to know how much density you need for such a look.

probably 80%


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JayMan said:
dont make us all out to be like taug. just because most of us are on medication doesn't mean that we all count the hairs in our hairline or whatever or make daily posts crying about it like taug

I know only some of the guys here are specifically like that, but the helpless attitude seems pretty universal. Anything less than a Norwood 1 looks like "sh*t" to them. They've got such a bitter pill in their stomachs.

i like your posts here and i like them over on the Sly site, but i think it's a general attitude of guys who shave their heads because of male pattern baldness to decry the drugs and treatments as generally worthless and ineffective over time when studies prove you wrong. Someone who shampoos with Nizoral twice a week and takes Avodart every day can expect to maintain the hair that they have for 20 years, with a continuous SLOW, SLOW decline after that.

Is there anyone who has taken Avodart and Nizoral for 20 years that you can compare to, and what are the odds that they would also be good responders? My attitude is the treatments are worthless if they're all you've got--as in, your self-image and confidence are based entirely on your hair count. Treating hair loss and obsessing over hair loss are different things, and if you're the former and not the latter, that's cool.

NW4, 5, 6 and 7 are no longer certainties for people with gene coding for those. If they get on Propecia/Proscar or Avodart early enough, they can keep the vast majority of their hair for the rest of their life.

There is no evidence of this. We don't even know what the long-term consequences of systemic DHT inhibitors are. There are guys who have enough trouble with Propecia after a couple of weeks; I can't imagine after 20 years, especially if they're not even good responders to the treatment. There is no magic regimen that's going to let all of you keep your hair at age 50. This is what I meant about false hopes. If all these treatments worked perfectly, nobody here would be going bald.

Hair cloning will almost certainly be here by then or people can just get conventional transplants, of which the techniques are quite good.

Sure, if you're willing to spend a ton of money and endure multiple sessions. Hair cloning is still years off, and even then it'll be a first-generation solution that won't look as natural. It'll take another five to ten years to truly refine it, and by then every guy here will be at least 30 years old. The price won't have come down much either because we're talking cell storage and manual follicle placement.

So I've addressed the medical treatment myths propagated by most male pattern baldness shavers but the other side of it is the myths about conventional hair transplants. I see these guys around on sites like Sly talking about how transplants are pluggy looking and people can spot them from miles away- uh, NOT if you go to a TOP DOCTOR like Armani or Hasson and Wong or someone like that.

How many folks here do you think have the money and transportation to travel to a top doctor and obtain enough grafts to mask their hair loss? Then you still have to maintain it with treatments so that your natural balding doesn't go past the transplant and require another session. All that plus a nice scar on your head. It just seems like too much of a hassle.

So i like your attitude and i respect the fact that you accepted your baldness by shaving your head, but you shouldn't have to lie or just be ignorant in general of the effectiveness of the drugs/topicals on the market right now.

I haven't lied. For me, the negatives outweight the positives. Whether or not I naturally go bald, I like not caring either way, especially with all the money I save.

And i think it's funny that you guys all talk about the nasty side effects of these drugs. Well I've been on Avodart for 8 months and I still can have sex 3 times a day or masturbate 7 times a day without a problem. Sexual sides would have certainly manifested themselves by now.

But that's you. I couldn't even use Rogaine foam without getting headaches, heart palpitations, and freakishly long eyebrows and eyelashes. I didn't want to touch finasteride. None of this stuff is a magic bullet. It's all trade-offs I'm not willing to make for something that matters so little, especially since I love being bald.

Here I'll even show you some pics to prove that your talk about shaved/buzzed people lookiong as good as they did with hair is BS. Here's pics of me with my hair buzzed to 1/2 inch(4 guard) in the first pic and in the second pic, 1/8 inch(1 guard).

Hmm I wonder which looks better?

I know you disagree, but the buzzed looks better to me. You have a good head and face shape. Most of the guys here who claim they look bad with short hair haven't actually asked anybody else what they looked like! They've just decided they looked bad when they actually looked good. It's all mental.


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blondeguy said:
[A lot of guys shave because it's a great look, whether or not they're thinning.

Yeah about 1% of the non m.p.b population.

Do you have shares in Bic or something? I've never heard someone who did'nt care about hairloss go on about it so much.

blondeguy said:
I have yet to see someone who didn't look good with a shaved head. It accentuates your face and your clothing.

I've seen hundereds in fact the majority of all shavers. I saw a guy today who looked like a James bond villain Scary and yet with hair he would have looked completly normal. I used to get told that I looked like I had cancer. (Not anymore)

Thats as ridiculous as saying I've never seen a guy with hair that did'nt look good (impossible).
Also a hairline frames a face and its the lack of this that makes losing your hair so detrimental to your appearance. Also hair styling lenght shape etc is one of the most expressive ways to create your image and express your personality, this was the worst thing I found about shaving you have one look and its not the one you want. It tells you nothing about how you are choosing to project yourself to others around you.

Make no mistake, if you had an option to have hair or be bald- youd choose hair. We all would.

blondeguy said:
I wouldn't. My hair was thin and unmanageable. I never knew it until I shaved, but it just wasn't me.

So thats why your posting on here because you prefer being bald.


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s.a.f said:
Do you have shares in Bic or something? I've never heard someone who did'nt care about hairloss go on about it so much.

Come on, this is Hairlosstalk. I may as well ask if you have shares in Merck.

I've seen hundereds in fact the majority of all shavers. I saw a guy today who looked like a James bond villain Scary and yet with hair he would have looked completly normal. I used to get told that I looked like I had cancer. (Not anymore)

You should have tried some facial hair or gotten a tan. Who knows, that guy might have still looked like a James Bond villain, but with hair. I think most of this is in your head.

Also a hairline frames a face and its the lack of this that makes losing your hair so detrimental to your appearance.

You keep telling yourself that it's detrimental to your appearance, and it will come out that way in your body language. Not having a hairline makes your facial features stand out. My face is framed by my jawline and my smile.

Also hair styling lenght shape etc is one of the most expressive ways to create your image and express your personality, this was the worst thing I found about shaving you have one look and its not the one you want. It tells you nothing about how you are choosing to project yourself to others around you.

The most expressive way to portray your personality is through your face, through your eyes and your smile, followed by your voice. People don't choose their friends based on their hair style. All I'm saying is not to worry so much about it. That's really why I post here.

So thats why your posting on here because you prefer being bald.



s.a.f said:
So thats why your posting on here because you prefer being bald.

i think he posts here to help others. thats his reason.

blondeguy, sorry to say, but i dont want to look like you do. really, im sorry to say, but you look like someone who makes me scared of going bald. its no offense to you as you accept it and are happy with it and im happy for you for that but the above is true.

if you re happy, fine, but i really dont want to look like that. okay, i even got mental issues so you cant take me serious, but still with hair you would look better. ask everyone in here and everyone will say that you would look better with hair.


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Haha, don't let the shades fool you, I'm not a tough guy or anything. I'm big dork. As for how I look with hair, I've already posted my before/after pictures here and gotten positive replies. I've had buzz cuts, I've had long hair past my shoulders, and now I've had a shaved head. This is my best look. :)

Being bald really isn't that big a deal. How I looked last night:


blondeguy said:
Haha, don't let the shades fool you, I'm not a tough guy or anything. I'm big dork. As for how I look with hair, I've already posted my before/after pictures here and gotten positive replies. I've had buzz cuts, I've had long hair past my shoulders, and now I've had a shaved head. This is my best look. :)

Being bald really isn't that big a deal. How I looked last night:

people in here say that you look better shaved than with hair??? i cant believe that. everyone in here is obsessed about hair and baldness. i dont believe that. i mean if you had thinning hair in these photos thats another story but with full head of hair everyone in here would say you look better. where is the link?


hm, you look nicer in this photo than in your avatar. or isnt that you in your avatar?

i think without sun glasses and without sun shining on your bald head you look much nicer. its okay how you look and if you can handle it very good , im happy for you.

but still, i want to be someone else. i want to be the "perfect" looking guy.


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neo1234 said:
s.a.f said:
So thats why your posting on here because you prefer being bald.

i think he posts here to help others. thats his reason.

Its fairly obvious that he's happy with shaving but how many times is he going to make the point.
Its good for him but its not for everyone.
I would never wear a rug but I'm not going to go on the hairsystems thread and make loads of posts telling them that they're all wrong.


s.a.f said:
I would never wear a rug but I'm not going to go on the hairsystems thread and make loads of posts telling them that they're all wrong.

thats what blondeguy does



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neo1234 said:
blondeguy said:
Haha, don't let the shades fool you, I'm not a tough guy or anything. I'm big dork. As for how I look with hair, I've already posted my before/after pictures here and gotten positive replies. I've had buzz cuts, I've had long hair past my shoulders, and now I've had a shaved head. This is my best look. :)

Being bald really isn't that big a deal. How I looked last night:

people in here say that you look better shaved than with hair??? i cant believe that. everyone in here is obsessed about hair and baldness. i dont believe that. i mean if you had thinning hair in these photos thats another story but with full head of hair everyone in here would say you look better. where is the link?

I think blondeguy looks really great without hair! Seriously, if I looked like that with no hair I wouldnt bother getting on treatments. I actually do like the completely bald look but I dont think my face is right to pull it off. Clearly the bald looks suits him. I dont see how anyone could deny it. I dont know what he looked like with hair but he looks really great without it.


hair today gone tomorrow said:
jayman...it looks like youve put on some lbs. buddy since your buzzed pics. btw, I think u look better with a buzzed head.

htgt, the hair pics are from last september, and the buzzed pics are from november...

hair today gone tomorrow

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JayMan said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
jayman...it looks like youve put on some lbs. buddy since your buzzed pics. btw, I think u look better with a buzzed head.

htgt, the hair pics are from last september, and the buzzed pics are from november...

my bad then...uve lost some weight then....


hair today gone tomorrow said:
JayMan said:
[quote="hair today gone tomorrow":7fbab]jayman...it looks like youve put on some lbs. buddy since your buzzed pics. btw, I think u look better with a buzzed head.

htgt, the hair pics are from last september, and the buzzed pics are from november...

my bad then...uve lost some weight then....[/quote:7fbab]
