I think the key to success for some of us is NOFAP


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I am not exactly sure if nofap makes your hair loss stop or even revert it, but I think it's very possible that excessive fapping can accelerate hair loss in some people. Everything is good in moderation, but in excess amount, it can be detrimental. I have seen several instances (including myself) where excessive fapping led to health issues, personality and perception change, and increased hair loss. Are the changes revertible? I am not sure because my nofap time never went past a week. I will try nofap for 2 weeks this time because I don't like the feeling I get afterward. Lastly, this video might be humorous, yet very informative about fapping (not related to hair loss). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU
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I am not exactly sure if nofap makes your hair loss stop or even revert it, but I think it's very possible that excessive fapping can accelerate hair loss in some people. Everything is good in moderation, but in excess amount, it can be detrimental. I have seen several instances (including myself) where excessive fapping led to health issues, personality and perception change, and increased hair loss. Are the changes revertible? I am not sure because my nofap time never went past a week. I will try nofap for 2 weeks this time because I don't like the feeling I get afterward. Lastly, this video might be humorous, yet very informative about fapping (not related to hair loss). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU

I agree with you dehoha , everything is good with moderation , it has been said many times.

interesting video (I've seen the first 5 minutes , I'll resume it tomorrow), thank you for sharing it!

by the way guys , I don't know if this has ever been asked in here but , have you ever been caught masturbating ?

personally I haven't been


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I am not exactly sure if nofap makes your hair loss stop or even revert it, but I think it's very possible that excessive fapping can accelerate hair loss in some people. Everything is good in moderation, but in excess amount, it can be detrimental. I have seen several instances (including myself) where excessive fapping led to health issues, personality and perception change, and increased hair loss. Are the changes revertible? I am not sure because my nofap time never went past a week. I will try nofap for 2 weeks this time because I don't like the feeling I get afterward. Lastly, this video might be humorous, yet very informative about fapping (not related to hair loss). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU

And here you go: so there's even a "p**rn-induced ED", and they use to blame it all on finasteride...

- - - Updated - - -

Lol, this thread needs to be shot, put in a barrel, and have acid poured on it "Breaking Bad" style.

Why is that? Because it questions p**rn and fap?? Over-reactions like this when someone questions fap are very funny...
C'mon people, try to control your primary instincts a bit, don;t let them dominate you.
Are we evolved people or primary animals? By the way, animals don't fap and don't watch p**rn.

I'd rather say that internet p**rn should have acid poured on it,haha. That load of pathetic useless crap actually wastes a ton of internet space and bandwith...


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Still waiting on pictures. Hows this working out for you fellas?

Yeah, has anybody documented their results with pics? Lets see if this really works. We need more that just the usual: "the quality of my hair has improved" BS.
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@Dreamermerlin : the only interest of p**rn is to relieve you from stress ... if you are too lazy to disperse it by practicing sport.

that's why lazy people are called "wankers" I suppose.

you guys want a proof ? how about , I take a photo of myself with my full head of hair , and then go buzz it right afterwards to make it look like a NW2 or NW3 case or even shave it "to the bone" , by adding some sort of sperm'o meter on every picture , full and empty ?

you would call it a troll wouldn't you.


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I am going 90 days cold turkey on fap. I hate being counterproductive by searching/downloading videos. Luckily I got a new job (ugh wish I had some downtime :p), which will keep me busy for quite some time. One thing to take note is that I have received two surgeries under general anesthesia within a 9 months of time frame. I am pretty sure I have male pattern baldness genes, but my current hair loss is diffuse, which resembles more like Telogen Effluvium. I went to see a dermatologist, but even the doctor couldn't tell if it was Telogen Effluvium, male pattern baldness, or both. Anyhow, I will post pics in 3 months just to see if nofap really helps with hair loss.
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Yeah right, how many times have I heard that since I've been on these forums? You'll have vanished in 3 months.

you think that nofap is rubbish ? then here comes the nitty-gritty:

I gave it a #1 buzz just for this thread's sake , oops ... I mean I've masturbated just for this thread's sake

and see by yourself how terrible are the results :

before : 20140119_000111.jpg

after 20140606_204603.jpg20140606_204859.jpg20140606_205012.jpg

but thankfully I still have hair , why ? because I didn't use a razor ...... I mean because I didn't fap more than one time.

if you think that I am toying with you and that it isn't me , just look at the eyebrows or/and the skin colour.

and please fred , for god's sake ! don't give me another negative reputation to show me how right I am.
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That's what I thought hairy monkey. You're not even balding.

I do have hairloss problems actually , not as blatant as it seems but still ,check out my threads if you don't believe me , I suspect it to be chronic telogen effluvium.

I would find it utterly disrespectful to join this forum otherwise , and damn , why would I even bother joining it in the first place if it wasn't the case?


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People have different standards. Some of my friends think my hair looks fine, but I can see so much change in the coverage of my hair after two surgeries. Also, it depends on the type of hair you have. If you are born with totally straight and soft hair, you have higher chances of looking like a person with hair loss when you lose a few strands. My younger brother is experiencing minor hair loss (alopecia areata) in his crown and gradual receding hairline, but he does not look like he has hair loss issues at all because his hair seems thick and healthy. My hair is as thick as his, but it feels a lot softer, so my hair looks like crap :(
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Monkey, you are absolutely not balding, that's why nofap works for you,
why are you here ? (my question is serious !)

Hi johneuropa,

I am here because I am experiencing some form of hairloss.

here's the thread that I've created to this end.


please check it out , and you'll see that I am not messing around with you guys.

same applies to you FredTheBelgian

I've made a combover on the picture above , that's why you didn't actually see it.

edit : ignore the first pictures of the thread , look the bottom of the page when I've buzzed my hair with #2.


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in the buzzed pic your hair is absolute uniform density. You do not have male pattern baldness and if anyone thinks nofap is worth your time for hair loss you are dumb that is the best way to put it


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in the buzzed pic your hair is absolute uniform density. You do not have male pattern baldness and if anyone thinks nofap is worth your time for hair loss you are dumb that is the best way to put it

How many times may i ask: if doing nofap, don't you actually gain much time, not lose it?
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I think Telogen Effluvium is more diffuse, I don't think so

thank you once more for the reply johneuropa , perhaps I am taking my condition too much seriously.

and apologies to all of you guys for me diverting the main subject , it's about masturbation not about me.

edit : look what I've found :

it summarizes all bad sides of masturbation , I don't know if they are all genuine , because I don't really find myself into this (except for the tiredness and the sleepiness).


is the vitamins loss that important? or the part that talks about it is just bollocks? I suppose that would make drlwilson a crook if not.

here's what becomes interesting:
27. It lowers the testosterone level in boys.

two theories :

*no/less testosterone = no/less dht
*less testosterone = more dht ?

13. Masturbation tends to make one more attracted to homosexual acts.

OMG , definitely not !

the wet dreams thing (end of the article) is rubbish though , I used to have nocturnal ejaculation before my 17's , while I never masturbated before my 17's....