I think the key to success for some of us is NOFAP

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exactly one week and 2 days ...my hair keeps falling out ..... http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130706044903/elderscrolls/images/c/cf/BananaG.gif

but this time it's thinning all of a sudden as other people pointed out on my thread (thank you if are passing by and see this post)

I am a diffuse thinner , I just hope it's thyroid or stress , because it's way too sudden (especially the thinning)

I'll keep my semen either way ... I don't want to throw up all my vitamins through that slacky bird.

if this carries on .... well I suppose I won't be needing shampoo anymore :)

so : masturbation didn't have any impact on me within the 2 weeks


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So are you saying cuddling increases hair loss? I'm not sure what you are getting at yet.

You are Difusser44.. aren't you??? lol :D

exactly one week and 2 days ...my hair keeps falling out ..... http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130706044903/elderscrolls/images/c/cf/BananaG.gif

but this time it's thinning all of a sudden as other people pointed out on my thread (thank you if are passing by and see this post)

I am a diffuse thinner , I just hope it's thyroid or stress , because it's way too sudden (especially the thinning)

I'll keep my semen either way ... I don't want to throw up all my vitamins through that slacky bird.

if this carries on .... well I suppose I won't be needing shampoo anymore :)

so : masturbation didn't have any impact on me within the 2 weeks

I'm sorry to hear that.

Dark Link

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I'm sorry to hear that.

no worries mate , if it's telogen effluvium it will grow back , will it not ? my hairline is intact

I'll do thyroid tests and anemia tests next week , then bring them to some dermatologist.

I had major stress this year , but damn ,even if it doesn't recover it won't be very noticeable , moreover ... there's nothing I can do about it except chilling the f**ck out , minoxidil is exclusive to androgenic alopecia.

before this week I wasn't aware that I had tellogen effluvium.... it's some kind of a relief , I thought this was some "weirdo hairloss" in the first place.

however I'll keep the nofap rhythm , just for vitamin's sake.

EDIT : oh , I forgot to share this http://www.vice.com/read/c*m-v8n5 (18+) , just look at the sentence written in capital letters about losses due to ejaculation , if it's true then it's a friggin' disaster ....

EDIT 2: the link doesn't contain any pornography or real nude persons , just a drawing of a nude man


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... there's nothing I can do about it except chilling the f**ck out , minoxidil is exclusive to androgenic alopecia....

This statement is not true at all. Minoxidil can help many different kinds of hairloss and is in fact probably is more effective on non-androgenic hair loss. One of it's main effects is to cause more hairs to go into the anagen (growth) phase than normal. It probably would probably shorten the recovery time for a Telogen Effluvium.
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This statement is not true at all. Minoxidil can help many different kinds of hairloss and is in fact probably is more effective on non-androgenic hair loss.

thank you beaner for correcting me , either way I'll not resume taking it.

why ? because it's a life treatment full of side effects , if it triggers the growing cycle of my hair , then the telogen effluvium would be gone , thereby no point of taking minoxidil anymore which is a life treatment once more.

am I correct?

I am just frightened of screwing my hair up with minoxidil (I've taken it for 6 months , then stopped it , then resumed it for 1 week then stopped it again , no results except body hairs)


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thank you beaner for correcting me , either way I'll not resume taking it.

why ? because it's a life treatment full of side effects , if it triggers the growing cycle of my hair , then the telogen effluvium would be gone , thereby no point of taking minoxidil anymore which is a life treatment once more.

am I correct?

I am just frightened of screwing my hair up with minoxidil (I've taken it for 6 months , then stopped it , then resumed it for 1 week then stopped it again , no results except body hairs)

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say, but if you use minoxidil to push some of your hair into the growth phase, once your Telogen Effluvium resolves you should be able to quit minoxidil without any problems as long as there is no underlying cause of hair loss still present. It's possible that you may shed a few hairs but they'll come back. Bear in mind that this isn't a cure for Telogen Effluvium, but may shorten the length of time it takes for recovery by pushing more follicles back into the growth phase faster than they would have on their own.

Minoxidil is a lifetime treatment for androgenic alopecia because androgenic alopecia is a progressive condition and will generally never cease once it's begun, thus all treatments for this condition are a lifetime commitment. Minoxidil use for other types of hair loss can usually be discontinued once the condition resolves itself.

With that said, if you have used it before with no results then maybe it just doesn't work for you although if you can tolerate extra body hair it probably wouldn't hurt to try it again.

Dark Link

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Beaner, you joined in 2006! That's a long time. What's your regimen? How is your hair?
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I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say, but if you use minoxidil to push some of your hair into the growth phase, once your Telogen Effluvium resolves you should be able to quit minoxidil without any problems as long as there is no underlying cause of hair loss still present. It's possible that you may shed a few hairs but they'll come back. Bear in mind that this isn't a cure for Telogen Effluvium, but may shorten the length of time it takes for recovery by pushing more follicles back into the growth phase faster than they would have on their own.

Minoxidil is a lifetime treatment for androgenic alopecia because androgenic alopecia is a progressive condition and will generally never cease once it's begun, thus all treatments for this condition are a lifetime commitment. Minoxidil use for other types of hair loss can usually be discontinued once the condition resolves itself.

With that said, if you have used it before with no results then maybe it just doesn't work for you although if you can tolerate extra body hair it probably wouldn't hurt to try it again.

thank you very much for this detailed explanation beaner , I might be considering using it (I still have 3 5% topical bottles left that expire in 2015) after the nutrition / hormonal tests.

on the other hand , if it's due to nutrition then a prolonged non-masturbation would perfectly suit my case.

I suspect having this Telogen Effluvium since 2 years now , might be chronic (except that I didn't shed before march 2014)


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Beaner, you joined in 2006! That's a long time. What's your regimen? How is your hair?

Finasteride and minoxidil once per day. That is all.

Hairline went from a Norwood 4+ to about a Norwood 2.5. Had a huge bald spot in back which shrunk by more than half and the rest is no longer 'slick' bald but covered by fine hairs, some which are still getting darker. I started treating to late to completely fill in the bald spot but from the front my hair looks okay now and I have not lost any hair in years and still notice some occasional gains---I've had the most noticeable success if front. finasteride and minoxidil work much better than forums would have you believe. ( I do not have any pictures)


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Not hair loss related, but still

"German researchers looked at the brains of 64 men between the ages of 21 and 45 and found that one brain region (the striatum, linked to reward processing), was smaller in the brains of p**rn watchers, and that a specific part of the same region is also less activated when exposed to more pornography."

Striatum is implicated in ADHD, ADHD-sufferers also have reduced stratums

Dark Link

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Not hair loss related, but still

"German researchers looked at the brains of 64 men between the ages of 21 and 45 and found that one brain region (the striatum, linked to reward processing), was smaller in the brains of p**rn watchers, and that a specific part of the same region is also less activated when exposed to more pornography."

Striatum is implicated in ADHD, ADHD-sufferers also have reduced stratums

Sold, I'm quitting p**rn. :tellme:

It's just the fairy in zelda is so hot! Does that count as p**rn?

Dark Link

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So you apply minoxidil only once per day ?

Thank you.

Yeah once a day is sufficient. My dermatologist recommended that to me. I think one application is good for 20 hours.


Senior Member
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So you apply minoxidil only once per day ?

Thank you.

Yes, most of the time only once per day although occasionally it's twice. I do use double the recommended amount though.


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I'm going to throw in my two cents on the subject.

There is a correlation between masturbation and hair loss but not in the way you think. Masturbation does not cause hair loss but if you are addicted to masturbation, that would be a different story. If you spend every single day looking at p**rn and masturbating 10+ times then you have a problem. People masturbate because they feel the need to and it feels good but if you continuously do it, your body will begin to crave it more and more. Before you know it, you'll be stressing out because masturbation doesn't feel as good as it first did. It's the stress that you are putting on yourself that makes you lose your hair. If you spend your time looking at p**rn, chances are you are thinking about how you would never get a girl like in those videos and that a girl would never want to be with you because you are not good looking enough. If you masturbate a lot, you probably have a lot of time to think and too much thinking can be a problem.

It's the stress.
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I'm going to throw in my two cents on the subject.

There is a correlation between masturbation and hair loss but not in the way you think. Masturbation does not cause hair loss but if you are addicted to masturbation, that would be a different story. If you spend every single day looking at p**rn and masturbating 10+ times then you have a problem. People masturbate because they feel the need to and it feels good but if you continuously do it, your body will begin to crave it more and more. Before you know it, you'll be stressing out because masturbation doesn't feel as good as it first did. It's the stress that you are putting on yourself that makes you lose your hair. If you spend your time looking at p**rn, chances are you are thinking about how you would never get a girl like in those videos and that a girl would never want to be with you because you are not good looking enough. If you masturbate a lot, you probably have a lot of time to think and too much thinking can be a problem.

It's the stress.

stress causes diffuse thinning , we have our proof
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Not proof, anecdote posted by a random dude on the internet. Just fixed that for you.

ok , dankie vir dit mr die fixer !

knowing that you are a diffuse thinner (or were) can you please give your testimony on my thread about diffuse thinning asseblief ?

if you aren't a dutch speaker forget about the 1st line.