If I Was Over 6'2'' With A Massive Frame And Robust Facial Bones, I Would Gladly Accept Balding


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After a big night out in Manhattan I can imagine this.

I was kind of joking i never witnessed it although i do know two women who did and not much shocks me but the two of them shocked me and repulsed me. And no they were not 'sick' they just decided to 'go'. At two different occasions stories.
Both attractive women you would never suspect.

I also know a woman who her BF cheated on her and when she went to go pack up her stuff to leave she left him a little present in his entryway of his house. And she was HOT woman super feminine LOL.

i would have to be really 'sick' like Bridesmaid movie...none of these people were.

we do have homeless underground i am sure they 'go' there.


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I was kind of joking i never witnessed it although i do know two women who did and not much shocks me but the two of them shocked me and repulsed me. And no they were not 'sick' they just decided to 'go'. At two different occasions stories.
Both attractive women you would never suspect.

I also know a woman who her BF cheated on her and when she went to go pack up her stuff to leave she left him a little present in his entryway of his house. And she was HOT woman super feminine LOL.

i would have to be really 'sick' like Bridesmaid movie...none of these people were.

we do have homeless underground i am sure they 'go' there.




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These remarks about attractive women doing something repulsive make me think that even in NYC attractive people must live quite a distant, privileged life.

no it was just because i know most men here would assume they were fat ugly women and none of them were.

it is disgusting I don't care what you look like.


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no it was just because i know most men here would assume they were fat ugly women and none of them were.

it is disgusting I don't care what you look like.

Men (especially inexperienced) give good looking women too much credit. They believe if she is hot, then she is above doing something gross and disgusting. It is a roll of the dice when it comes to women. Some can have class and some don't. Some can be hygenic, and some aren't. Not to be gross and I am sure the women here will verify that this is true, but my GF has told me on a number of occasions when using a public restroom, that she will go in there and the whole place would be wreaking of fish. That is why I have on many occasions mentioned good hygiene as a requirement of mine when it comes to women.


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Not to be gross and I am sure the women here will verify that this is true, but my GF has told me on a number of occasions when using a public restroom, that she will go in there and the whole place would be wreaking of fish.
Well its unhygienic to take any food into a public rest room, not just seafood.


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but my GF has told me on a number of occasions when using a public restroom, that she will go in there and the whole place would be wreaking of fish. That is why I have on many occasions mentioned good hygiene as a requirement of mine when it comes to women.

I don't know if I ever noticed 'fish' smell to be honest. Public restrooms just stink like many things.
Men/woman/unisex. Just either smells like body functions or that flower spray to cover up.

I was in a bathroom once and i smelt something so awful while i was peeing---it was a homeless person sleeping in next stall to me.
That was worse smell i ever smelt in my life--and it was potentially dangerous to be honest. It kind of was a life lesson to check stalls in public bathrooms no matter how much I have to pee.


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Lol you wouldn't catch traditional women doing that disgusting sh*t

Aka Asian women

I can see why you guys have yellow fever

Its horrible. Why can't they just be a lady? If I was a girl I'd be lady like, it would skyrocket your already high value

Well, I am sure i speak for the other women here when i say--we have NO unpleasant biological functions. :)


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It's also a reason I treat my hair I guess. Acquaintances may be envious and want you to lose hair (as we see on this forum even despite having the burden of hair loss themselves) and others will give you unwanted sympathy, "poor guy, he was handsome before". Baldness is the biggest equaliser by far apart from facial disfigurement for someone with looks.

Funny, I could not give a **** about such people, whether they became Mr universe, die or win an ugly contest, yet they may take a keen interest in you.

My cousins in India are extremely arrogant. They look like dog poop but as they are wealthy, they treat people poorer than them like animals. I have even seen one of them beat the crap out of a poor man because he was in his way when he was driving his car. Class division is deep in India and wealth/power is highly respected so they can get away with treating the poor like subhumans. Well, they took pride in their wealth but they always felt inadequate and extremely jealous because I was way better looking than them. That always brought those arrogant bastards a few notches down. If my looks go, they will rejoice and I will hate it. If they were nice human beings, I wouldn't be bothered by it so much. But I just hate to see people like them win.