To: OP
Hey man, yes, sorry but it IS the hair loss. I know, I've been there, right where you are and it took me a DECADE to figure out that yes, appearance matters a GREAT deal in the social arena. Like it or not, that is the way it is.
My reasoning is that the majority of the general population male and female, does not face ANY significant and noticeable hairloss until a very old age (50-70 years old). Therefore, they do not know anything about dealing with the social issues and implications that we baldies face.
I have found the majority of non-bald people to be completely ignorant about baldness to the degree that they practically 'blame' us us for it as if it was our fault or something ... the same way society blames obese people for bieng fat. But as we all here know, this is simply not true. The vast majority of fat people CAN fix their problem; whereas, us bald guys cannot ... at least not without undergoing an hair transplant procedure.
Since everything is so fast-paced nowadays and people make split second decisions about who they like and don't like, especially in the younger age brackets, it is all too easy for people in general to pass judgement on a guy who may be lacking in a particular aspect of personal appearance. (ie - male pattern baldness).
Then, on a 'subconcious' level, a lot of bald men are viewed as "not having pride in themselves" enough to do something about their hairloss, as if we had all the options in the world to deal with it. We don't, but women (and non-bald people in general) think that because we go around looking 'bald' which is often viewed as unnattractive, we do not have any self-respect. And they think "why should I respect/befriend this guy who has no respect in themselves?"
Even if we exude all the 'confidence' in the world, we are still assumed to have NO confidence because of our hairloss.
Thus, I call this "guilty by association" ... in other words, we are assumed to be lacking self-confidence/self-steem even if just the opposite is true. And unless we become overtly cocky/arrogant and/or obnoxious, we will continue to be seen as lacking confidence ... even though we may actually be just the opposite. Everybody likes a winner, and nobody wants to befriend a 'loser' who lacks self-confidence.
But ... this is a double-edged sword. When a NW1 acts confident/arrogant, women like them and say they are attractive alpha males. When a bald guy acts cocky/arrogant, he is seen as insecure and trying to put on a front .. he is seen as trying to be someone he is not.
So, IMO, the trick is:
Be bald, and yet still be considered confident and having self-respect WITHOUT coming off as cocky/arrogant and obnoxious. This is the name of the game for us bald guys. However, it is easier said then done. This is something that I am STILL trying to conquer after going on 2 decades now.
Any guy who says, "Oh man, its not that hard ... bla, bla, bla... all you have to do is bla, bla, bla ... " does not fully understand the depth, difficulty, and implications of this f*cked up problem that all of us *bald* guys face. It is HARD ... VERY HARD to come to grips with, and a VERY hard pill to swallow. Trust me, I know.
You have to realize the things I said above and ACCEPT your baldness and all the CRAP that comes along with it. Until you do this, you will continue to be in denial. You cannot ever accept it until you get out of the denial stage. And for you guys here whom are NW2-ish, you are in a TOTALLY different world as us guys who are NW4 and above. Its a completely different ballgame.
TO: Man in space
Yeah man, I like your ideas. You have the correct mindset.