If you think you're ugly...


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'We only date ugly men'

May 22, 2007

MEET the women who find rippling muscles and chiselled good looks a complete turn-off.

Slicking on another layer of lipgloss, Selena Maria slings her bag over her shoulder and struts into the bar.

A sea of dark, handsome heads turn to ogle her. Jaws drop and good-looking men raise their eyebrows or move in to offer her a drink.

But Selena walks on by. She only has eyes for one man. He’s waiting for her in a dark corner. He’s not one of the handsome guys in sharp suits. He’s not even ‘average’.

He’s bald and podgy, with a pock-marked face, and is easily the ugliest man in the room. She sidles into the chair next to him.

‘Hi, gorgeous,’ she purrs. The man’s gargoyle face breaks into a toothless smile.

The good-looking men know they don’t stand a chance.

Selena has dated her fair share of hunks, but has given up on gorgeous guys because they’re dull – both in and out of bed.

‘I can’t imagine anything more boring than classic handsome looks,’ she says. ‘I prefer no teeth, baldness and piercings to model looks. I like celebs such as Adrien Brody and Mackenzie Crook rather than Brad Pitt.

‘Ugly men try harder. They care more about you and treat you like a princess. Good-looking guys are self-obsessed. That’s not attractive.’

And Selena is not alone. In a recent study, sociologist Diane Felmee found only a third of women said looks were the first thing that attracted them to a man. Most preferred a sense of humour or financial and career success.

Researchers at Newcastle University also believe ugly men exist as a way of repairing our gene pool. Women would rather date men with good genes, who can fight disease easily, than a classically beautiful man.

So are good looks really that important? Love It! found three women who definitely don’t think so.

'Good-looking men are just boring!'

Mum-of-one and model Vanessa Upton, 28, from Southeast London, has been living with Colin Kane, 34, a boxer and car renovator, for four years.

"I lay back in my bikini, arched my back and stuck out my breasts to strike an alluring pose. Then click!

‘That’s beautiful,’ the photographer cried. ‘You look absolutely gorgeous.’

As a glamour model, I was used to hearing those words every day. For 13 years, I’ve been constantly surrounded by hot-looking men, too.

People always assumed I’d end up with a gorgeous male model on my arm. But looks alone weren’t enough for me. Most of the male models just didn’t turn me on.

I wanted something more. And then I met Colin. I was working as a ring-card girl at a boxing match.

As I strutted around the ring in a little bikini with a giant card telling everyone what round was next, I couldn’t take my eyes off Colin.

He was a cornerman and looked after one of the boxers in the fight. He had a shaved head, a broken nose – and electric-blue eyes.

And when those eyes met mine, I felt the most incredible sexual charge flash between us.

I couldn’t believe my luck when he stripped down to a pair of shorts. He was taut and toned.

‘Phwoarr!’ I thought. ‘He’s just my type.’ I wanted to rip his clothes off right there and then.

I’ve never been attracted to smooth-looking men.

I’m surrounded by male models at work, and while they’re often lovely guys, the chisel-jawed Italian-stallion look makes me cringe.

They are so very ordinary. I like a man who looks different – intriguing, with something to offer on the inside.

And there’s something about blokes with bald heads that drives me really crazy – especially if they can make me laugh, too.

Colin made me giggle from the second he came over to chat me up that night. He’d heard I had a bad back.

‘How do you fancy a massage?’ he said with a cheeky grin. ‘I’m a sports therapist.’

I turned down his offer, but I took his number and couldn’t stop thinking about him for the next two weeks.

Finally, I plucked up the courage to phone him and asked: ‘Can I have that massage now?’

We met up and he massaged me for two and a half hours, and I realised that no matter how anyone thought he looked, Colin was brilliant with his hands.

Our next meeting was a proper date and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.

Four years later, we still can’t – and I feel so lucky to have found a bloke who makes me feel this way, every day.

A few of my model friends have taken me to one side and asked: ‘Why are you with him? What do you see in him?’

But I really don’t know what they’re talking about. In my eyes, he’s drop-dead gorgeous. He’s my perfect man.

My five-year-old son, James, absolutely loves him. I want to have children with Colin. I’m sure they’d be just as adorable as he is.

Besides, once the bedroom lights go out, it’s down to sexual skill and personality – and my Colin has tons of both."

‘He’s not old and ugly – he’s God’s gift’

Artist Inesa Vaiciute, 25, can’t get enough of Barrington, her wrinkly lover.

"I was on a train when I spotted a man with long, straggly hair and a very unusual face.

Barrington’s looks intrigued me and we got talking. He told me he worked as an artist and I assumed he was in his late forties.

There was something about him. We chatted for the rest of the journey and I was increasingly drawn to him.

He was no George Clooney – he looked unkempt and had a huge hooked nose, but there was something about his eyes that drew me in.

We swapped email addresses and kept in touch. Months later, we went on our first date. We ended up going to a castle and staying there together for two weeks.

He told me he was actually 63 years old!

Yes, he’s 38 years older me, but he has so much energy, I have trouble keeping up. My nickname for him is ‘my baby’.

We do get strange looks in the street, but I couldn’t care less. I don’t see him as an old, ugly man – to me, he’s God’s gift.

Before him, I dated men my own age. But they felt threatened by my creativity and the attention I attracted.

Barrington doesn’t get jealous or insecure. In fact, he feels proud when I get chatted up. He’s the first guy I’ve felt totally comfortable with. We’re both artists and share the same passions.

Our sex life is fantastic. We make love every day. Barrington’s age is a plus there, too. He has years of experience in the sack.

When we’re out, I see women gawping at him. But I don’t think they’re staring because he’s ugly.

I reckon they’re checking him out. I bet they’d secretly love to run their fingers through his mane of hair. I know they’re jealous of my gorgeous boyfriend.

I think people today are too obsessed by perfect, model looks. But that’s just boring. Barrington’s long hair and unusual face make me weaker at the knees than any pretty boy soap star or model.

I feel privileged to be with Barrington. He’s the soulmate I’ve been searching for."


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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Its complete Bollocks of course! :roll:

Hello this is in THE SUN newspaper well known in Britain for its hard hitting indepth reporting. :D (not)

Oh actually is'nt it more famous for printing complete bullshit?

Is this supposed to inspire us?
Even if it is true these women must be like 1 in a million its far more likely you'll find ugly women that would only date attractive men. :wink:


i think this is absolutley true.

i wonder what kind of women go for good looking guys anyway?

i think good looking guys even got an disadvantage??? thats maybe true?

to the article. only one third of all women go for good looking guys.

i think men just go for pretty girls. but women on the other hand, they go for any subsconcious feelings the man gives them. some want to have a dad who they never had like this one women with the over 60 years old. or they want to live their animal drives. that is why they go for confident men who dont fear them. they are like dogs, dont show fear!!!!! i learned that last time when i met a dog. if you show fear you cant pet them. for girls its the same. :lol:

women live by feelings while men live by logic.


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Evolutionary psychology will tell you that looks aren't the main thing a woman looks for in a man, though they sure do help.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding place great stress on a mother; females make the biggest investment in reproduction. This is why women are choosier about their partners than men. This big parental investment also explains why women seek males who are willing to stick around and provide security.

But evolutionary theory tells us that resources should be just as important to women, if not more so. Good fathers need to have the means to feed offspring as well as the willingness to stick around. In our evolutionary past, before resources meant material possessions, a man likely to be a good provider was one with high status in a hunting tribe. High status males were often good hunters and likely to provide a steady supply of food.

When the desire for reproduction is taken out of the equation, preferences change drastically. One researcher has shown that lesbians were three times less likely to seek 'resources' in a mate than heterosexual women.


i think women are the most unromanticle beings that there are on this planet. for me they should be like you learn it from little up. they should love gentlemen, nice men, good looking men...like in the hollywood movies or romanticle stories. isnt that what women like? yet they dont act like that.

always in a movie, the man is good looking , a gentleman , nice to the woman and he treats her like a princess.

but reality is so completley other. i really hate it. women destruct my illusions. i always thought that it was like in movies. or in the stories you hear when you re little. or what you think how it should be.

but no, women love "confident" men, assholes, men who beat them, men who could be their dad or granddad. they fall in love with men who just use them, who have thousands of women and dont care even one bit about them, who think they are the greatest.

they like black men, foreign men, (nothing against them, but why??? ).

they completley destroy my illusions. :(

im sad about how the women's world really works.

its so sad. women even go for rich and famous men. i hate that kind of women the most. who just want pretty clothes and jewelry.

why cant it be like it should be???

...men are gentlemen, treat their women like princess' , are nice to them.

its like finding out that there is no santa clause and no easter bunny.


neo1234 said:
they like black men, foreign men, (nothing against them, but why??? ).

lol this post sounded kinda weird but in reality, it's not true. most people are attracted to lighter skinned individuals. even black men tend to be attracted to white women because they tend to be more attractive than black women. their facial features are softer. i know especially with typical noses and racial features, i much prefer the look of the white nose to the typical black nose. it is less broad.

now before youg uys all jump all over me and call me a racist, just think about it. how many dark skinned black girls have you dated?

asian men and black women are the two least desired groups to marry with in the united states.


that maybe true you said with asian men and black women.

but i spoke of black men and south european or south american men. they tend to get more women than a white man.


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JayMan said:
now before youg uys all jump all over me and call me a racist, just think about it. how many dark skinned black girls have you dated?.

Racist human trash.



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neo1234 said:
that maybe true you said with asian men and black women.

but i spoke of black men and south european or south american men. they tend to get more women than a white man.
I don't know about that. If they're the only one around they'll stand out and get more attention, but I know a bunch and I can say for sure that none of them have as much luck as me.

If you're complaining about not getting women because you're too nice, chances are it's actually because you're too careful and boring around women. Being nice can be incredibly useful *as long as she knows she has earned that respect, and respects you first*.


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girls......if you're reading this.....

i'm one ugly git so come and get me.


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girls if you're undecided, perhaps this will convince you:

i'm pot bellied, knock kneed and have a glass eye.

i've got bad breath, stick-out ears and have a noticeable stoop.

got pigeon toes and am completely bald apart from the hair growing out my nostril and one good ear

convinced??..gimme a call


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problem with this artcile is that these girls are already USED to the handsome/model men jumping all over them, therefore they're tired of it and want something else. This doesn't help joe shmoe because 99% of women are NOT used to models wanting to date them.


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neo1234 said:
i think women are the most unromanticle beings that there are on this planet. for me they should be like you learn it from little up. they should love gentlemen, nice men, good looking men...like in the hollywood movies or romanticle stories. isnt that what women like? yet they dont act like that.

always in a movie, the man is good looking , a gentleman , nice to the woman and he treats her like a princess.

but reality is so completley other. i really hate it. women destruct my illusions. i always thought that it was like in movies. or in the stories you hear when you re little. or what you think how it should be.

You shouldn't have built your expectations of women around movies and stories. :)

but no, women love "confident" men, assholes, men who beat them, men who could be their dad or granddad. they fall in love with men who just use them, who have thousands of women and dont care even one bit about them, who think they are the greatest.

Wrong! Women love men who go after what they want--yes, that may include assholes because assholes also go after what they want. Men who go for what they want are more likely to be successful in what they do, and that's attractive. It's not their fault you aren't conveying that quality. You should try it and see what happens. They're not mysterious beings that nobody understands. Strike up a conversation.


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barcafan said:
problem with this artcile is that these girls are already USED to the handsome/model men jumping all over them, therefore they're tired of it and want something else. This doesn't help joe shmoe because 99% of women are NOT used to models wanting to date them.

Wow, where do you get the 99% figure from? All attractive women are used to men trying to get into their pants. That's a fact--ask 'em!


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It does'nt change the fact that as barcafan states this article is completley irrelevant in the overwhelming majority of cases. Assuming its not entirely made up it only shows that these few women like ugly men and its not supposed to imply that most beautiful women do. This article is supposed to have shock value.


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blondeguy said:
neo1234 said:
but no, women love "confident" men, assholes, men who beat them, men who could be their dad or granddad. they fall in love with men who just use them, who have thousands of women and dont care even one bit about them, who think they are the greatest.

Wrong! Women love men who go after what they want--yes, that may include assholes because assholes also go after what they want. Men who go for what they want are more likely to be successful in what they do, and that's attractive. It's not their fault you aren't conveying that quality. You should try it and see what happens. They're not mysterious beings that nobody understands. Strike up a conversation.

Scarcity creates value. Nothing is desirable if it is too easy to get. Thus you should never be too accomodating to a woman, especially in the early days. Some assholes are attractive to women because they are "hard to get". Or because of the risk factor. There are a fewwomen that are genuinely attracted to abusive men. These women are psychologically damaged, perhaps because of childhood experiences, AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS.


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blondeguy said:
barcafan said:
problem with this artcile is that these girls are already USED to the handsome/model men jumping all over them, therefore they're tired of it and want something else. This doesn't help joe shmoe because 99% of women are NOT used to models wanting to date them.

Wow, where do you get the 99% figure from? All attractive women are used to men trying to get into their pants. That's a fact--ask 'em!

you're saying that all attractive women have models jumping at thtem? These women just got bored with models and want to move on to something different, which brings me to another point; the very fact that they use the word 'ugly' doesn't really give a confidence boost to guys reading this article, they could have used 'unique' or 'distiguished' or something, the word ugly is a pretty big put-down. Attractive people generally want attractive partners, maybe it's more lax as you reach 30+ but that doesn't do anything for alot of the guys here.....


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s.a.f said:
It does'nt change the fact that as barcafan states this article is completley irrelevant in the overwhelming majority of cases. Assuming its not entirely made up it only shows that these few women like ugly men and its not supposed to imply that most beautiful women do. This article is supposed to have shock value.

Why exactly is this article "completely irrelevant in the overwhelming majority of cases?" The article is more proof that women don't choose men based just on looks. Did you miss the sociologist's statistic about how many women go for looks first?

barcafan said:
you're saying that all attractive women have models jumping at thtem?

I'm saying women have both attractive and unattractive men hitting on them from puberty onward. The anti-social guys sit back wondering why the other men are having all the fun without realizing it's because those men go after what they want.

Attractive people generally want attractive partners, maybe it's more lax as you reach 30+ but that doesn't do anything for alot of the guys here.....

"Attractive" doesn't automatically mean physical looks, especially for women. You need to give indicators of high survival value.


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Blondeguy...you can try all you want but this forum is just full of losers who are always putting themselves down and thinking the man next door who is thinning/balding is doing the same.

They'll need professional therapy if they ever want to get into a meaningful relationship. But I guess that'll never happen cuz they're balding...and you know what that means, they can never get a girl and the world isn't fair to baldies.