I'm alone, useless and unatractive


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Bald Dave again i'll ask:

what's the propose of meeting if the goal of being atractive is not achieved?

Bald Dave

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Manutd4545 said:
Bald Dave again i'll ask:

what's the propose of meeting if the goal of being atractive is not achieved?

There is not always a purpose for meeting people, it just happens. People dont go out shopping or to a coffee shop and plan to meet someone new- it just happens. You have to keep your eyes open and socially open up. I speak to many girls -some are good looking some are not. You should not say to yourself Im not going to speak to her- she is not attractive. Go with the flow.

Remember you should not go out and specifically set a goal such as going to a nightclub and getting laid, you should go out have a good time and if it happens then great, if not theres always next time.



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They say that it happens when you least expect, be yourself, I have seen some really attractive girls with not so good looking guys.

I prefer average girls too, and I guess some girls like average guys so maybe one day IBM your time will come but until then make the most of what you have and try socialising as much as you can, and hide your insecurities like the guy you mentioned in your previous posts (the loud animalistic one)


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you're 27 years old

1) Stop crying and begin to act.
2)You should set the main aims for your future developement. You want to find a girl? Do it! Why are you waiting the first step from her? You're a man. Andr remember your appearence and money is only 50% of success. Another 50% are: your sense of humour, charisma, confidence. So try to develope this features, yes it is very hard, but who told you that it would be easy? To practice: try to get acquainted with girls in the streets, try to speak with people in the supermarkets - to rise your communicational skills.
3) Find a hobby, go to the gym, play soccer.
4) Remember, everything in your hands! You should do everything that you can to achieve your aims. And if there's unlucky effort, try to do it again... and again... until you reach it.
5) The only way for you not to become a shadow - is to change and overcome yourself! Also you can see film American Beauty


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Manutd4545 said:
First piece of advice; dont stay in tonight on this forum in self pitty: get out tonight. with your mates and have a few drinks down town and think how to have a good time, not reflect on you downsides. -That is exactly what I am going to do.

I agree, I also wanna add that getting laid helps significantly too.


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IBM said:
Bald Dave again i'll ask:

what's the propose of meeting if the goal of being atractive is not achieved?

The problem you have is that you find no satisfaction in dating if you are not good looking or considered average looking. You're not ok with being labeled "average" or simply put "not ugly". No matter if you improve your confidence, self esteem, etc and get a really hot girl, you will still not be happy because you want to be beautiful and, be perceived as a hot guy by the girls.

Until you accept yourself for who you are, then you will remain dead in life. I have felt, and still somewhat feel like you do but I choose to go to therapy. You need professional help.


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Nathaniel said:
IBM said:
Bald Dave again i'll ask:

what's the propose of meeting if the goal of being atractive is not achieved?

The problem you have is that you find no satisfaction in dating if you are not good looking or considered average looking.
He doesnt date, are you insane?
Hes posts absurd posts on this site about infatuations he has with girls who dont even know he exists. He might as well be invisible, none of the girls he writes about know who he even is ...but he obsesses over them and claims he loves them.

all this is just too shady and borderline stalker


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We are all alone and useless. There is no point to life. None of what you think and do will matter... even if you make it to the top of this world by the end of your pointless existance. All we have is this world and know for certain is this World.... and the World is nothing. Everything is nothing.


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None of you understand me.
Some call me prick
Others call me freak
In the end grief shalt be.

I'm having a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings. For 10 seconds i felt euphory to, in fast pace, feeling depressed :cry:. And it was all day long.

I even made a poem:

The day i saw you
Your bright dazzled my eyes
The Moon preview dew
Misty breezes became brides


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You are just a combination of atoms expelling energy and consuming everything around you. The structure will slowly disassemble.


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Wow, IBM, you have poetic talent like Cyrano de Bergerac and even with his huge nose he got the hot girl. I am NOT Alone, I am Useful, and I am very attractive. Keep repeating that IBM until you say it in your sleep. By the way, I am very attractive, I am very useful in the hospital, and I am definitely never alone because my alien friends are always amongst me. Here is MY poem for the day. IBM, just thinkin' about tomorrow, clears away the cobwebs and your sorrow, til there's none! When you're stuck with a day that's gray and lonely, Just stick out your chin and grin and say, oh the sun'll come out tomorrow, so ya gotta hang on t'il tomorrow. You're always a day a way!


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ha ha


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Kiel, Chemicals make me feel tremendous!


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IBM said:
None of you understand me.
Some call me prick
Others call me freak
In the end grief shalt be.

I'm having a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings. For 10 seconds i felt euphory to, in fast pace, feeling depressed :cry:. And it was all day long.

I even made a poem:

The day i saw you
Your bright dazzled my eyes
The Moon preview dew
Misty breezes became brides

i think that i understand you IBM ,i feel the same for a certain period of the day i am also "on top of the world"but the rest of it i feel like killing myself but know that it is unlikley that i ever would actually do it,

i think my problem and maybe yours IBM is that all our lives we have been considered very good looking and when you feel that starting to fade at the relativly young age of 27 in my case,you feel that our best days are behind us.

I also think that people should stop having ago at IBM ,he is a great guy


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IBM is at a low point, we shouldn't make him feel worse by saying he feels sorry for himself etc, he's clearly depressed and making it known, saying things like that won't make him feel better, it will make him feel worse.

IBM I feel for you man, but don't waste your youth dwelling, does your family know how you feel?


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I love HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!! Arent you all excited!


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Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep - while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?