I'm alone, useless and unatractive


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Kiel, isn't that a little off topic(Halloween) or were you staying on topic and referring to Michael Myers, who is alone,useless, and unattractive.


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KielMcK said:
I love HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!! Arent you all excited!

is halloween a big deal or something in america,the only things i look forward to are christmas and easter and the appeal of them gets less appealing year on year


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antonio666 said:
KielMcK said:
I love HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!! Arent you all excited!

is halloween a big deal or something in america,the only things i look forward to are christmas and easter and the appeal of them gets less appealing year on year

Any holiday with the potential for expansive marketing is popular on Madison Avenue, and therefore America. $$$$$


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JayB said:
Nathaniel said:
IBM said:
Bald Dave again i'll ask:

what's the propose of meeting if the goal of being atractive is not achieved?

The problem you have is that you find no satisfaction in dating if you are not good looking or considered average looking.
He doesnt date, are you insane?

Thats why he doesn't date, because he wants to be perceived as an attractive guy but he feels ugly.


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Nathaniel said:
Thats why he doesn't date, because he wants to be perceived as an attractive guy but he feels ugly.

Maybe he's barking up the wrong tree. IBM needs to start appealing to goth women. They would really take to him.


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Halloween is a huge deal here... we're already celebrating it. I went apple picking this week and went to a graveyard that supposedly a vampire is buried and tried raising it. also went and saw the movie Halloween by Rob Zombie and it was effin awesome... quite realistic. I plan on hopefully digging up a corpse to put in my front yard by Oct. 31st.


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I'll have to admit to myself. This new girl sparkled curiosity in me. The more i look the more i like. It's becoming a passion. My heart is starting to break in pieces.

My hair is not helping me to hold my sanity. Suddenly my hair started to shed, thin, to itch and became very oily. Yesterday and two days ago i got two big flaking skin (with some hair) getting out of my scalp. In sides and back is sprouting little wounds.
I dont know why it happens? Is it stress? Is it an hormonal inbalance?

Damn, how i hate this. I was nice last week and now became ill in eye's twinkle instant.


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IBM stop it, be a man. Make the first step yourself. I think that everyone can change his life. Your main problem is that you are very dependent of stereotypes and other people opinions.
Don't sit and complain, maybe you should go to the boxing or karate section, it really will help in your case!


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IBM Get to know her first, you may be attracted to her but then you might not like her personality, approach her when the opportunity arrises, just say Hi! and go from there, don't think about what she may be thinking of you, just be normal (well as normal as you can) every relationship I have been in has always been a just friends situation to start with and then maybe she may grow to like you and if she does like you then she may fall for you, you will never know unless you try, just don't make it obvious that you are unhappy with yourself as this will scare her off!

I would go and see a doctor about the stress which is causing your dry skin, when I get stressed I come up in cold sores, I have one right now, it's the size of a small planet lol!

I have been having treatment at the dentist over the past few weeks, I really like the dentist's assistant, she is young, clever and attractive, when I call in I crack a joke with her, she smiles and we chat and she seems to have that look in her eye, she is comfortable with me and gazes into my eyes whilst the dentist is working away and rests herself against me whilst operating the suction pipe but I could be mis-reading the signs, I haven't got the balls to chat her up, especially as she has seen the state of my teeth when my crowns have been removed and her teeth are perfect, but when the treatment is done I will ask her if she has a boyfriend, and if she hasn't i'm gonna go for it as I am really attracted to her and she makes me smile.


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I gave you an answer in Euro2008 )
Sometimes it is not so hard as you think. A year ago when I went home from the university I saw in the underground the nicest girl i've ever seen. She wasn't a model but ther was something in her that attracted me! At first I didn't do anything only smiled at her like an idiot. Bu when she left the train, i decided that I culdn't left such a girl. I ran out on the street, bought some flowers and then found her near the bus station and gave flowers to her. I said that she is the very beautfil girl and so on. She was impressed, then we walked and she gave me her number.
Sometimes you need courage even if she rejects you, you shouldn't be sad because you've made an Act and defeated yourself


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Comrade said:
I gave you an answer in Euro2008 )
Sometimes it is not so hard as you think. A year ago when I went home from the university I saw in the underground the nicest girl i've ever seen. She wasn't a model but ther was something in her that attracted me! At first I didn't do anything only smiled at her like an idiot. Bu when she left the train, i decided that I culdn't left such a girl. I ran out on the street, bought some flowers and then found her near the bus station and gave flowers to her. I said that she is the very beautfil girl and so on. She was impressed, then we walked and she gave me her number.
Sometimes you need courage even if she rejects you, you shouldn't be sad because you've made an Act and defeated yourself

Did you ever date her brother?

props for approaching her nontheless.


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ha-ha you mean "Did you ever date her,(coma) brother?" ))

Yes of course I always try to reach my aims ). When I decided to give her flowers, I knew that I would lose nothing. Maximum she could refuse to accept my gift.
I phoned her two days after the first meeting, we went to the cafe and then to the club, she found me interesting. She became my official girlfriend. We met for 9 months.
So my theory, if you see a nice girl you have to make an attempt. I made it a lot of times before, of course a lot of looked at me lake an idiot. But I didn't cared, maybe she had a boyfriend, or didn't find me attractive. There's a lot of another girls


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Comrade said:
Yes of course I always try to reach my aims ). When I decided to give her flowers, I knew that I would lose nothing. Maximum she could refuse to accept my gift.
I phoned her two days after the first meeting, we went to the cafe and then to the club, she found me interesting. She became my official girlfriend. We met for 9 months.
So my theory, if you see a nice girl you have to make an attempt. I made it a lot of times before, of course a lot of looked at me lake an idiot. But I didn't cared, maybe she had a boyfriend, or don't find me attractive.

good job brother, much respect

I dont have the balls to pick up most of the time, but I am doing okey in the dating game. I will just say I bang different girls reguarly. lol


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I don't understand why? What are you losing? She willn't eat you, or call you an idiot. When you sit staring at her another (maybe balding too) guy will smile at her and say something, and she'll think: why not, he's not handsome, but he is so charismatic! And you will sit and stare at them ))

You should have a bit of courage for that.
Balls? from my point of view You should have balls for going through the job interview or for public speech
I don't know...Maybe in USA there are another girls than in Russia? ))


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Hey IBM, what's going on Bud? I noticed that you first posted on this thread on the 5th of Sep. It's now the 8th and you have 11 pages of responses. Despite some of the harsh words directed towards you, it certainly seems to me that a lot of people care enough to tell you to get help and straighten up.

Certainly, I believe like most of the people here that you need some professional help to get you through your self esteem issues. As a guy who used to feel the same way that you do, I understand that sense of isolation.

But I can promise you this, it's your mind telling you this instead of the reality. I'm sure that the negative way you feel about yourself is projecting outwards and that's why people are steering clear. Not because they dislike you, but because your negativity pushes them away. Let's face it, people don't like to hang around people who are downers.

To prove my point, would you like to hang around yourself? Be honest. I'm not saying you can't turn yourself around. That's what some of the folks here are trying to get you to understand, although harshly.

Unlike some of the members here I don't think you are looking for pity. You have plenty enough of that for yourself. I think you are looking for validation, in other words, someone to take notice that you are here on this earth and in a lot of pain.

Seriously Bud, get yourself some help. You have a bigger problem than hairloss. It doesn't matter what age you are, depression can strike anyone at any age. I've been around longer than a lot of these guys posting here and have seen and experienced a lot so I know what I'm talking about. I don't know what kind of healthcare you have where you live but check and see if through your work you can obtain some help. Don't put it off!

Truthfully, I think it takes balls to go on a forum like this and admit to a bunch of strangers that you need help, although not in so many words. Now it's time to take it to take it to the next level and get it. Good luck, man...


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Great sentiments by jcosta. IBM, are you of Asian ancestry? I get the feeling from your words and general mindset that you are.


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Thanks for the kind remarks, Joseph. I just want to help. All the best to everyone.