I'm done


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At first it was my crown that was thinning out, 3weeks ago i see my hairline starting to push back, my hair feels so lifeless and dull. I have been on propecia for 7.5 months even though i cant afford it, I am 19yrs old and i attend University. In my lectures i can hear people laughing about my balding, its obvious. F my life, i am so done with this sh*t, I have given up and i don't know what to do. My parents don't care, I have lost all my social bonds with my friends and any possibly future girlfriends over this span of time. Over this 7 months i have learnt so much about myself, I am so insecure, I have lied to my friends and loved ones, this is not me.
I have written out a suicide note to my family but i doubt i will go through with it. I AM ADMITTING I NEED HELP AND I NEED IT FAST.


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Lets see a pic.
At 19 and with minimal loss you at least have a chance of using treatments. A chance that I did'nt have when I was in your situation 15 yrs ago.


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It was about time was'nt it.

About time that someone said something stupid like this. Just thought to myself very soon someone is going to think of killing themself over their hair.

Although I'm experiencing rapid hairloss too, I don't want to say I understand your situation, cause I don;t.

I don't know how it feels to start loosing hair at your age. I would say just give the treatments some more time (another year or so) and if you feel they are not working then just shave it off.

Trust me you will feel liberated and confident as then you don't need to worry about it. Besides you will get more respect from other when they see you believe in yourself.


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s.a.f said:
Lets see a pic.
At 19 and with minimal loss you at least have a chance of using treatments. A chance that I did'nt have when I was in your situation 15 yrs ago.
Y would i do this?
you were the a**h** that told me my hair looked like pubes and that I had very aggressive male pattern baldness.

heres pics that are old.

my hair is 100x worse. its complete sh*t + receding hairline and i am only 19.


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lets see a pic. your story was a year ago. Dude anyone that would take their life over hair is the worlds biggest pussy..suicide in general is gay.

Icdalite.. just shave it off? lol.theres been a thread about ppl like you.


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Get urself together man, what the hell are you doing?!

Ofcourse it sucks to go bald, everyone on this forum knows that. Many on this forum are of the same age as u are and are going through the same sh*t every single day. You can find lots of help here, at your friends and family or a docter. Use that help. Tell them your problem is not the hairloss, but the fact you're losing it emotionally. Any normal human being will help you with that!

If you say the products don't work, then see if a buzzcut suits ya. Sure, the first week you'll think it doesn't. Just a matter of getting used to it. And sure the first period of time some people will think "huh?!" and some may make comments, but screw it. Many of them will over time get the same problem, maybe that soothens you. He who laughs last, laughs best. Also know that a bald head isn't per definition ugly, it's the way you 'wear' it that makes the difference.

Just work on how secure you are of yourself. People are not laughing about you. A harsh thing to say, but many don't even care about you. They don't give a sh*t about how your hair looks. Lets say you take a buzzcut, lots won't even know what kind of hair you had before that. Ofcourse being secure of yourself can be a problem, many balding people have this. Once you get over it though, you don't even give a damn about the number of hairs on your head.

So, throw away your suicide note. Talk to your parents or somebody else about your emotional state. Don't let it get to ya!


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just take ccs's advice.

go to the gym, get some muscles, shave your head.

you can still have a great life with no hair. it's just more of a challenge. life would be boring without challenges.


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'suicide in general is gay.'

That had me laughing my *** off! Best quote EVER! :bravo:


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It's not over man.... I was balding at your age too so I know what you're going through. I know it sucks when you're in school and everyone else around you has a full head of hair. I admit though, my hair loss probably wasn't as aggressive as yours but I still got the comments and the stares at my forehead. In lecture halls I'd used to either wear a hat, or sit at the very back of the room so no one could see my thinning crown.

My advice would be to do what I did: buzz the hair (with no guard), workout, dress better, and most importantly, remain confident. I didn't let my hair ruin what should be the best years of my life and neither should you. It was obvious that I shaved my head because I was balding, but no one seemed to care and I was still able to go on dates. So just work with what you have, keep your head up high and I guarantee you that you will enjoy the rest of your college life. Good luck!


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iwantperfection said:
lets see a pic. your story was a year ago. Dude anyone that would take their life over hair is the worlds biggest pussy..suicide in general is gay.

Icdalite.. just shave it off? lol.theres been a thread about ppl like you.

Suicide is GAY? How old are you? You obviously haven't been depressed that's for sure. Anyone who's been depressed knows that suicide definitely isn't gay, it's rather an option. Not that I have ever seriously thought about it... I've played with the thought and I've been so down that I definitely understand why someone would commit a suicide. It's not easy waking up every morning when you're seriously depressed.


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lol.. anyone that would do it is a mug and a complete coward. Its not an option.

Your right i havent been depressed. People who sit depressed waste their lives. Lifes what you make it. Some people cry over not having what others have. They must realise they have to play with the cards life deals them.(ccs take note) .Might not be as good as others but some just luckier i guess. No reason to kill ones self.

optimus prime

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iwantperfection said:
lol.. anyone that would do it is a mug and a complete coward. Its not an option.

Your right i havent been depressed. People who sit depressed waste their lives. Lifes what you make it. Some people cry over not having what others have. They must realise they have to play with the cards life deals them.(ccs take note) .Might not be as good as others but some just luckier i guess. No reason to kill ones self.

Pleases stop talking before you embarrass yourself anymore.


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truths hard to swallow isnt it?

My opinion just. Suicide is cowardly end of story. You have your opinion. If someone killed themselves over hair i would be shocked. Leaving family to pick up the pieces because they didnt have a nw1. pityfull.

Quantum Cat

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suicide IS gay - you never heard of Alan Turing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_turing

but I don't think it's always a cowardly option - people who have serious depression and mental illness, or are forced into it like Alan Turing, see it as their only way out, so I sympathise.

killing yourself over your hair though is pretty silly. There IS more to life than hair, even though it's hard to see it at times.


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90kids said:
s.a.f said:
Lets see a pic.
At 19 and with minimal loss you at least have a chance of using treatments. A chance that I did'nt have when I was in your situation 15 yrs ago.
Y would i do this?
you were the a**hole that told me my hair looked like pubes and that I had very aggressive male pattern baldness.


Re read your own thread buddy where did I say that?

And why am I an a**h** for saying that your hairloss is aggressive? Thats the fact it is aggressive, I'd have thought you would have appreciated the honest reply.
Would you prefer it if I said "no I dont see any hairloss there, what are you talking about you paranoid fool?" :roll:

And no one knows more than me about how much hairloss sucks but suicide?
Think of all the blind/paralised/disfigured people out there what do you think they'd prefer the ability to be able to fit and healthy with a bald head or their own situation.
I used to have sympathy for you but not anymore.
If its your destiny to be bald then you better get used to it, I'm not saying you have to like it but you do have to live with it.


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hair loss ain't your trouble man.
Go see a Doctor, seriously, you need to see a psychiatrist.
They can prescribe you medication that'll stop you feeling this way.

Get on a Tricyclic antidepressant such as Amitriptyline (SSRI's are bunk, at least, they don't work for me) to improve your mood in the long term, and get a benzo like Diazepam or Alprazolam to stop the short term extreme worrying about your hair loss.

I've seen your pics - I know people with very curly hair like that, they typically keep it very short and gell it. As for the balding, just toppik it.
You need to see a Doctor, seriously mate, and not just about your hairloss.

Oh, and nobody "chooses" to have depression, and you can't just "snap out of it" - f*** me, that would be a cure and a half - why wouldn't the millions of sufferers just do that?

I know a fat, bald 24 year old and he gets laid 5 times the amount I do because he is outgoing, extroverted, and fun to be around, while I am a depressive, shy introvert. (but at least I'm no longer neurotic thanks to my medication :))


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I had a friend at uni, he went bald very early on. He was pretty much bald at 19-20. He never spoke about it, but it must have been eating him. We used to be very close and I was never aware of anyone making fun out of his hair.

I remember when we were 19, he mentioned that he's gonna work his *** off and make lots of money and get a hair transplant. 12 years on, he's still shaved, he's got money but he hasn't got an hair transplant. I don't think he will ever get an hair transplant.

At another instance, he casually said that his first sexual encounter didn't happen until he was 22.

I mean it's not the end of the world. My friend was never social even before he lost his hair. He's very socially lazy, he never went out. If he can get laid, anyone can. I know it's not about sex, but I'm just giving an example....

You say you can't afford propecia. if it means so much to you, talk to your parents about it and I'm sure they will be supportive. If I was a parent and my son asked me for help with a medicine like propecia, I think I would try to help.

Also, if you are at uni, there must be some sort of student support unit at your college. I think you should go and talk to them.


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optimus prime said:
iwantperfection said:
lol.. anyone that would do it is a mug and a complete coward. Its not an option.

Your right i havent been depressed. People who sit depressed waste their lives. Lifes what you make it. Some people cry over not having what others have. They must realise they have to play with the cards life deals them.(ccs take note) .Might not be as good as others but some just luckier i guess. No reason to kill ones self.

Pleases stop talking before you embarrass yourself anymore.

i agree, kaleb needs to chill. When your hormones arent working properly, you arent YOU anymore. Everything becomes different, including your mindset. Like being bald, those who havent gone through it cannot comprehend it.


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Losing your hair when you're 19 is a complete shock at first, and it sucks, but I guarantee you that a lot of this is in your head. For starters I really doubt that anybody else cares about your hair. Don't think about suicide, because in a few years your attitude will change, and you'll wonder why this was ever such a big deal to you.

If I were you I'd buzz my hair down to 1/8" or less, and not even look in mirrors at it. Hit the gym HARD, and you'll be amazed at how healthy you begin to look. Spend lots of time doing things you enjoy, and don't spend too much time worrying about anything. Have a lot of fun, and you'll become much happier over time.


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People who think that suicide is an option for cowards (as it would be the easy way out), go f*ck yourselves. Stop acting tough, and dare to see the world as it is.

(and no, I've never even thought about it myself)