I'm done


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Whoop said:
People who think that suicide is an option for cowards (as it would be the easy way out), go f*ck yourselves. Stop acting tough, and dare to see the world as it is.

(and no, I've never even thought about it myself)

Exactly. Suicide is definitely the hard way out, not the easy way. Anyone who is thinking about killing themselves has gone through a lot in their minds, that's for sure.


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Only my opinion. I see it as cowardly as a whole but to do it over hair? come on. Imagine young guys like yourselves who become wheelchair bound. Now thats alot tougher.

If your depressed see a Doctor but never consider this, because ultimately your escape becomes your loved ones hell.


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iwantperfection said:
Only my opinion. I see it as cowardly as a whole but to do it over hair? come on. Imagine young guys like yourselves who become wheelchair bound. Now thats alot tougher.

If your depressed see a Doctor but never consider this, because ultimately your escape becomes your loved ones hell.

You are right at some point, I wish people didn't kill themselves over their hair. True thing you could have had it a LOT worse. People with serious issues should seek serious help and not try to fix it all by themselves.

But why do you think it's cowardly? I just don't get it. Because they are afraid to solve their problems? Afraid of failing in front of the people they know? So the easy way out would be committing suicide?

See what you are saying then? You're indirectly saying suicide is the easy way to go, almost making it sound attractive...

It ain't for cowards as it's a friggin big step, and in 99,99% (or more) of the occasions it's the wrong one to take.


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iwantperfection said:
Only my opinion. I see it as cowardly as a whole but to do it over hair? come on. Imagine young guys like yourselves who become wheelchair bound. Now thats alot tougher.

If your depressed see a Doctor but never consider this, because ultimately your escape becomes your loved ones hell.

There's always someone who's worse off, you can't compare anyone's situation to anyone elses. We're all unique and the ways we deal with our problems are also unique. I think that everyone should be allowed to deal with their problems the way they feel is right. None of us asked to be born here. Might sound selfish, might sound stupid, but it's the harsh truth.


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i see it that way because it takes the bigger man to face his problems. Suicide is running away and throwing the burden on to your family who would question if they did enough the rest of their lives.

What ghg said doesnt make sense. how is suicide the hard way out. anyone can pop a few pills and fall silently away. The hard way is geting through, building cofidence and tackling head on the problem.

If what the bible says is true whoever takes suicide, problems are only guna get a whole lot worse.lol.


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anyone can pop a few pills and fall silently away


You think that people who want to commit suicide didn't try to get confident of themselves? You think they didnt put enough effort in it? You think they do not think about the shock their family will get?

What the heck man...


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course they thought those things..still threw it away.

Dude its hair!lol. Throwing life away because of that is crazy.

Look im not debating this. I think its cowardly, you dont. end of story. Everyone has differing opinions on the topic.


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iwantperfection said:
course they thought those things..still threw it away.

Dude its hair!lol. Throwing life away because of that is crazy.

Look im not debating this. I think its cowardly, you dont. end of story. Everyone has differing opinions on the topic.

Alright, discussion closed Agreed with what you say about the hair.


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heyitsthatguy said:
I think depression is something you can't really understand till you've been through it.

I've been to hell and back.... However, suicide never crossed my mind. Suicide is something I couldn't put my family and friends through.

Suicide is not only the cowardly way out, but it's also the selfish way out. We may not feel loved, but there is at least one person out there that will be affected by our actions.

TBH, at this point in time, the only responsibility I feel is towards my family. If it wasn't for my family, I don't care if I shoot a p**rn movie, or I end up in jail. It is my responsibility as a son that stops me from doing stupid things.

In the future, that responsibility will probably shift to my future partner and my future kids....

Before you do anything stupid, think of the consequences of your actions...


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I've had many girls interested with me with a hat on then all of a sudden lose interest when it comes off; it's a horrible feeling. There's no way around it. But, trust me, these are not the type of girls you want to be with anyway. I can honestly say that the girls I've dated since hair loss have been LIGHT YEARS better than the ones I've dated pre-hairloss. This is not worth committing suicide over and do not let this develop into a body dysmorphic disorder over this

That being said...

I am DONE coming into the "impact of hair loss" section. Christ, I've seen terminally ill patients with less baggage than people on here.

There are people with severe acne, psoriasis, who are too short, too fat...My little girl cousin has alopecia areata and is basically bald and she has a better outlook on life that most of the people on here. Go to alopeciaworld.com to get a sense of what their world is like.

It SUCKS but that's life...

Because we have hairloss, it is all we have come to see in others. Seriously, take a look around. Many of those guys with full heads are not exactly male models just like not all skinny blonde girls knockouts. Everyone has their faults.

Hairloss is turnoff for some women but insecurity is a turnoff for all women


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What I am trying to say is i never felt depressed or suicidal before my hairloss, My hairloss is a direct cause to me being depressed. Previous to this i was content and happy with myself.
I don't think i have a mental problem. I am trying to escape a problem that i will never be able to because their are no cures for hair loss.
I am 19, hairloss caused my depression and my suicidal thoughts. Its on a straight path of ruining my life.
S.A.F I apologize.
At this moment i'am ready to do anything to save myself.
Should i start minoxidil foam?


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You can start minoxidil yes, but you said the medicins didn't work for ya?

I think it's best for you to talk with someone about your problem. Depression and stress only make hairloss worse. Anima Sana In Corpore Sano, true thing!


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Whoop said:
I think it's best for you to talk with someone about your problem. Depression and stress only make hairloss worse. Anima Sana In Corpore Sano, true thing!

I agree....

90kids, seriously, as I said in my previous post, your college must have some sort of support unit. They probably deal with teenagers like you everyday. I never used university support units, but I know the universities I attended had them.

Don't let depression and stress ruin your best years. Seek help ASAP. I let stress and depression ruin the last 2-3 years of my life, and I regret it. I admit I'm much happier person now, but the damage is kinda done. I'm gonna suffer the financial consequences of my problems for the foreseeable future... At least, I would like to think I became a much stronger person.

You have nothing to lose, admitting to needing help doesn't make you a weak person. You are here on an online forum seeking help, do it in person and talk to a real person....


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ali777 said:
Whoop said:
I think it's best for you to talk with someone about your problem. Depression and stress only make hairloss worse. Anima Sana In Corpore Sano, true thing!

I agree....

90kids, seriously, as I said in my previous post, your college must have some sort of support unit. They probably deal with teenagers like you everyday. I never used university support units, but I know the universities I attended had them.

Don't let depression and stress ruin your best years. Seek help ASAP. I let stress and depression ruin the last 2-3 years of my life, and I regret it. I admit I'm much happier person now, but the damage is kinda done. I'm gonna suffer the financial consequences of my problems for the foreseeable future... At least, I would like to think I became a much stronger person.

You have nothing to lose, admitting to needing help doesn't make you a weak person. You are here on an online forum seeking help, do it in person and talk to a real person....
theres no avoiding my situation i can't just escape it by what some text book educated person will tell me. I have to come to accept the brutal reality of my situation and thats not what i want to accept.
i don't what to accept it at this point in my life, i am way too young.
ive spoken with my family and they were honest and said theirs nothing they can do for me and that they still love and support me.
it's so weird how just 1 year ago i felt so ontop of the world.
sigh, i have already missed out on 7 months of friendships and relationships because i let insecurities of my hair get in the way. I just want hair, is it so hard to ask for that? Im not asking for money, clothes, cars, houses....i'm not a materialistic person. I study hard to do well in university, i volunteer my time, i always try to help others. I don't understand. my brother is more of an a**h** than I and yet he's blessed with great dark black curly hair and to the people telling me to shave my head, i wish it were that simple. I just want to be content and happy and the only thing that will do that for me is if i were to have my locks back.


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90kids said:
theres no avoiding my situation i can't just escape it by what some text book educated person will tell me. I have to come to accept the brutal reality of my situation and thats not what i want to accept.

That's a big contradiction there. You are at uni going through all the text books hoping to learn from them, but you think getting help from someone who knows the text books is waste of time?? I'm disappointed you think that way.

90kids said:
i don't what to accept it at this point in my life, i am way too young.
ive spoken with my family and they were honest and said theirs nothing they can do for me and that they still love and support me.
it's so weird how just 1 year ago i felt so ontop of the world.
sigh, i have already missed out on 7 months of friendships and relationships because i let insecurities of my hair get in the way. I just want hair, is it so hard to ask for that? Im not asking for money, clothes, cars, houses....i'm not a materialistic person. I study hard to do well in university, i volunteer my time, i always try to help others. I don't understand. my brother is more of an a**hole than I.

If you are volunteering and helping others, etc, you must have made some friendships at uni? You admit that hairloss is an obstacle that you have built yourself. You sound like you are already doing a lot with your time, don't let your insecurities get in the way of your friendships. If you let it go, I'm sure lots of people will want to be your friends. Maybe they already are, but you are blocking them out????


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ali777 said:
90kids said:
theres no avoiding my situation i can't just escape it by what some text book educated person will tell me. I have to come to accept the brutal reality of my situation and thats not what i want to accept.

That's a big contradiction there. You are at uni going through all the text books hoping to learn from them, but you think getting help from someone who knows the text books is waste of time?? I'm disappointed you think that way.

90kids said:
i don't what to accept it at this point in my life, i am way too young.
ive spoken with my family and they were honest and said theirs nothing they can do for me and that they still love and support me.
it's so weird how just 1 year ago i felt so ontop of the world.
sigh, i have already missed out on 7 months of friendships and relationships because i let insecurities of my hair get in the way. I just want hair, is it so hard to ask for that? Im not asking for money, clothes, cars, houses....i'm not a materialistic person. I study hard to do well in university, i volunteer my time, i always try to help others. I don't understand. my brother is more of an a**hole than I.

If you are volunteering and helping others, etc, you must have made some friendships at uni? You admit that hairloss is an obstacle that you have built yourself. You sound like you are already doing a lot with your time, don't let your insecurities get in the way of your friendships. If you let it go, I'm sure lots of people will want to be your friends. Maybe they already are, but you are blocking them out????
dude i just want hair, i dont care about my current friends and sh*t. i just need my hair, to be content, i dont want to be feeling what i am.


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i am gonna try rogain..
which one foam or liquid?
ill go broke trying to get my hair back


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90kids said:
dude i just want hair, i dont care about my current friends and sh*t. i just need my hair, to be content, i dont want to be feeling what i am.

Two things...

1. go out fighting. Try a few treatments and at least have the peace of mind that you have tried. I really wanted propecia to work for me, but my body doesn't agree with it. I tried...

2. You need to learn how to be content. Hair or no hair, it doesn't matter. You have to learn to live your life.


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I thank you Ali, really.
I cant seem to buy rogaine foam through here, any1 know any websites that ship to canada?