
Incredible recovery from NW5: the power of super aggressive regimens!


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So the moral of this thread is that taking powerful tranny drugs that nuke your androgens will grow your hair back. That's great news, except that's not practical for guys who don't want to become a trap. Am I missing something?

No, that is not the moral to this thread at all. This thread is a great example of what is possible for the human body to do (current treatments could mimic these processes on a smaller scale).

Actually all of the transwomen in this thread have said multiple times that if you don't have gender dysphoria, i.e. not trans, you shouldn't take permanent feminizing drugs. Hair loss is a fraction of the issue testosterone has caused most of us, it's not worth it for you to destroy your fertility/etc for hair. Some men on these forums (antidhtyor) have done so and understand the risks, that's their decision.


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So the moral of this thread is that taking powerful tranny drugs that nuke your androgens will grow your hair back. That's great news, except that's not practical for guys who don't want to become a trap. Am I missing something?
Yes, you're missing something.

The person doing so is an actual transsexual though, so it makes sense for her. It's a valid repository of information for other transsexuals out there. No, it's not relevant to men who like being men, though they might enjoy reading it an intellectual curiosity and scientific case study.


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Mm feisty, I like a "girl" who is feisty. Show feminine penis please.

I have immense respect for any trans person who puts themselves out there in order to help and inform others. And that is exactly what recedingyt is doing here. Your dumb comments are the reason why. Because, inevitably, there are some people who just can't help themselves. They can't simply let it be and move on. There is a certain amount of thick-headedness about them that they can't resist the temptation and keep their damn bigot mouth shut.


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I have immense respect for any trans person who puts themselves out there in order to help and inform others. And that is exactly what recedingyt is doing here. Your dumb comments are the reason why. Because, inevitably, there are some people who just can't help themselves. They can't simply let it be and move on. There is a certain amount of thick-headedness about them that they can't resist the temptation and keep their damn bigot mouth shut.

So asking "her" to show me her feminine penis is bigoted? Right..... You sound like some beta as f*** Nu-male. A politically correct liberal and white knight who puts pussy on pedestal but doesn't get any action. You probably argue with people and if you don't like what they're saying you whine and call them "racist" or a "bigoted". Thanks to morons like you, racist and bigot don't even mean anything more.

BTW I have sex with trannies every now and then. But according to you I'm also a bigot for asking to see "her" feminine penis.

Now, be a good cuck, and go fist yourself, champ.

This is you btw...


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So asking "her" to show me her feminine penis is bigoted? Right..... You sound like some beta as f*** Nu-male. A politically correct liberal and white knight who puts pussy on pedestal but doesn't get any action. You probably argue with people and if you don't like what they're saying you whine and call them "racist" or a "bigoted". Thanks to morons like you, racist and bigot don't even mean anything more.

BTW I have sex with trannies every now and then. But according to you I'm also a bigot for asking to see "her" feminine penis.

This is a hair loss forum. Keep your c*** in your pants or gtfo. There is absolutely no reason to bring up someones genitals in the context of this thread. That person called you bigoted because you clearly see, "trannies" as sexual objects and nothing more. You are nothing more than a sick, pathetic little repressed chaser desperately trying to "ALPHA". Go back to /pol/ and stay there.

inb4 5 years from now you are transitioning as Michelle and getting fucked into submission by your girl's bull.
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My Regimen
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This is a hair loss forum. Keep your c*** in your pants and gtfo. There is absolutely no reason to bring up someones genitals in the context of this thread. That person called you bigoted because you clearly see, "trannies" as sexual objects and nothing more. You are nothing more than a sick, pathetic little repressed chaser desperately trying to "ALPHA". Go back to /pol/ and stay there.

inb4 5 years from now you are transitioning as Michelle and getting fucked into submission by your girl's bull.

Look up the definition of a bigot, because like your Nu-male buddy above, you don't seem to know it. I wouldn't expect anything less after all, like I said, nu-males like yourself get hard-ons when you call someone racist or bigot because your subhuman IQs cannot process anything above slinging out buzzwords.

If anything, you're the one being intolerant. Yeah, I like to f*** trannies, you got a problem with that bigot?


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>thinks he isn't a bigot.

Here is the definition of bigot since you're too lazy to google it.

Bigot: a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

I in no way implied I was intolerant towards your opinions. Be it, you think you're a woman or whatever.
I'm not intolerant towards you thinking you're a girl. Do what you want, you only live once. Heck, go get a sex change, I don't care. After all, what we all want in life is to be happy, right? People should be able to do what they want, drugs, drink alcohol, I don't care as long as their actions don't directly or indirectly harm anyone else.

With all that said, I believe if you were born with a penis, and you have X and Y chromosomes, then you are not technically "girl" as stated by basic biology.

We obviously agree to disagree. You can deny science all you want. And you calling me a "bigot" because I disagree with you, ironically makes you look like a bigot because you are sounding intolerant towards my opinions.

I could go on, but I'd be wasting my time. You've convinced me you're either trolling or have a narrow minded low IQ. Either way, you're dense as f***.
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LMAO! Do you think every transgender person is not aware of their birth sex? We are all intimately aware of that. The question then becomes, what is a girl? what is a man? It's clearly not your genitals or chromosomes or you would need to inspect every persons chromosomes and genitals before you gendered them (you gender every single person you see constantly and never see either of these). Clearly being a "woman" and "man" is something more than your genitals and chromosomes as illustrated by this thought experiment.

Being transgender is a neurological form of intersexuality caused by developmental anomalies in the intrauterine period. Transgender people are not males or females, we are a hybrid of sorts. I don't hide this, but to imply we are men as you do with your post IS disrespectful and bigoted because it is intentional shade. Also, lol at you insulting my IQ when I am a MENSA registered 146 IQ genius.

Hilarious you say I want to deny science when in reality it is you that turns a blind eye to the mass amount of empirical research on transgender brains and physiology:

  • Yokota, Y. et al “Callosal Shapes at the Midsagittal Plane: MRI Differences of Normal Males, Normal Females, and GID”. An MRI study of 22 transwomen and 28 transmen examined the shape of the corpus callosum in the brain at a specific cross-sectional plane, and compared this shape with that observed in 211 XY karyotype males and 211 XX karyotype females. Their results demonstrated that not only could the sex of the patient be determined with 74% accuracy from the MRI picture, but the shapes of the brains in the transsexuals strongly reflected their gender, and not their biological sex.
  • Savic, "Sexual differentiation of the human brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation." It is believed that during the intrauterine period the fetal brain develops in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. According to this concept, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation should be programmed into our brain structures when we are still in the womb. However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in transsexuality. This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain. There is no proof that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity or sexual orientation.
  • Zhou "A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality." BSTc size in transwomen resembles that of ciswomen and is independent of sexual orientation.
  • Kruijver "Male-to-female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in a limbic nucleus." BSTc somatostatin-expressing neuron counts - twice as high in cismen and transmen as in ciswomen and transwomen. More intense Zhou.
  • Bentz "A polymorphism of the CYP17 gene related to sex steroid metabolism is associated with female-to-male but not male-to-female transsexualism." CYP17 -34 T>C SNP allele frequencies were statistically significantly divergent between FtM transgender people and cisfemale controls; genotype distributions were also divergent in a statistically significant manner.
  • Hare "Androgen receptor repeat length polymorphism associated wth male-to-female transsexualism." Genes involved in sex steroidogenesis are components to transgenderism and gender dysphoria; specifically, androgen receptor repeat length polymorphisms were observed in an MtF-transgender population, but not a cismale population; this warrants the conclusion that male gender identity is mediated by the androgen receptor.
  • Gooren "The biology of human psychosexual differentiation." Meta-analysis of sex-steroid production and prenatal androgen exposure in transgender people.
  • Swaab "Sexual differentiation of the human brain: relevance for gender identity, transsexualism, and sexual orientation." Analysis of prenatal androgen exposure similar to Gooren, but notes that neurological testosterone availability in MtF trans people is deficient, causing transgenderism or non-heterosexualism.
  • Garcia-Falgueras "A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender identity." The structure of the anterior hypothalamus plays a strong role in the development of transgenderism; INAH3 volume in transwomen resembles ciswomen, and INAH3 volume in transmen resembles cismen.
  • Luders "Regional gray matter variation in male-to-female transsexualism." MtF transgender people were analyzed by fMRI; gray matter variation throughout the brain more closely resembled the layout of a cisfeminine brain, rather than that of a cismasculine brain, implying gender identity depends on cerebral layout.
  • Rametti "White matter microstructure in female to male transsexuals before cross-sex hormonal treatment. A diffusion tensor imaging study." By diffusion-tensor-imaging MRI and fractional anisotropy analysis of various transgender and cisgender people, FtM transgender people more closely resembled a masculine-structured brain than a feminine- structured brain, noted by the study in the structures of the right superior longitudinal fasciculus, the foreceps minor, and the corticospinal tract. White matter microstructure therefore plays a role in gender identity.
  • Burke "Hypothalamic response to the chemo-signal androstadienone in gender dysphoric children and adolescents". Androstadienone, a particularly fragrant chemosignal responsible for sex-based differences in hypothalamic microstructure; children with gender dysphoria were observed to express differences in hypothalamic activation in accordance with identified gender, rather than assigned gender.
  • Boston University Medical Center. "Transgender: Evidence on the biological nature of gender identity." The researchers conducted a literature search and reviewed articles that showed positive biologic bases for gender identity. These included disorders of sexual development, such as penile agenesis, neuroanatomical differences, such as grey and white matter studies, and steroid hormone genetics, such as genes associated with sex hormone receptors. They conclude that current data suggests a biological etiology for transgender identity.
  • Bao, Hahn, Kranz, Kaufmann "Structural Connectivity Networks of Transgender People". 94 subjects, 23 FtM, 21 MtF, 25 cisFemale, 25 cisMale: average age 26. Transsexual subjects did not fulfill criteria for current comorbidities but 9 reported history of depression (n = 2), specific phobias (n = 3), obsessive compulsive disorder (n = 1), anorexia nervosa (n = 2), and substance abuse (n = 4). All patients reported subjective feelings to belong to the other gender before or at puberty. Investigating structural networks in female-to-male and male-to-female transsexuals, we observed differences in hemispheric and lobar connectivity as well as local efficiencies when compared with healthy controls.
  • Berglund "Berglund, H. et al. “Male-to-Female Transsexuals Show Sex-Atypical Hypothalamus Activation When Smelling Odorous Steroids". A positron emission tomography (PET) study showed that smelling androgens (male pheromones) caused transwomen to respond in the hypothalamus region of their brain in a manner similar to XX karyotype women. However, smelling estrogen-based pheromones also caused them to respond in the hypothalamus region in a manner similar to XY karyotype men. This combination of results suggests that transwomen occupy an “intermediate position with predominantly female features” in the way the hypothalamus reacted
  • Zubiaurre “Cortical Thickness in Untreated Transsexuals”. A 2012 study examined cortical thickness in the brain between 29 XY karyotype males, 23 XX karyotype females, 24 transmen, and 18 transwomen. None of the transsexual subjects had received any hormone treatment prior to the study. Using an MRI, the researchers found that the transwomen had more cortical thickness than the XY males in three regions of the brain. The transmen showed evidence of masculinization of their grey matter. In all transsexuals studied, the key differences from their biological sex were found in the right hemisphere. On a graph, transpeople statistically fell in the middle between the XX and XY karyotypes.

edit: I'm done arguing with you out of respect for recedingyt. This is not the thread or place for this.
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Yeah, it's genders flame time!

Common fallacy. It over simplifies the discussion to create a binary when in reality there is three factors in play that researchers observe:
  1. Sex - obvious.
  2. Gender Role - clothes, customs, expectations, language.
  3. Gender Identity - internal commitment about the way your body feels.
We can see this very clearly when looking at examples in which individuals were raised/socialized as a different gender role and then have internal dissonance against this role when they age. Here are two incredibly relevant examples:
  1. John Money & David Reimer:
    David had a botched circumcision which let to the destruction of his genitals. He was raised female following medical advice. Psychologist, John Money, grabbed it up as an opportunity to prove his argument about learned cultural gender. David was socialized, taught to be a girl, and given hormone therapy secretly. David always knew something was wrong and his internal gender identity was male before he ever knew about the hidden experiment. He ended up killing himself shortly after.

  2. Walt Heyer, Walt Heyer was sexually abused and feminized by his grand mother. He was raised as a girl and transitioned. He detransitioned later in his life and now spend his life trying to stop transpeople from transitioning. It's pretty bizarre. It shows an interesting case
Further, there has never been a successful case conversion therapy for transgender individuals. Much like heterosexual therapy Christians forced onto gay individuals doesn't work. The reality is nobody has ever successfully forced a person to identify as the opposite gender. It doesn't happen. Gender identity is a biologically hardwired understanding of yourself (I cited empirical evidence of this already). Enjoy your oversimplification. Only tumblr-ites argue gender is 100% social, and everybody knows their disregard for science. So yes, it's more nuanced. Gender roles and social customs exist but so does internal gender identity. They are not mutually exclusive.
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Nature sure is stupid putting women in men's bodies. It's odd that it rarely puts men in women's bodies though. It's not hard-wired. It's the result of experiences that happen as children, combined with the fact that it's not easy being a man, and the way women are labeled as being the superior gender now.

Oh look, another person that has no clue what they are talking about so they use opinion stated as fact.
  1. First off, FtM transgender people are only ~15-30% less common than MtF transgender. However, most of them when transitioning just get read as a butch dyke instead of transgender (not the case for transitioning MtF).
  2. All human embryo's start out at a baseline female template then during the intrauterine period hormones flood the embryo and cause further development. It's no wonder MtF is more prevalent as this developmental process is tremendously more complex for biological male formation. There is WAY more that can go wrong during the creation of a male baby than female.
  3. FtM are almost never mentioned in public discourse because most of it is fear mongering and a girl looking like a man is a lot less "threatening" of a narrative than a man dressed like a woman. Why are Tomboys so universally accepted but Girlyboys are ridiculed, abused, and bullied? That's why you notice FtM less, it's less taboo.
You seem to have this idea that FtM transgender individuals don't exist. The objective truth is they do exist. It's that simple and you obviously have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

It's the result of experiences that happen as children, combined with the fact that it's not easy being a man

No. Just no. There is not a single piece of evidence that suggests this. All evidence contradicts this. You can not teach a child to identify as a specific gender. I have already posted two very famous examples of this. Psychologist Dr. Money actually tried this as an experiment to prove gender is socially learned and as a result a man shot himself.

If it's the results of experiences that happen as children, why do genetically identical twins who a raised in different environments have spiked rates of BOTH transitioning (even when they have never met eachother). While non-identical twins have a near 0% of both being transgender (in line with general population)

Transsexuality Among Twins: Identity Concordance, Transition, Rearing, and Orientation:

"Notably among our responding twins were three sets who had been reared apart and were concordant in transitioning. One was a male set within which the brothers were separated at birth, another was a set of males separated at age 4, and the third was a female pair separated at 14. Each had independently and unknowingly transitioned and found out about each other’s switch as adults after the gender shift."

I also find it hilarious you think it is easier being a woman than a man. I've lived as both. There are pros and cons to both. It's not as black and white as you want it to be.
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You have clearly spent a lot of time trying to find ways to justify your feelings. I don't really care what you do or want to be, but it's all in your head. Transgenderism is psychological not physiological. No amount of pseudoscience is going to convince me otherwise. There's a huge push right now to make fake research in the name of tolerance to get people to accept transgendereds. You don't have to accept a lie to be tolerant though.


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You have clearly spent a lot of time trying to find ways to justify your feelings. I don't really care what you do or want to be, but it's all in your head. Transgenderism is psychological not physiological. No amount of pseudoscience is going to convince me otherwise. There's a huge push right now to make fake research in the name of tolerance to get people to accept transgendereds. You don't have to accept a lie to be tolerant though.

Nothing I posted is pseudoscience. It's all peer reviewed, multi-sourced, academic research. How does it feel to completely ignore empirical evidence based on nothing more than "your feelings"? Where is your evidence? I've presented evidence. Do you have any? It seems like you do not.

How can you sit there and claim there is no physiological evidence when I literally posted 16 peer reviewed articles over the physiological neurology of transgender brains. Jesus.


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Why is it a lie?

We are all born female, even men. There are men who are allergic to testosterone, who
are born female. Testosterone from the mother turns us male.

There are also men with XXY (Klinefelter's syndrome). Some men have two Y chromosones (Jacobson's syndrome).

Don't know why some people think it's fake science. It's not.

This 100%.

Girls with an XX karyotype born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) (meaning they were exposed to high levels of testosterone in the womb) tend to develop male social tendencies and male personality features. (Hines, Zucker) They tend to be described by their parents as “tomboys”, with a high energy level. (Gooren, 2006) CAH girls are 100-300 times as likely to be transsexual, compared to the general female population, and 1 in 20 have serious gender identity problems. (Bao) One study found that 37% of CAH girls classified themselves as either lesbian or bisexual, a number far greater than the general population. (Gooren, 2006)


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Just for reference:

I am trans. I look nothing like those people even before I started transitioning. I suspect a lot of trans people follow this thread. That is why your original comment complaining about this thread not being helpful is so narrow minded. Your disrespectful language and transmysoginy is the very definition of bigoted as far as I am concerned.

Look. Some trans people have hair loss issues. Recedingyt is kindly giving her time to share her experience. I am incredibly grateful for this. And I am sure there are plenty of guys on here who are also glad to have the extra knowledge this thread can provide. If it proves anything, I think it shows that one day it may be possible for men to regrow their hair or avoid hair loss entirely.