
Incredible recovery from NW5: the power of super aggressive regimens!


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It's easy to make research to show things that are politically correct. Doing research into transgenderism being psychological is a good way to end up eating in soup kitchens. Any research being done on transgenderism, the result is known in advance. Unbiased research is not being done because no one wants to do research that might put them in an unemployment line. I'm not the only one who "feels" this way:

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder."


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It's easy to make research to show that is politically correct. Doing research into transgenderism being psychological is a good way to end up eating in soup kitchens. Any research being done on transgenderism, the result is known in advance. Unbiased research is not being done because no one wants to do research that might put them in an unemployment line. I'm not the only one who "feels" this way:

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder."

LMAO. Trying to claim you are unbiased and looking for "real" information when you just cited Paul McHugh. There is not a doctor out there more politically motivated than Paul McHugh

"He is a self-described orthodox Catholic whose radical views are well documented. In his role as part of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' review board, he pushed the idea that the Catholic sex-abuse scandal was not about pedophilia but about "homosexual predation on American Catholic youth." He filed an amicus brief arguing in favor of Proposition 8 on the basis that homosexuality is a "choice." Additionally, McHugh was in favor of forcing a pregnant 10-year-old girl to carry to term even though she had been raped by an adult relative."

Yes, totally unbiased! Definitely good research that is not peer reviewed or empirical in any way.


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Yeah, and you are totally unbiased. He is more qualified than any of the sociologists supporting your argument. It's funny, if you aren't a liberal you're biased and your credentials mean nothing. If you're a liberal you have no biases and you're opinion is merited even if you're only qualification is flipping burgers. It's all about feelings for liberals.

Dude what are you talking about I'm not even a liberal. I'm a libertarian. Further, I never cited any sociologists. I cited neurologists and experts in the field of brains. YOU cited a psychologist. YOU cited the most infamous agenda driven social scientist. I cited REAL researchers that use empirical evidence.

My bias is irrelevant because I am using observable, tangible, real, empirical evidence. Feelings don't matter. Facts do. And the fact is, you are intentionally disregarding solid research to support your agenda.


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The fact is I mentioned the determination of a supremely qualified individual, and you freaked out. I won't even talk about Blanchard. You will probably hunt me down and egg my house after dismissing it because it doesn't agree with your preformed beliefs.

Today I learned presenting facts is considered "freaking out".

You accused me of citing sociologists but so far you have only name dropped social scientists and I have only cited neurologists. Both McHugh and Blanchard are psychologists. No surprise you'd cite Blanchard. I don't have anything against Blanchard but his topology is objectively flawed. Here is a deconstruction of his seminal work which laid the groundwork for everything he has done since:

Many true errors exist in Blanchards work:

Sampling Errors.
  • The number of subjects with clinically diagnosed gender dysphoria is not provided, therefore some, or even all, of them are not relevant subjects for study.
  • It is not stated if any of the sample had transitioned, were in the process of transitioning or were considering transitioning.
  • Gender dysphoria was self diagnosed by the subjects and transsexuality was determined by a single question, thus not following WPATH or DSM diagnostic guidelines.
  • Low or sub-threshold self measured gender dysphoria subjects, and self admitted transvestites were included in the full sample for factor determination (30% of the sample).
Technical Statistical Analyses Errors
  • No tests for normality were undertaken, given the high Coefficients of Variation (CV) shown (the highest being 523%) non-normality should have been considered and tested for.
  • The core statistical test (Newman-Keuls) has a high ‘false positive’ rate, is not valid for varying sized sample data and not valid for non Gaussian data.
  • Sample sizes were averaged using the Harmonic Mean (most commonly used in financial analysis), no results or discussion was provided as to why this was chosen in preference to other means or the impact on the Newman-Keuls test results or why another and valid test was not used.
Question Errors
  • The questionnaires followed the Core Question, Sub Question design. While this is appropriate for detailed analysis, it leads to multiple counting and score inflation when used as a measurement scale. If the Core question is answered with a yes, then at least one other Sub question will automatically be answered with a yes as well.
  • No measures of intensity (frequency or recency of fantasies or actions) were used.
  • The core question (#12) in the Autogynephilic Interpersonal Fantasy Scale is incorrect, with a score being given for non interpersonal fantasy behavior, thus the results would be inflated for this test
Blanchard's work is very fascinating and gave us a lot of interesting information about transgender people but his work is very flawed. Under his model FtM transgender people can't exist.


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Honestly guys I really could not give any less of a sh*t about your opinions on transgender issues. It's completely irrelevant. I'm going to continue living my life as I do, as is every other trans person in this thread/in the world, and no amount of armchair psychologists that throw around the word "liberal" at everyone they disagree with like it's supposed to be inherently insulting to be called such is going to change that. Disagree with what every credible medical body has had to say about gender dysphoria? Neat, you're entitled to your opinions. But I know what I am and what I'm doing, so you can f*** the hell off if you think you're actually doing anything more than just wasting your breath.

This topic is about hair loss. No it is not something any random guy can do. I have been beyond clear about this. This thread is for other trans women, not all of you cis men who insist on incessantly bitching about how it's not helpful to you. This is of course ignoring the fact that this thread actually does offer some insight to cis men on the basis that it proves insane regrowth is possible, and that maybe a future treatment could emulate the results without the negative effects of feminizing HRT. Also, as I have said numerous times as well: most of my regrowth is from minoxidil. Anyone can use minoxidil. But that's besides the point. As I said, this thread is primarily to inspire other trans women. I have had quite a lot of trans women post here in this thread, message me, and even some who found me on Reddit/Tumblr/4chan say how much my story has helped them.

So again, just to reiterate: anyone who is having a negative reaction to my thread here can refer back to my advice wherein you should just f*** right the hell off and realize that you are not the target demographic.


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This thread has deviated into a Sunday church service


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Hate how this is the most viewed thread/replied to thread in this forum when it is completely unrelated to almost everyone here. Wish you would have put transgender in the title.


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Also there is absolutely no way most of your regrowth is from minoxidil. If you truly believe that you are blinded by ignorance.


I'm the one blinded by ignorance when you're the one who is too stupid to read the thread...?

I've said countless times that when I quit minoxidil in March/April-ish of 2015, I was pretty much back to baseline by mid June of 2015. There was some regrowth from estrogen and having no T/DHT as well of course, but not a hugely significant amount. There is a possibility that being on HRT has made minoxidil more effective in some way, but ultimately it still comes down to minoxidil being the main source of my regrowth.


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I'm the one blinded by ignorance when you're the one who is too stupid to read the thread...?

I've said countless times that when I quit minoxidil in March/April-ish of 2015, I was pretty much back to baseline by mid June of 2015. There was some regrowth from estrogen and having no T/DHT as well of course, but not a hugely significant amount. There is a possibility that being on HRT has made minoxidil more effective in some way, but ultimately it still comes down to minoxidil being the main source of my regrowth.
I find this incredibly mind blowing:eek:
I wonder.....There are those who never touch minoxidil, yet AAs & 'E' will give them pre-teen hair growth.
But then there are others who use minoxidil, & it becomes like a curse. You HAVE to keep using it. But the reason we use minoxidil is because it gives results faster than the oral drugs!:confused::confused::confused:

For those of us who are already using minoxidil & oral drugs, isn't there a way to deviate away from the minoxidil?
Using this sh*t topically SUCKS. I wish I could use minoxidil orally, but I don't wanna kill my heart.

Also, YT, you said you returned back to 'baseline' when you hopped off minoxidil. Now do you mean baseline as in NW4-5?
Sorry, I haven't read this thread entirely. I know you're sick of hearing the same sh*t


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I find this incredibly mind blowing:eek:
I wonder.....There are those who never touch minoxidil, yet AAs & 'E' will give them pre-teen hair growth.
But then there are others who use minoxidil, & it becomes like a curse. You HAVE to keep using it. But the reason we use minoxidil is because it gives results faster than the oral drugs!:confused::confused::confused:

For those of us who are already using minoxidil & oral drugs, isn't there a way to deviate away from the minoxidil?
Using this sh*t topically SUCKS. I wish I could use minoxidil orally, but I don't wanna kill my heart.

Also, YT, you said you returned back to 'baseline' when you hopped off minoxidil. Now do you mean baseline as in NW4-5?
Sorry, I haven't read this thread entirely. I know you're sick of hearing the same sh*t
I feel you. Minoxidil f*****g sucks. I hate how much it tears up my scalp, and ruins having a hairstyle. I would take it orally if it weren't for the fact I'd probably become a hairy beast, which is kind of counterproductive to transition :p

And yes, I dropped back to about a NW4 after quitting minoxidil.


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There was a guy here who took it orally. Honest. This dude knew how to mix liquid Finasteride with liquid Minoxidil. (Even sent me an email explaining the steps).

He's no longer around on the board.

But yeah, oral Minoxidil with lower blood pressure (too low), renal (kidney) failure is might occur.

Topical has definitely been good for my hair, as in slowing my baldness. In my case, stopping baldness, not really.
i remember reading a thread about liquid finasteride and its efficacy--would liquid finasteride+liquid minoxidil be more beneficial than regular application, or are results marginally better?


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i remember reading a thread about liquid finasteride and its efficacy--would liquid finasteride+liquid minoxidil be more beneficial than regular application, or are results marginally better?
Id say up the percentage of minoxidil. I think K9 would say the same thing


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I wonder if it is at all possible to wean yourself off of minoxidil over a long period of time? I'm talking several years. I suspect if it works at all then it would only be a realistic option for a trans women who is well into her transition and has all the regrowth she's ever going to get from her hormones. My thinking is that her female hormones would give her a stable platform to try something like this.

Lets say your applying minoxidil twice a day every week. For just one day a week you would skip one application for two or three months. Then you would skip two applications and so on, thereby training your hair to manage without minoxidil. Does anyone think this regimen would hold up over time?


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Then you would skip two applications and so on, thereby training your hair to manage without minoxidil. Does anyone think this regimen would hold up over time?
No. You don't "train" your hair. At least, there is no study showing this could ever work.


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I wonder if it is at all possible to wean yourself off of minoxidil over a long period of time? I'm talking several years. I suspect if it works at all then it would only be a realistic option for a trans women who is well into her transition and has all the regrowth she's ever going to get from her hormones. My thinking is that her female hormones would give her a stable platform to try something like this.

Lets say your applying minoxidil twice a day every week. For just one day a week you would skip one application for two or three months. Then you would skip two applications and so on, thereby training your hair to manage without minoxidil. Does anyone think this regimen would hold up over time?

I don't know, but I'm not personally willing to risk it. I highly doubt it would work.