
Incredible recovery from NW5: the power of super aggressive regimens!


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recedingyt, how old are you and how long you were bald before HRT?
How is your hair right now. Will you post new photos?
I'm 24 going on 25 right now. My hair is in decent shape. It's pretty thick in the NW2 area all the way back to the crown (I was very worried about my crown in the past but definitely no longer as you can see in the pics it's pretty thick). I have tons of vellus hairs all the way down to the NW0 area, many of which actually have significant cosmetic value when styled. People don't notice my hairloss anymore. I'm hopeful they'll eventually thicken up over time (I have definitely noticed them getting much thicker, but it's SLOW). I'm hopeful that the Brotzu lotion will help bring these hairs fully terminal, or Histogen in a worse case scenario. I know the hairs are there and alive, it's just a matter of finding something to push them terminal and then my hair loss will be pretty much fully recovered. I started balding at 16-17 and was a NW4-5 by the time I was 19-20. I started treating this when I was 22 going on 23.





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As a side note I want to say the difference in how people treat me is incredible lol, especially girls. I work retail so it's not uncommon for me to have to interact with a lot of people on a daily basis and loads of young attractive girls very obviously are attracted to me, flirt with me, and just treat me like my existence doesn't bother them anymore. I actually really like walking around in boy mode for this reason. I've got a really young look about me (my coworkers didnt believe I am 24 until I showed them ID, they all thought I was 18 at most) and I tend to dress in a very gender neutral way that also gets a lot of gay men hitting on me too. It's pretty cool, and such a drastic change from being the invisible bald guy no one paid any mind to at best and looked at with disgust at worst.


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You look really beautiful @recedingyt right now and also congratulations for your recovery, it's truly incredible. I have a question though and i don't want you to get me wrong but i'm really curious, if it wasn't for male pattern baldness would you have used HRT to turn into a trans-woman ? or you would have stayed a man. Again i'm not trying to judge you or anything like that, just pure curiosity.

michel sapin

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sure great hair recovery, congrats . but not suitable for man , you certainly might have gyno?

michel sapin

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you 've got a great hairline now ! how much minoxidil contribute to your sucess ? do you think it has helped your hairline ? i have got the feeling that it worsen mine .


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You look really beautiful @recedingyt right now and also congratulations for your recovery, it's truly incredible. I have a question though and i don't want you to get me wrong but i'm really curious, if it wasn't for male pattern baldness would you have used HRT to turn into a trans-woman ? or you would have stayed a man. Again i'm not trying to judge you or anything like that, just pure curiosity.

Answered this before. I'm sorry I know you don't mean anything ill but it's a dumb question. My hair loss is not why I'm trans. I would have transitioned sooner had I known I could beat my hair loss. The lack of educational resources out there of the effects of hormones and the medical transition process is the reason why I waited so long, otherwise I would have started transitioning at like 16. I even discussed it to some extent with my parents and girlfriend at the time... I just fell into a cycle of repression when I realized I was balding because I didn't want to end up a bald girl.

sure great hair recovery, congrats . but not suitable for man , you certainly might have gyno?

No sh*t. I'm trans. I have been unbelievably clear about this at every turn. I don't have gyno, I have full on 34C boobs. It's all intentional because I'm a girl now. I don't expect men to see this and go "alright time to take some estrogen and kill my T!", I posted this thread for other trans women... of which there have been many comment here, PM me, and even find me on other forums/Tumblr/4chan and say how much my story helped them.

you 've got a great hairline now ! how much minoxidil contribute to your sucess ? do you think it has helped your hairline ? i have got the feeling that it worsen mine .

Minoxidil has been the key player in my success I feel. I'm a very good responder to it. All the other treatments I'm taking have certainly helped increase it's effectiveness, but it likely would have helped very significantly even if I was only on minoxidil and finasteride.

michel sapin

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thanks . that is sure using minoxidil in low test and dht environment is a key factor .


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Madison, you have blossomed into a very beautiful young woman!

I can only hope to achieve a small fraction of your success in transition.

And believe me when I tell you that your story here was one of the major factors in prompting me to finally convince myself to transition at such a late stage of life (Caitlyn coming out in 2015 showed me it was still possible, your story, and finally discovering the webcomic "Rain" by Jocelyn DiDominick were my big 3 to remove my doubt about starting medical transition)

Thank you!
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Your hair looks so good. When I see the original pictures, it's amazing.

That's less than 1.5. In fact, I would say you're a Norwood zero, or
very close to that.
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Thank you so much EvilLocks ^_^

Here is probably a better pic to show it styled (ignore the glazed over eyes, was mid THC edible when I took the pic):

I havent been on here in a few weeks....cant believe i missed this HUGE update!
You look amazing YT, & that regrowth :eek:
Congrats girl


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Are you serious? She has breasts.

Women have those!

You should look them up on Wikipedia!

Breasts, bewbies, sweater puppies. They're awesome. I love the ones I'm growing.

Of course, they're not for everyone born AMAB, but if you're MtF, they're a huge goal of achievement to attain.


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I'm 24 going on 25 right now. My hair is in decent shape. It's pretty thick in the NW2 area all the way back to the crown (I was very worried about my crown in the past but definitely no longer as you can see in the pics it's pretty thick). I have tons of vellus hairs all the way down to the NW0 area, many of which actually have significant cosmetic value when styled. People don't notice my hairloss anymore. I'm hopeful they'll eventually thicken up over time (I have definitely noticed them getting much thicker, but it's SLOW). I'm hopeful that the Brotzu lotion will help bring these hairs fully terminal, or Histogen in a worse case scenario. I know the hairs are there and alive, it's just a matter of finding something to push them terminal and then my hair loss will be pretty much fully recovered. I started balding at 16-17 and was a NW4-5 by the time I was 19-20. I started treating this when I was 22 going on 23.




My hair is in a similar sate to yours, with the vellus down to NW0 and all. I hope histogen is the extra boost we need. Also, have you looked into LiCl after dermarolling?


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Answered this before. I'm sorry I know you don't mean anything ill but it's a dumb question. My hair loss is not why I'm trans. I would have transitioned sooner had I known I could beat my hair loss. The lack of educational resources out there of the effects of hormones and the medical transition process is the reason why I waited so long, otherwise I would have started transitioning at like 16. I even discussed it to some extent with my parents and girlfriend at the time... I just fell into a cycle of repression when I realized I was balding because I didn't want to end up a bald girl.

No sh*t. I'm trans. I have been unbelievably clear about this at every turn. I don't have gyno, I have full on 34C boobs. It's all intentional because I'm a girl now. I don't expect men to see this and go "alright time to take some estrogen and kill my T!", I posted this thread for other trans women... of which there have been many comment here, PM me, and even find me on other forums/Tumblr/4chan and say how much my story helped them.

Minoxidil has been the key player in my success I feel. I'm a very good responder to it. All the other treatments I'm taking have certainly helped increase it's effectiveness, but it likely would have helped very significantly even if I was only on minoxidil and finasteride.

You have transformed into a butterfly! I prefer the girl version picture you posted to the male one but that is just my taste ;)
Without disrespect, though, I think that if minoxidil and finasteride had been the key players in your recovery, we would have seen more cases like yours. On the contrary, the only case similar to yours is @antydhtor, who has been taking oral anti-androgens as you.