If the shoe fits...
Anyway, the person that continued to lose hair was due to improper handling of the cells as he explained.
Everyone else maintained or saw an increase, with the highest responder seeing a 20% increase.
Now, we could go with your conspiracy theories that everyone is just lying or some sh*t, or we could use Occam's razor here and go with the simplest explanation: It works, but there was an overdose and a SNAFU in the handling.
There is literally nothing on the market that can maintain your hair that ISN'T a drug with potentially bad side effects yet; this thing is slated to be the first and still you b**ch and cry about "piss poor" results on something that probably isn't going to regrow a fullhead of hair right from the get go.
You're like a f*****g whiny child about all this stuff. Every thread, every fuckin' one in this subforum, you show up, read into even the most minute of things, and spin all this sky-is-falling bullshit from it. I don't understand why you don't just accept baldness since you're not going to be satisfied with anything. Grow up.