
It Begins. I purchased all the items for the SwissTemple Prostaglandin Protocol. Wish


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now, after i looked the protocol of the Swiss, i think to use (after microneedling) mix of Rosemary Oil, Grapefruit oil and castor oil. Until I get PGE2 powder.


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Your answer is 10mcg/ml, in order not to overupregulate the EP1 and EP3 receptors that causes and infiltration into the hair follicles

But then again, what's the point of applying pharmaceutical PGE2 when its half life is a mere ?

u need consistent minimal activation of PGE2 to grow hair. Do hair grows for a few mins and stop?

and why waste $$$ on them when is directly upregulated by ?

Unless u are able and can afford to get your hands on

Because 5-AR fucked up the brain,dick and mood and..f*** them that's all :)


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with those little upgrades that looks really promising with a crazy light routine. I can't beat that


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12 Weeks on 1.5g Oral Setipiprant.


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Good news and bad news (kind of)

Good News:

So the good news is that high dose oral seti absolutely does work. Im convinced now without a doubt. And best news of all Ive had no side effects. No physical, mental or cosmetic sides.

DO NOT waste your money on topical seti. You will only get maintenance at best, Im getting better regrowth now in the last 12 weeks on oral than I did all of the previous 14 months on topical seti. If you want regrowth you need to do 1.5g+ oral daily.

If you don't mind using minoxidil and were to stack it on top of high dose oral seti and wounding, you would get absolutely epic regrowth. I choose not to use minoxidil due to cosmetic sides.

Bad News:

Bad news is that im turning 29 next week, and im embarrassed to admit it but Im still a virgin. Im reaching a breaking point and Im strongly considering jumping on steroids which I know will cause my to lose all of my hair progress and gains, and I will end up having to shave my head because of it and end this seti protocol, but i feel like i have no choice, I need to do something about this problem.
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Experienced Member
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12 Weeks on 1.5g Oral Setipiprant.


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Good news and bad news (kind of)

Good News:

So the good news is that high dose oral seti absolutely does work. Im convinced now without a doubt. And best news of all Ive had no side effects. No physical, mental or cosmetic sides.

DO NOT waste your money on topical seti. You will only get maintenance at best, Im getting better regrowth now in the last 12 weeks on oral than I did all of the previous 14 months on topical seti. If you want regrowth you need to do 1.5g+ oral daily.

Bad News:

Bad news is that im turning 29 next week, and im embarrassed to admit it but Im still a virgin. Im reaching a breaking point and Im strongly considering jumping on steroids which I know will cause my to lose all of my hair progress and gains, and I will end up having to shave my head because of it. But i feel like i have no choice, I need to do something about this problem.
Throw me a couple bucks and i can get my ex to blow you. That money grubbing wh***.
Sorry im feeling feisty tonight. That b**ch


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12 Weeks on 1.5g Oral Setipiprant.


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Good news and bad news (kind of)

Good News:

So the good news is that high dose oral seti absolutely does work. Im convinced now without a doubt. And best news of all Ive had no side effects. No physical, mental or cosmetic sides.

DO NOT waste your money on topical seti. You will only get maintenance at best, Im getting better regrowth now in the last 12 weeks on oral than I did all of the previous 14 months on topical seti. If you want regrowth you need to do 1.5g+ oral daily.

If you don't mind using minoxidil and were to stack it on top of high dose oral seti and wounding, you would get absolutely epic regrowth. I choose not to use minoxidil due to cosmetic sides.

Bad News:

Bad news is that im turning 29 next week, and im embarrassed to admit it but Im still a virgin. Im reaching a breaking point and Im strongly considering jumping on steroids which I know will cause my to lose all of my hair progress and gains, and I will end up having to shave my head because of it and end this seti protocol, but i feel like i have no choice, I need to do something about this problem.
You could always use Deca and Tbol , I never believed in the "you have to use a Test based approach" You have good head shape, you could do smp , I know it's not hair but could look good


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sorry if this was covered havnt been reading the whole post history. BUT WHY WOULD YOU GET ON STEROIDS?

If you want to look good just workout. Steroids are not at all a good idea to just look good, steroids are for people who have been working out for years and want to be bigger then big. Theyre a horrible idea for a novice weight lifter and will if anything give you not great results.

Just eat healthy and workout, it takes time but you'll get a good body without playing with your hormones.


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lol i feel like youre the one projecting and getting defensive over my steroid comment- i wasnt trying to start an argument, i even started my post off with sorry if this was covered. Just offering my insight AND what ive seen with others. Getting on steroids to make yourself attractive to women is a BAD IDEA. I'm not knocking steroids in general, they are a great tool for seasoned lifters and athletes looking to get to the next level. But the pros dont outweigh the cons for your average lifter, and if you arent a seasoned lifter you probably wont even get that much out of steroid use and be left worse off then had you not used them. Ive never used but in my younger years ive seen more then a few friends after 2-3 years of lifting attempt to use steroids and get nothing out of them, and be worse off then before they used them.

I didnt want to get in this involved of a debate, i came here from reddit based on ops post and success with SETI. The first thing i read was him questioning steroid use and i felt based on my experience i would offer a little insight. Didnt mean to trigger you king of fighters.


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yet more

U asked me to calm down, when ironically- u're the 1 who started digressing and yelling at him to give up steroids when this thread is about him regrowing his hair on using experimentals.

haha thanks.

im yelling? how is typing yelling? and im not talking down to him. why are you instigating instead of just responding?

nevermind.... just looked at your post history, you like to argue....


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12 Weeks on 1.5g Oral Setipiprant.


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Good news and bad news (kind of)

Good News:

So the good news is that high dose oral seti absolutely does work. Im convinced now without a doubt. And best news of all Ive had no side effects. No physical, mental or cosmetic sides.

DO NOT waste your money on topical seti. You will only get maintenance at best, Im getting better regrowth now in the last 12 weeks on oral than I did all of the previous 14 months on topical seti. If you want regrowth you need to do 1.5g+ oral daily.

If you don't mind using minoxidil and were to stack it on top of high dose oral seti and wounding, you would get absolutely epic regrowth. I choose not to use minoxidil due to cosmetic sides.

Bad News:

Bad news is that im turning 29 next week, and im embarrassed to admit it but Im still a virgin. Im reaching a breaking point and Im strongly considering jumping on steroids which I know will cause my to lose all of my hair progress and gains, and I will end up having to shave my head because of it and end this seti protocol, but i feel like i have no choice, I need to do something about this problem.

Opposite for me.
Due to limited amount of seti, i switched from daily topical to 2-3 time per week topical. Its been 2 months like this and i've never seen so many new hairs on receded parts. I also switched from DMI to PG in my vehicle. And been wounding more thoroughly.

One thing for sure, seti alone is kinda garbage. I feel wounding enhances effect of seti.


Established Member
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12 Weeks on 1.5g Oral Setipiprant.


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View attachment 68147

Good news and bad news (kind of)

Good News:

So the good news is that high dose oral seti absolutely does work. Im convinced now without a doubt. And best news of all Ive had no side effects. No physical, mental or cosmetic sides.

DO NOT waste your money on topical seti. You will only get maintenance at best, Im getting better regrowth now in the last 12 weeks on oral than I did all of the previous 14 months on topical seti. If you want regrowth you need to do 1.5g+ oral daily.

If you don't mind using minoxidil and were to stack it on top of high dose oral seti and wounding, you would get absolutely epic regrowth. I choose not to use minoxidil due to cosmetic sides.

Bad News:

Bad news is that im turning 29 next week, and im embarrassed to admit it but Im still a virgin. Im reaching a breaking point and Im strongly considering jumping on steroids which I know will cause my to lose all of my hair progress and gains, and I will end up having to shave my head because of it and end this seti protocol, but i feel like i have no choice, I need to do something about this problem.
Steroids is the absolute worse way to go. On top of destroying your hair and making all the money you've used so far a waste, it will end up destroying your sexual health and give you ED. Then you'll end up paying for v****, penis pump, and testosterone replacement therapy.


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Opposite for me.
Due to limited amount of seti, i switched from daily topical to 2-3 time per week topical. Its been 2 months like this and i've never seen so many new hairs on receded parts. I also switched from DMI to PG in my vehicle. And been wounding more thoroughly.

One thing for sure, seti alone is kinda garbage. I feel wounding enhances effect of seti.
Are you using pinoeering hair private forum seti or kane/Alibaba supplier ? And what dose/mg do you use topically 2-3 times a week ?

Mr. Prince

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12 Weeks on 1.5g Oral Setipiprant.


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View attachment 68146


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View attachment 68147

Good news and bad news (kind of)

Good News:

So the good news is that high dose oral seti absolutely does work. Im convinced now without a doubt. And best news of all Ive had no side effects. No physical, mental or cosmetic sides.

DO NOT waste your money on topical seti. You will only get maintenance at best, Im getting better regrowth now in the last 12 weeks on oral than I did all of the previous 14 months on topical seti. If you want regrowth you need to do 1.5g+ oral daily.

If you don't mind using minoxidil and were to stack it on top of high dose oral seti and wounding, you would get absolutely epic regrowth. I choose not to use minoxidil due to cosmetic sides.

Bad News:

Bad news is that im turning 29 next week, and im embarrassed to admit it but Im still a virgin. Im reaching a breaking point and Im strongly considering jumping on steroids which I know will cause my to lose all of my hair progress and gains, and I will end up having to shave my head because of it and end this seti protocol, but i feel like i have no choice, I need to do something about this problem.

Dude what the f***? This forum and you need to know that your worth is not determined by how other people see you. Literally who is immature enough to the point that they give a sh*t about you being a virgin at 29? If you want to get laid just because you want to and not because of societal pressure then go get an escort or something but I guarantee that you won't be satisfied. NEWSFLASH: Your hair (Or lack of) isn't what is stopping you from getting laid. Keep on treatments, buzz it off, and go put yourself out there. Who knows, you might find someone special.

Mr. Prince

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So I just found out about your subreddit and I don't get your attitude. You have a sexy body and a good facial structure. No way it'll be hard for you to get laid if you present yourself well and put yourself out there.


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Yeah man i've got to say this persona you've built up of yourself is complete bullshit. You've put yourself into this mindset of hair and certain appearances = success with women. You could be the best looking dude alive but if you're sheltered and don't be put yourself out there and be yourself you still wouldn't have any luck . As others have said, you've got a good physique, and a good looking dude. Your hair is not hindering you to get women AT ALL. Be more confident, be social and the rest will slot into place (no pun intended).

Oh and don't jump on the juice, I've been bodybuilding for 10 years and guarantee you're the sort of personality who will have a serious mental battle with ever coming off them.