
It Begins. I purchased all the items for the SwissTemple Prostaglandin Protocol. Wish

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I think going for the mature hairline to begin with is smart, if you can reclaim into nw2 territory at a reasonable density it will look better than if you try too much barren skin and get low density over a larger area imo.
I know it's unrelated but you should exfoliate your nose.


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I think going for the mature hairline to begin with is smart, if you can reclaim into nw2 territory at a reasonable density it will look better than if you try too much barren skin and get low density over a larger area imo.
I know it's unrelated but you should exfoliate your nose.

Is that what the dots on the nose are?
I have those same dots. Applying an exfoliant doesn't work.
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Is that what the dots on the nose are?
I have those same dots. Applying an exfoliant doesn't work.
The dots are clogged pores, it's a constant maintenance that needs to be done, light dermabrasion/ thorough cleansing will make the dots less noticable. Some people use diluted apple cider vinegar on cleansed pores to help reduce their enlargement. I have quite large nose pores too, wouldn't be surprised if it was related to male pattern baldness lol.


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Yea, so Im probably going to lower the goal (red line) since it seems to be working better than I expected.

See you guys at the 12 week mark
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Norwood One

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The dots are clogged pores, it's a constant maintenance that needs to be done, light dermabrasion/ thorough cleansing will make the dots less noticable. Some people use diluted apple cider vinegar on cleansed pores to help reduce their enlargement. I have quite large nose pores too, wouldn't be surprised if it was related to male pattern baldness lol.

None of those things will work. You need a comedone extractor. They sell them cheap at walgreens or CVS like 5 bucks. They're clogged pores and require pressure to extract the oil/sebum/dirt that form white and blackheads.


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This should be in success stories already, the thread is making history.

Not so fast though. Let's see if those hairs go terminal and if the temples gain any significant density. The growth thus far shows potential but it's far from significant from a cosmetic standpoint.


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Well, at least this is one optmistic-looking thread without sides OP.

My biggest concern with PGD2 inhibition is that it causes sleep problems in quite a few people. Seems that you don't have it (despite the fact that you use seti before sleep). Great! That's giving us some hope.

I was really worried that seti will never make it further because of this sleep issue (supposed that it has high enough occurring rate)


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Finasteride causes sleep problems for me too. In the sense that I wake up like a zombie in the morning (no matter how long or when I go to sleep) and routinely sleep 1 - 1.5h longer than I normally would.


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Finasteride causes sleep problems for me too. In the sense that I wake up like a zombie in the morning (no matter how long or when I go to sleep) and routinely sleep 1 - 1.5h longer than I normally would.
Exact problems with me here. DHT regulates NO which has something to do with sleep and inhibiting 5AR fxxks your central nervous system up from so many angles. PGD2 has its role in sleep regulation too.


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As a fellow Pashtun and someone who can't use finasteride or minoxidil, I'm definitely interested in seeing where this goes. Best of luck! So far the results look very encouraging.


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I see you guys are talking about cognitive and sleep side effects of finasteride so I'll just drop my anti finasteride bomb here. :) No need to thank me. ;P

The Dr. Goldstein lists all the things that finasteride blocks in the body, starting from 21:32 min. On 23:15 he mentions that finasteride blocks among other things allopregnanolone, a endogenous inhibitory pregnane neurosteroid which plays huge part in memory, mood, cognitive function etc. Also mentions that they can draw cerebral spinal fluid through spinal tap on somebody on or off finasteride and show that substance like allopregnanolone doesn't exist in the brain. Those are all undiscussed, unmentioned side effects by health care providers that that's going to happen from taking finasteride.

Here's Dr. Goldstein bio:

I took finasteride for 1 month, so so maybe 38 mg total in my life. Reading the above paragraph scares the sh*t out of me, I should probably go on a 14-day water fast right now.


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I took finasteride for 1 month, so so maybe 38 mg total in my life. Reading the above paragraph scares the sh*t out of me, I should probably go on a 14-day water fast right now.

Try cyproterone acetate.


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14 day water fast? Without food? :eek:

I saw that it's a regular treatment on propecia help forums and that a lot of people get success with it.

Long-term water fasting has a lot of anecdotal evidence for tremendous healing, though the only publications on it deal with weight and blood pressure. More will come.

If you're interested, this was the cover story of Harper's Magazine in March 2012
Starving Yourself to Vigor
By Steve Hendricks
It's 11 pages long, the man did a 20-day water fast which he covered in the article, along with a history of fasting as a medical treatment. It's well-written. He lost 25 lbs, and he kept 20 lbs of weight off over the next two years. 1 pound per day is typical for intermediate-length fasts.

My thread in the health and fitness forum now has tons of links on intermittent and long-term fasting.


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If water fasting does in fact work for PFS (which I doubt it does) then that pretty much completely blows apart their theory that it is caused by androgen receptor desensitization. How would fasting possibly effect that.


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If water fasting does in fact work for PFS (which I doubt it does) then that pretty much completely blows apart their theory that it is caused by androgen receptor desensitization. How would fasting possibly effect that.

Your hormones go completely off the scale when you're fasting so it might reset them.

For example human growth hormone climbs by 2,000% in men. Yes, 2,000%, that's been confirmed by multiple independent studies. It's argued that this is a natural response so that the body burns fat rather than muscle for energy. That's measured by the way, when you're eating zero at least 90% of your calories come from burning body fat, unless BF% is below ~4%.

During the fast testosterone also falls significantly, I just looked it up for the first time and testosterone drops by 35% after a 56 hour fast.
I've also read anecdotal reports that people have no sex drive during fasts.

Also, it doesn't cure it in everybody, just in a lot of people.


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@David_MPN how is your hair doing on your current regimen doing btw?

I started the stemoxydine in mid-May, the minoxidil less than a month ago and the RU less than 2 weeks ago. Don't expect a meaningful progress report from me until mid-August at the earliest.

My dream is to keep using this regimen until a few months after Fidia's product comes out, and then gradually shift to only using equol/carnitine/DGLA forever and maintain the hairline I had five years ago. LOL, we'll see what happens.