
It Begins. I purchased all the items for the SwissTemple Prostaglandin Protocol. Wish


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Sorry to say this man, but i think its dumb to go on a routine like thi before knowing that you will be able to pull it off financially. + Swiss nevre updated his results, many guys tried this routien but nobody succeeded. Most results just come from PGE


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Sorry to say this man, but i think its dumb to go on a routine like thi before knowing that you will be able to pull it off financially. + Swiss nevre updated his results, many guys tried this routien but nobody succeeded. Most results just come from PGE

It's possible that he was too "dumb" to predict the rare anomaly of Canadian customs stealing his goods.

Westonci, I pledge US$ 30 (10% of your total) to your gofundme campaign if it goes ahead.


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Good News

I can say with absolute certainty, that the PG protocol at this point in time will help you mantain/stop shedding and strengthen thinning hairs so in that sense its a side effect free alternative to finasteride.

With regards to growing hairs in bald spots, I see lots of vellus hair growing in those spots. Hard to see from far away. Time will tell what happens with those hairs.

Bad News

Canadian Customs just seized my shipment of PGE2, and Im almost done my current batch. Im living paycheck to paycheck, so Im kind of fucked, and I dont know how much longer i can do this protocol without some sort of community support (i.e. a gofund me campaign or something). I basically just lost $260 USD + $40 USD shipping, which is almost $400 Canadian.

awww man that really sucks! Customs are the only reason I'm not buying seti. I don't want to lose money like that.

I like the first shot of the top of your scalp, you can really see a difference at regular distance. It sucks that the items were seized since you are getting amazing results, but if it keeps happening it will be game over. :/


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Im willing to contribute something too. But the question is how to manage that the funded order is not seized again. Im not villing to fund canadian gov.

Onion Knight

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We need to find another way around... OP Can you obtain PGE2 in a different way? I'm sure they have a way legally to have PGE2 maybe extract it from somethings legal (I wish I could help you). We can't let die this experiment.


Established Member
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Sorry to say this man, but i think its dumb to go on a routine like thi before knowing that you will be able to pull it off financially. + Swiss nevre updated his results, many guys tried this routien but nobody succeeded. Most results just come from PGE

Is this comment a joke or for real? If it's real it's kind of dumb to follow a thread for 3 months then call the author of it dumb...


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Is this comment a joke or for real? If it's real it's kind of dumb to follow a thread for 3 months then call the author of it dumb...

I didnt want to be offensive... But the real joke is getting on routine like this without being sure that you will be able to pull it off. About customs - im quite sure he was aware of the possibility. Still wishing best luck with his hair.


My Regimen
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I'm sorry to hear that it's stuck at customs, did you receive a letter from them? You should have received a letter when it's seized.

I have received at least 20 envelopes with all kinds of chemicals with zero issues, mostly between 100 and 500mg, but even amounts up to 5000mg.

If I am not mistaken I remember your pictures on Reddit of the Setipiprant and PGE2. It's a bit naive by the sender (don't get me wrong: not by you; I''m not here to criticize, but help you). At some point it will definitely get seized! I remember a vial for the PGE2, if that's really into transport, it's naive to think there will be no issues without legal documents. If there are legal documents it can't be seized, but of course it can be lost.

Always send by mail. With PGE2 that's simple with 100mg. When you receive the envelope, immediately remove it's contents and put it in a cryo vial. Those vials I have seen on PGE2 pictures are way too large. You have to press the chemical in the vial, and fill the vial up to the top, then put the cap on it. If the vial is not full, because you have not enough powder your vial is too big. For some chemicals this is not a big deal, but with a 300 USD 100mg chemical I think it's better to be safe than sorry. O, and you don't need an amber glass vial, a plastic cryo vial for laboraty use is perfect, and they are available in all kinds of small sizes.

About 80% of these kinds of chemicals needs to be stored at -20 Celcius. Always check Caymanchem:

I have a cryo vial box with over 40 vials like this in my freezer.

You can call customs if you think it's seized. 100mg of PGE2 isn't something bad, it's not a controlled substance as far as I know, it could be marked as a medicin though; importing unprescribed medicin. Check some Canadian law on this:

Next time you can ask the sender to send it in parts.

Hope this is helpful. Take care
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My Regimen
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While reading the full Cayman report on PGE2, I just saw that PGE2 will degrade to Prostglandin A and B (PGA, PGB) when it's in a solution with a pH >7.4. The pH of pure Ethanol is 7.33, I think 95% Ethanol and 5% water is a bit less than 7.33 as water is neutral with a pH of 7.0.

But this is on the borderline where PGE2 will degrade. Something we all should be aware of while working with this chemical.

A side step to Castor oil for endo- and exogenous application: maybe this means that the PGE2 of Castor oil will degrade too outside the lab, and all our daily topicals and orals are useless. Definitely something to read on more.
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Experienced Member
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This is so weird. I bought Seti + PGE2 togethor, in the package the seti looked fine and i saw a bottle of PGE2 inside so i assumed it was good and put both in the freezer.

Im just about to finish my seti and went to the freezer to open the new one, inside the packaging was PGE2 and i saw two bottle of 100mg PGE2 and was like woah, maybe they accidentally sent me an extra one, cool.

I open it and its empty, i open the next one and theirs this yellow gunk gel residue inside. I thick maybe the customs tested it and fucked it up and sent me the empty bottle.'

f*** those guys. im so pissed.


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I ordered 3 bottle of PGE2 in the past from ******** users in the USA, and i never had any issues.

This is the first time I got it shipped directly from China.

I need to find someone to reship from the USA.

its been a known issue on ******** that canadians are getting a lot of their stuff seized when its shipped from China directly.


My Regimen
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That doesn't make sense. I am 99.9% sure this wasn't customs. Firstly they need a white background for testing in the first place (ceramic or similar) you don't use a test kit in the vial itself, secondly a test kit is only for a few chemicals (mostly famous drugs), thirdly if the package would say PGE2, I think they rather would put it in a HPLC instrument to confirm it's PGE2,... and why would they put a second (similar?) bottle in the package?!

Weird story. I rather think it's the lab which made an error. From the picture I don't have a good view of the bottle/vial itself, but from what I can see, I guess there could be a lot of air in the vial, if the vial hasn't some sort of inert gas in it, than freezing the vial could moisture the PGE2 by freezing the air that also contains H20.


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I know that you don't want to take other drugs but imagine if you were taking Duta with this regimen. I'm pretty sure the results would be excellent..


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Not sure why the camera doesnt pic it up the vellus hairs in the kitchen lighting.

Heres a close up after applying PGE2 this morning.

