Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Where is that retard who swore this lotion is the bomb and we were all going to throw apologies at him once it’s out? “Topical work” blah “Brotzu lotion” blah “u know nothing” blah. Well, ima tell you something lads.

Long ago, back in my Norwood 2 era, a guy from work I knew (rip he’s fired now) told me that an old saying in his village was that to regrow hair you need to put cow sh*t on your scalp and leave them there. Now I swear by it, it looked believable, possible. Plus according to this small study of 2 in that village, it works. They all got hair back. Should we patent it?
Hair Growth in Two Alopecia Patients after Fecal Microbiota Transplant


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Doesn't .5mg of finasteride supress DHT exactly the same amount ?.. so shouldnt side effects be equal to the suggested 1mg dose ?

No. I can only tell you off personal experience. I initially took Finasteride at 25 years old at the full 1mg dose. Did it for a year and unfortunately had the usual bad sides. Weak dong, bad brain fog and the start of Gyno. The latter ultimately making me stop. After watching me lose hair badly, I decided to try finasteride at 0.5mg EOD 3 years later. It’s been 4 years and i eventually increased the dose to 0.5mg ED, but recently decided to bring it back down to EOD since I’ve been maintaining and want as little of the drug as possible, but still see benefits . I can tell you with certainty my sides are nowhere near as severe than compared to the year I took the full 1mg dose. My hair looked better on the full dose, but I couldn’t handle the gyno, weight gain and other sides I mentioned.

I don’t know what the data states on this, but I know how my body reacts and 0.5mg EOD is way more tolerable and it’s doing it’s job for my hair.

Hope this helps.


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I don’t think Fidia being quiet is necessarily a bad thing. They don’t want to make an official announcement until everything is in place. There is a lot to consider pricing, manufacturing, marketing etc. Once it’s all in place Thete will be a formal announcement, not point in doing that now if they’re not prepared.


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Dear @beps63
How are you? All good?
Beps won't ever come back to this forum. He has realised that we are the peak of mental instability and insanity. Maybe he will talk to clockwise or post something on the Italian forums.

Should I send him a dick pic? My pubes are a thick NW1 with no recession at all. It's also perfect in all lighting conditions, including outside under the summer sun.


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Beps won't ever come back to this forum. He has realised that we are the peak of mental instability and insanity. Maybe he will talk to clockwise or post something on the Italian forums.

Should I send him a dick pic? My pubes are a thick NW1 with no recession at all. It's also perfect in all lighting conditions, including outside under the summer sun.

Your dick must look so nice with a full head of hair then


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I feel like we need @The 7TH Sense post to clear things up, weren’t you in contact with Dr. Brotzu himself?
I understand if you think it won’t get us more information, but then again, what do we have to lose? Besides hair...


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Beps won't ever come back to this forum. He has realised that we are the peak of mental instability and insanity. Maybe he will talk to clockwise or post something on the Italian forums.

Should I send him a dick pic? My pubes are a thick NW1 with no recession at all. It's also perfect in all lighting conditions, including outside under the summer sun.
Exactly, People on here wished death/cancer upon Beps and his dad and now wonder where the hell he went... I swear some people are so retarded and It's pathetic knowing that they're probably older than me (I'm 28). Why the hell would Beps ever come back here?