Well, all hope is lost gentlemen.
For what its worth, I don’t believe hair loss is genetic and i don’t believe DHT is the culprit. I think its related to mental illness.
I think its a negative effect of stress and aniexty. Kind of like acne. I think the reason many men don’t find success regrowing their hair is because of inflammatory damage in the sub dermal layer of the skin. Its not that the follicle dies but more that scar tissue under the skin interferes with healthy skin function. In the same way we can’t reverse aging skin or sun damaged skin or things like acne scaring and strech marks, we also can not reverse the damage of hair loss.
I think the best remedy is rest, healthy relationships and a balanced life. Most people are trying to function in a society that is not good for low stress.
I know im right because I lived it. I started to worry about my hair when I was 24. I went on propecia for 8 months on and off, tried a hair laser and tried 5% rogaine for one night but i stopped that because my heart was pounding all night, i read the next day it was a side effect and threw it out. I came to a point where I was hiding inside and not living my life so I said forget it and went out and started living. For 12 years i was fine, i had about 90% full density and no one would say i had a hair problem, i didnt use anything, just stayed positve and stopped thinking about it. Then a few years ago i went through a tramatic event and i started to worry about it again, since then ive lost about 40% density. Im really depressed now and seriously considering ending my life. I think dysfunctional people shouldn’t be alive as they interfere with the state of healthy people and reek havic on society.
I think brotzu lotion only works because it increases sub dermal blood flow which moderalty helps skin function as it helps induce a slightly positve effect in the skin environment. Thats why the results are always so meagre. If you have scar tissue interfering with skin function, increasing blood supply around the damaged tissue will only have minor positive effect, But at least it would help a little and for some of us just that little bit of help might have been enough to help calm us and reduce stress which is the main culprit.
What im getting at is Fidia is wrong to think hair loss is not a life threatening disease. It can induce body dysmorphia which has one of the highest suicude rates, 4 times higher than other mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.
Im sorry everyone here is suffering, none of us derseve this. I wish you all well and hope you find peace in life.