Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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'Had'? Have you already passed over to the side of no return? I'm 23, and since Brotzu's taken one huge sh*t all over everyone's expectations, I'm trying to convince myself to pick up minoxidil soon. Hate hearing how many people it seems to be useless for, though. Really not interested in getting my hair accustomed to something that doesn't work and getting stuck. Ahhh this hell.

It is my opinion that whether it works or not it is worth trying. As someone who has recently had to accept diagnosis of male pattern baldness and took it pretty hard, I've been using for a month and it's really not so bad considering the possibilities if I am a good responder. You figure out the most time efficient way of application as you go along as well as how to style or maneuver your hair after applying and it becomes about as much hassle as brushing your teeth or shaving. Maybe less. Dread shed is horrifying but typically means things are going well. You didn't ask but my advice is to start now. You are constantly losing hair that you may never get back.


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'Had'? Have you already passed over to the side of no return? I'm 23, and since Brotzu's taken one huge sh*t all over everyone's expectations, I'm trying to convince myself to pick up minoxidil soon. Hate hearing how many people it seems to be useless for, though. Really not interested in getting my hair accustomed to something that doesn't work and getting stuck. Ahhh this hell.
Yea, I feel like every day I don't do something I'm losing more hair, but I'm also so scared to try propecia. It's all so frustrating and stupid. Hairloss has completely halted my life.


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It is my opinion that whether it works or not it is worth trying. As someone who has recently had to accept diagnosis of male pattern baldness and took it pretty hard, I've been using for a month and it's really not so bad considering the possibilities if I am a good responder. You figure out the most time efficient way of application as you go along as well as how to style or maneuver your hair after applying and it becomes about as much hassle as brushing your teeth or shaving. Maybe less. Dread shed is horrifying but typically means things are going well. You didn't ask but my advice is to start now. You are constantly losing hair that you may never get back.

Have cat(s) by chance?


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Well, all hope is lost gentlemen.

For what its worth, I don’t believe hair loss is genetic and i don’t believe DHT is the culprit. I think its related to mental illness.

I think its a negative effect of stress and aniexty. Kind of like acne. I think the reason many men don’t find success regrowing their hair is because of inflammatory damage in the sub dermal layer of the skin. Its not that the follicle dies but more that scar tissue under the skin interferes with healthy skin function. In the same way we can’t reverse aging skin or sun damaged skin or things like acne scaring and strech marks, we also can not reverse the damage of hair loss.

I think the best remedy is rest, healthy relationships and a balanced life. Most people are trying to function in a society that is not good for low stress.

I know im right because I lived it. I started to worry about my hair when I was 24. I went on propecia for 8 months on and off, tried a hair laser and tried 5% rogaine for one night but i stopped that because my heart was pounding all night, i read the next day it was a side effect and threw it out. I came to a point where I was hiding inside and not living my life so I said forget it and went out and started living. For 12 years i was fine, i had about 90% full density and no one would say i had a hair problem, i didnt use anything, just stayed positve and stopped thinking about it. Then a few years ago i went through a tramatic event and i started to worry about it again, since then ive lost about 40% density. Im really depressed now and seriously considering ending my life. I think dysfunctional people shouldn’t be alive as they interfere with the state of healthy people and reek havic on society.

I think brotzu lotion only works because it increases sub dermal blood flow which moderalty helps skin function as it helps induce a slightly positve effect in the skin environment. Thats why the results are always so meagre. If you have scar tissue interfering with skin function, increasing blood supply around the damaged tissue will only have minor positive effect, But at least it would help a little and for some of us just that little bit of help might have been enough to help calm us and reduce stress which is the main culprit.

What im getting at is Fidia is wrong to think hair loss is not a life threatening disease. It can induce body dysmorphia which has one of the highest suicude rates, 4 times higher than other mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.

Im sorry everyone here is suffering, none of us derseve this. I wish you all well and hope you find peace in life.
How do we know if we have scar tissue? And it is genetic.. but you can avoid i am sure if you reduce stress and other strong emotions because all of that contributes a lil when it comes to baldness but if you are not genetically predisposed to the sensitivity you can be stressed all your life and keep a full head of hair


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'Had'? Have you already passed over to the side of no return? I'm 23, and since Brotzu's taken one huge sh*t all over everyone's expectations, I'm trying to convince myself to pick up minoxidil soon. Hate hearing how many people it seems to be useless for, though. Really not interested in getting my hair accustomed to something that doesn't work and getting stuck. Ahhh this hell.

I was like NW3.5 when I was 20. So yeah it's over for me unless some crazy treatment arrives. I think you should try minoxidil especially if you are NW3 or earlier.


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Hey guys,

Been following this thread for quite some time, and recently saw the brotzu presentation.

Dumb question - I also saw some photos released after showing really good regrowth at the corners of the hairline, therefore wanted to ask why everyone is being pessimistic about this lotion?

Again, I could’ve completely missed out on something which warrants this pessimism. Would appreciate it if someone could update me.



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Hey guys,

Been following this thread for quite some time, and recently saw the brotzu presentation.

Dumb question - I also saw some photos released after showing really good regrowth at the corners of the hairline, therefore wanted to ask why everyone is being pessimistic about this lotion?

Again, I could’ve completely missed out on something which warrants this pessimism. Would appreciate it if someone could update me.

Because it doesn’t Hit The Market
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@Clockwise, have you stopped talking to Brotzu? I mean, I know he doesn’t have anything to tell us that we don’t already know, I’m just asking because I like to pretend there’s still hope. It’s the alcohol.
Yes, for a while. I asked him two days ago if he had any news that he was allowed to share and he dont. I think he will tell me when he has.


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How do we know if we have scar tissue? And it is genetic.. but you can avoid i am sure if you reduce stress and other strong emotions because all of that contributes a lil when it comes to baldness but if you are not genetically predisposed to the sensitivity you can be stressed all your life and keep a full head of hair

We don’t, its just my opinion. I believe thats what the burning and itching is. Inflamtion! Most of the damage to our bodies from aging is caused by inflamtion.

I don’t buy the genetic argument. Hair loss was never considered genetic until Merck had a pill to treat it.

Every male in my family went pretty much bald in their 20’s. I am the only one who made it this far and i still have a full head of hair, its just damaged past 2 years. I practice mindfulness and I pay attention to pain in my body. When I suffered trauma, i noticed burning in my left temple and then in my right crown. Those 2 areas got hit hardest.

In my late 20’s, i was in a very healthy relationship and i noticed all the men in her family had full thick heads of hair(except for one uncle) I noticed a big difference in the relationship i had with these men vs the men in my family. The men in my family always seem angry and irritable, they are stubborn and hard to get along with, the men in her family were more warm and easy to talk to.

From my observstions i find there are 2 kinds of bald men. Angry, stubborn, paroniod, conspiracy believing types and super nice guy walk all over me marytr types. Men with healthy hair tend to be more selfish but down to earth. This is why i believe it has to do with mental health.

I believe there are different kinds of stress. Like for example, working really hard at a job you like can be stressful at times, but this stress is healthy as it contributes to your personal growth. Then there is stress of forcing yourself to do things you don’t like, like taking care of others when you don’t want to, basically, putting yourself in negative relationships or situations that don’t contriubute to your personal growth. I believe the latter is the kind of stress that triggers hair loss.


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'Had'? Have you already passed over to the side of no return? I'm 23, and since Brotzu's taken one huge sh*t all over everyone's expectations, I'm trying to convince myself to pick up minoxidil soon. Hate hearing how many people it seems to be useless for, though. Really not interested in getting my hair accustomed to something that doesn't work and getting stuck. Ahhh this hell.

Do it!
I use the foam in the morning and the liquid in the evening + Ketoconazole / Piroctone olamine shampoo 4x a week.
I was able to stop my hairloss at the crown + temples for 1,5 years now..


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The worst part for me with this lotion is that I seem to be the ideal candidate for it with only noticable hair loss at the front, but this sh*t might not be released or only when it is too late. My hairdo looks absolutely abysmal and people sometimes reaffirm that so might be time to cut it real short, even though the last time i did that was when i was 5 and my headshape seems pretty awful.


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We don’t, its just my opinion. I believe thats what the burning and itching is. Inflamtion! Most of the damage to our bodies from aging is caused by inflamtion.

I don’t buy the genetic argument. Hair loss was never considered genetic until Merck had a pill to treat it.

That is when you lost your credibility.


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@17AndBalding .... what ship being released are you referring too? Brotzu. Keep on your regimen and maybe take the plunge and shave your maybe liberating. Holding out hope that a Brotzu is released this year.


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@17AndBalding .... what ship being released are you referring too? Brotzu. Keep on your regimen and maybe take the plunge and shave your maybe liberating. Holding out hope that a Brotzu is released this year.
I was referring to Fidia's version of the lotion.


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Yeah I’m waiting on Fidia too...hopefully Clockwise can give us an update soon.
I expect we’ll hear something from Fidia but until I officially hear it’s not coming out this year, I’ll keep hoping for the best.


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Fidia knows everyone has seen the shitty results from Brotzu presentation.
They have nothing to show.
And does Brotzu really need someone that allegedly made a home version to show us pics?
He didn't take any when he tested it on people? That's not possible.

Cue Bald

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yes I agree if this lotion really worked we'd be seeing hundreds of photos.
not these 4 pictures that honestly could have come from anywhere


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I still don't get why people are so disappointment in the presentation? The woman got total regrowth, and the man (who is clearly older) didn't because he's older (although he did get a bit of regrowth). Brotzu himself confirmed that it works better on persons who are starting out to bald.

The second pics are clearly stunning.

Did I miss something here?


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I still don't get why people are so disappointment in the presentation? The woman got total regrowth, and the man (who is clearly older) didn't because he's older (although he did get a bit of regrowth). Brotzu himself confirmed that it works better on persons who are starting out to bald.

The second pics are clearly stunning.

Did I miss something here?
There's no reason to use an elder person, specially if it works better on younger people and you are trying to showcase the efficacy. Isn't that the whole point of before and after pictures?