
Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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According to all the blank whitespace I'm seeing on this thread from lack of answers


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It would seem that all the people with "credible sources" have fallen eerily silent in the last 24 hours....

Look, I understand that you guys may have been fed false info; and that's okay because it happens to the best of us. You should at least man up and update the thread instead of going AFK and deleting the other thread to avoid backlash, though. Makes you seem a bit more dependable in that regard.


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I think this sh*t will be released one day, but it won't do sh*t, that's the sh*t I see there.


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It would seem that all the people with "credible sources" have fallen eerily silent in the last 24 hours....

Look, I understand that you guys may have been fed false info; and that's okay because it happens to the best of us. You should at least man up and update the thread instead of going AFK and deleting the other thread to avoid backlash, though. Makes you seem a bit more dependable in that regard.

This, definitely.


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Guys, let's be honest, the product manager giving inside, practically secret info, while the PR department is silent is not something that will ever happen in a real company.

That would.have been a true lack a professionalism.

Most likely they got in touch with that manager and he was the one who asked them to remove all those posts about him on Bellicapelli, as it is logical that you are not allowed to disclose any inside info without being part of a larger PR marketing campaign.

Those forum.posts could.basically get him fired, regardless if he is a manager or a director, you are not authorized to talk about the company's plans, if they haven't been announced publicly already.

In my oppinion it was perfectly normal that the entire thread was deleted, those moderators are clearly stupid if they expected to get any inside info from a regular employee.

The first info that we will ever receive about this lotion will be from Fidia's news page an that's it.
Anything else would be a leak and the responsible is fired, this is how things work at this level.

Cue Bald

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It would seem that all the people with "credible sources" have fallen eerily silent in the last 24 hours....

Look, I understand that you guys may have been fed false info; and that's okay because it happens to the best of us. You should at least man up and update the thread instead of going AFK and deleting the other thread to avoid backlash, though. Makes you seem a bit more dependable in that regard.

yeah it happened with all the other scams too, newbies believe it with all their heart and say "it is different this time" and that anyone who disagrees is an idiot, or actually wants there to be no cure. but as it dawns that the thing doesn't work, they mysteriously go quiet all of a sudden; but they will still post on other threads. it happened with balayam and all the other scams too.

of course a new set of people come along for the next big scam and the cycle repeats... what really gets me is when people who fell for the last scam also fall for the next one too, the delusion is just that strong in some people.

face it, a real cure will be posting lots of good quality photos showing undeniable regrowth. that will be released with the first press release. there will be none of these bad quality photos showing what may be regrowth, or what may just be longer hair and better lighting.


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Maybe bola is pissed, if so, his ego is just lol. He does not want to make a foul of himself by saying that we got jackshit, no news.

Giobby-sama : We report that the discussion on the lotion of dr. Brotzu has been temporarily obscured due to violation of the regulation by some users

It seems that the thread was deleted because people kept talking about discord group through PM, WTF?

Either that is propaganda of admin or FIDIA told the admins to close the thread.

Edit: the mod who had contacts is deleting questions about Brotzu in live chat. It seems that he is covering up his failure. f*****g hilarious, looks likw he glorified a FB PM chat.

Typical behaviour of troll bullshitters doing this for fun. "I have some update from a credible source, guys, but wont give it to you because you dared to be mean and skeptical after years and years of dissapointment and dealing with frauders".

Not to mention there were at least 5 "insiders" in the last couple of months, every one of them with completely different stories. Whats with the "the lotion is coming out in march, just wait and see" guy?

Its just sad that you are still buying this. Maybe if you stopped validating these half assed companies and scammers, they would redirect funding into actual research instead of simply taking money from idiot nw5's expecting a monumental breakthrough to come through some internet forum account. No offense guys, but just get a brain. And a life. You wont miss a potential cure coming out, dont worry.

Who is the idiot motherfucker who revived this garbage thread again?.

Brotzu is gay and his lotion is gayer.

Delete this garbage thread asap.

It's a disgrace to humanity.

Stop wasting our lives over the 2,5 hairs we will get in 6 months with the dumb lotion.



f*** YOU

Exactly my point. All admin and the mods are doing by having this thread opened is giving a couple of sadistic assholes or trolls an opportunity to fish for attention and be the local forum stars.

And have in mind that, when you guys are disliking my posts (and similar ones generally), what you have an issue with are your ridiculous delusions, nothing else.


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No offence but just get a brain.
Ok, I will get some brains and eat them. Now, I will embrace the zombie lifestyle *munch *munch *munch.
It's not like I or we expected anything. In the end I just pointed out that belicapelli mods are pathetic.
And project your angsty rage somewhere else, join a boxing club or something.


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Let's face the true, guys.

A few hundred years ago, Louis XIV, the King of France, the Sun King, was losing his hair, so he had to wear a f*****g wig.

Millions of men had to face hairloss in the past, even the most powerful men in history.

You are not different. You are not special. You are not lucky.

This problem won't be solved anytime soon.


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Let's face the true, guys.
A few hundred years ago, Louis XIV, the King of France, the Sun King, was losing his hair, so he had to wear a f*****g wig.
He f*****g told every man to do it, even those who were not balding. It was an order, lol. He wanted for hair of every man to look as shitty as his fake hair.