Interesting, doesn’t a scam require ripping off the consumer? I mean, wouldn’t an actual scam artist release the lotion regardless of its quality and whether or not it works, and sell it to you as quickly as they could to absorb as much revenue as possible before the negative reviews hit? Wouldn’t a proper scam require a company constantly ultra-hyping their product and providing continuous updates to keep you on the hook? Wouldn’t a company that’s scamming you actually try to scam you instead of ignoring you and continuing to test their product quietly? Oh right, they haven’t done any of that, so calling it a scam is a huge stretch. A scam isn’t beneficial without a flow of revenue, and since they aren’t making a dime off this sh*t right now they’re not exactly scamming anyone. The only thing they HAVE done is inspire a lot of balding men to hope for the release and potentially great efficacy of the lotion, and also inspired dickhead pessimists to hop onto forum boards to act like they know it all. Seriously, you don’t know sh*t and you’re just regurgitating the same comment I’ve read in this forum over and over. If you truly believe the product is dead then you could maybe, I dunno, leave the forum and move on with life? Simple really.