Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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That's the blame of hair loss forums and the lax moderation, not from a company

true, thats why i never got caught up in this latest hyped up product.

but its still bullshit. all of it

always one more year away with everything.


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This is all just a f*****g joke now.
I will explain you why this is not a joke.

They know if it works or not, they know the safety profile,etc.
Unlikely, a third party is conducting the trial and still has to collect the data.

Brotzu himself said he dodoesn't believe the lotion could be improved anymore than it has been, and that he saw no reaso why there would be a delay with the release. Boom, now nothing until 2018.
So Fidia does not have to check and has to rely on Brotzu statement? Should I claim HIV cure and sold them the patent then? Is Brotzu also making the legal, sales, finance, marketing, logistic, reporting, etc... stuffs? Did Fidia communicate any launch date before? What you are claiming doesn't make any sense to me to be honest. However, the Fidia timeline makes complete sense to me.

m glad they finally gave us SOME kind of info, but wtf. Every single f*****g treatment is due out "in 5 years" time and its been like that since my goddamn father started balding way back when. This sh*t is a joke now, nothing has changed in the hairloss world.
It's not 5 years, all in all they will obviously have made it in 2/3 years (if they make it :p).

One can think nothing has changed, but never in the hairloss industry some companies were in their final trial for preservation of existing hair, going to trial cloned hair follicles, stating that a new lotion will be released in a one year time-frame.


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A lot of anger and frustration because things didn't go quite the same way as some anonymous source claimed. Perhaps now is a good time to face the reality and acknowledge that this constant obsession and these non-sense speculations will not lead to anything but extra stress. Now is a perfect opportunity to move on and get a life. Pack your backpack, book a ticket to some nice country and enjoy your life. Or do you really want to continue this miserable obsession? I am sure someone will soon open a new thread about another supposedly promising treatment that will be allegedly released soon, and it will also have a lot of speculations, it will also have a lot of wishful thinking, and it will also eventually die much like this thread, because the reality will not quite match with irrational, uninformed expectations.

Good things will happen in the field of hair treatments, but none of the users here have any influence to make the process speed up. You will be the first to learn when it happens, but geez... don't get all mental.


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To all the forum members who are now popping out of their bunker after hiding themselves while this thread was still going strong: you are getting RIDICULOUS.
Seems like now the users have changed from the original 10-15 and every new name is popping up just to say "hahahah I knew it!" while there's nothing bad told by FIDIA, apart from the fact that they doubt to market the lotion in 2017. Stop ruining this thread because the effectiveness of the lotion is still debatable.
I am sorry, but I do not think your way, which can be resumed this way:
" FIDIA delays marketing -> Brotzu Lotion snake oil ".
I am sorry, I think my logic is better than that.

Also, I suggest to those to get a life, because even if they suffer a common problem, they are now typing and acting like it is more important for them to be right on the fact that Brotion does not work instead of hoping for the opposite. Congrats. You must be fun at parties.

First of all, I was never one of those forum members 'coming out of my bunker after 'hiding myself'. I had high hopes for this, hence the frustration. I'm not sure if you were talking about me, but you disliked my post and commented right after. Actually, I haven't seen many of the 'I TOLD YOU!' people. But perhaps those people run away to bunkers in the first place is that when they were around before people like yourself told them off, calling them pessimistic.

If the only thing you gathered from that statement was a 2018 release then you're absolutely foolish. These companies don't release statements like these haphazardly. This wasn't just a simple tweet. They carefully review the wording of these. It's the ZERO mention of Androgenetic Alopecia that has gotten people mad and to doubt its efficacy. Did you stop to think why that's the case? Critical thinking may be a challenge for you, but the most obvious reason is that they're simply going to be selling it for AA after poor results of Androgenetic Alopecia trial. Sure there are other reasons but pessimism is warranted now.


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To be honest I would not be so pessimistic.
In the standard mail that she sent to every one of us, Ms Fedeli wrote about the "viability" of the product. Now they are talking about a candidate product, I guess it is a small step forward.


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"[...] We are still actively working on getting a release out as soon as possible, ideally by the end of 2016 or early 2017. As for the numerous questions we have received regarding the potential of also getting distribution in Asia, Europe, The Middle East,etc., We still anticipate getting distribution in this area not long after launch in North America. We appreciate all of your support and patience during this time. If you have any further questions feel free to contact us and we will try to answer your questions to the best of our abilities. Thank you and Happy New Years from us here at Prometheon!

Warm Regards,"

That was the email Prometheon (a.k.a. Follicept´s developers) sent us more or less a year ago.

Did you hear from them?

Me neither... Game Over!

The 7TH Sense

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First of all, I was never one of those forum members 'coming out of my bunker after 'hiding myself'. I had high hopes for this, hence the frustration. I'm not sure if you were talking about me, but you disliked my post and commented right after. Actually, I haven't seen many of the 'I TOLD YOU!' people. But perhaps those people run away to bunkers in the first place is that when they were around before people like yourself told them off, calling them pessimistic.

If the only thing you gathered from that statement was a 2018 release then you're absolutely foolish. These companies don't release statements like these haphazardly. This wasn't just a simple tweet. They carefully review the wording of these. It's the ZERO mention of Androgenetic Alopecia that has gotten people mad and to doubt its efficacy. Did you stop to think why that's the case? Critical thinking may be a challenge for you, but the most obvious reason is that they're simply going to be selling it for AA after poor results of Androgenetic Alopecia trial. Sure there are other reasons but pessimism is warranted now.

Franky I do not remember what I disliked, but I assure you that I dislike the things which I strongly disagree with. The fact you commented straight after without I mentioning you proves your conscience is someway guilty.

Reading your post, I honestly ask myself why Brotzu at Gaslini said "My name is Nanni Brotzu and not God" instead of "My name is Nanni brotzu and not 'Distracted' ".

You are lacking logic; you say "I had high hopes for this", "I'm frustrated", "I doubt its efficacy", while Fidia, if you were not smart enough to understand, simply rearranged the same friggin' email it has ever sent to each of us who contacted it. What I understand is "please stop emailing and cslling us, we got annoyed, we are working for your cause and please let us work."
The fact is that we can see by the edit of the title from "areata" to "generic alopecia", that the paragraph was surely written by a member who has nothing to do with trials and stats. As an user on BC said, it's probably the same Elena Fedeli who reported to direction the tidiculous amount of calls and emails that were making her sick and probably got the permission to write a generic review in the home page, with the goal to stop dumb people to call every 10 minutes to get non-existant (for now) infos. And this theory has its proof in the fact that straight after FIDIA wrote even on the forums! They even created a forumfree account to post on BelliCapelli!
Their first thought, if it was just a "strange and dubious advice" wouldn't was to inform all the italian forums.
This is quite simple: "Leave us alone until 2018".

Critical thinking may be a challenge for YOU, my 7th sense is particularly strong. ;)


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Franky I do not remember what I disliked, but I assure you that I dislike the things which I strongly disagree with. The fact you commented straight after without I mentioning you proves your conscience is someway guilty.

Reading your post, I honestly ask myself why Brotzu at Gaslini said "My name is Nanni Brotzu and not God" instead of "My name is Nanni brotzu and not 'Distracted' ".

You are lacking logic; you say "I had high hopes for this", "I'm frustrated", "I doubt its efficacy", while Fidia, if you were not smart enough to understand, simply rearranged the same friggin' email it has ever sent to each of us who contacted it. What I understand is "please stop emailing and cslling us, we got annoyed, we are working for your cause and please let us work."
The fact is that we can see by the edit of the title from "areata" to "generic alopecia", that the paragraph was surely written by a member who has nothing to do with trials and stats. As an user on BC said, it's probably the same Elena Fedeli who reported to direction the tidiculous amount of calls and emails that were making her sick and probably got the permission to write a generic review in the home page, with the goal to stop dumb people to call every 10 minutes to get non-existant (for now) infos. And this theory has its proof in the fact that straight after FIDIA wrote even on the forums! They even created a forumfree account to post on BelliCapelli!
Their first thought, if it was just a "strange and dubious advice" wouldn't was to inform all the italian forums.
This is quite simple: "Leave us alone until 2018".

Critical thinking may be a challenge for YOU, my 7th sense is particularly strong. ;)

i must say you do seem very smart and have a ridiculous amount of likes given the amount of posts you have. congrats :cool:

Captain Rex

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Franky I do not remember what I disliked, but I assure you that I dislike the things which I strongly disagree with. The fact you commented straight after without I mentioning you proves your conscience is someway guilty.

Reading your post, I honestly ask myself why Brotzu at Gaslini said "My name is Nanni Brotzu and not God" instead of "My name is Nanni brotzu and not 'Distracted' ".

You are lacking logic; you say "I had high hopes for this", "I'm frustrated", "I doubt its efficacy", while Fidia, if you were not smart enough to understand, simply rearranged the same friggin' email it has ever sent to each of us who contacted it. What I understand is "please stop emailing and cslling us, we got annoyed, we are working for your cause and please let us work."
The fact is that we can see by the edit of the title from "areata" to "generic alopecia", that the paragraph was surely written by a member who has nothing to do with trials and stats. As an user on BC said, it's probably the same Elena Fedeli who reported to direction the tidiculous amount of calls and emails that were making her sick and probably got the permission to write a generic review in the home page, with the goal to stop dumb people to call every 10 minutes to get non-existant (for now) infos. And this theory has its proof in the fact that straight after FIDIA wrote even on the forums! They even created a forumfree account to post on BelliCapelli!
Their first thought, if it was just a "strange and dubious advice" wouldn't was to inform all the italian forums.
This is quite simple: "Leave us alone until 2018".

Critical thinking may be a challenge for YOU, my 7th sense is particularly strong. ;)

stop boasting about your 7th sense. Doesn't make any sense now.
u must have the 6th sense which is COMMON SENSE.


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that is true.
others may say that its not a 100% cure but these upcoming treatments ( the stem cell therapies) will be far better than finasteride and minoxidil for sure.

well i was being a bit cheeky here but yes good my point my friend!