Franky I do not remember what I disliked, but I assure you that I dislike the things which I strongly disagree with. The fact you commented straight after without I mentioning you proves your conscience is someway guilty.
Reading your post, I honestly ask myself why Brotzu at Gaslini said "My name is Nanni Brotzu and not God" instead of "My name is Nanni brotzu and not 'Distracted' ".
You are lacking logic; you say "I had high hopes for this", "I'm frustrated", "I doubt its efficacy", while Fidia, if you were not smart enough to understand, simply rearranged the same friggin' email it has ever sent to each of us who contacted it. What I understand is "please stop emailing and cslling us, we got annoyed, we are working for your cause and please let us work."
The fact is that we can see by the edit of the title from "areata" to "generic alopecia", that the paragraph was surely written by a member who has nothing to do with trials and stats. As an user on BC said, it's probably the same Elena Fedeli who reported to direction the tidiculous amount of calls and emails that were making her sick and probably got the permission to write a generic review in the home page, with the goal to stop dumb people to call every 10 minutes to get non-existant (for now) infos. And this theory has its proof in the fact that straight after FIDIA wrote even on the forums! They even created a forumfree account to post on BelliCapelli!
Their first thought, if it was just a "strange and dubious advice" wouldn't was to inform all the italian forums.
This is quite simple: "Leave us alone until 2018".
Critical thinking may be a challenge for YOU, my 7th sense is particularly strong.