Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Franky I do not remember what I disliked, but I assure you that I dislike the things which I strongly disagree with. The fact you commented straight after without I mentioning you proves your conscience is someway guilty.

Reading your post, I honestly ask myself why Brotzu at Gaslini said "My name is Nanni Brotzu and not God" instead of "My name is Nanni brotzu and not 'Distracted' ".

You are lacking logic; you say "I had high hopes for this", "I'm frustrated", "I doubt its efficacy", while Fidia, if you were not smart enough to understand, simply rearranged the same friggin' email it has ever sent to each of us who contacted it. What I understand is "please stop emailing and cslling us, we got annoyed, we are working for your cause and please let us work."
The fact is that we can see by the edit of the title from "areata" to "generic alopecia", that the paragraph was surely written by a member who has nothing to do with trials and stats. As an user on BC said, it's probably the same Elena Fedeli who reported to direction the tidiculous amount of calls and emails that were making her sick and probably got the permission to write a generic review in the home page, with the goal to stop dumb people to call every 10 minutes to get non-existant (for now) infos. And this theory has its proof in the fact that straight after FIDIA wrote even on the forums! They even created a forumfree account to post on BelliCapelli!
Their first thought, if it was just a "strange and dubious advice" wouldn't was to inform all the italian forums.
This is quite simple: "Leave us alone until 2018".

Critical thinking may be a challenge for YOU, my 7th sense is particularly strong. ;)

My bad, I didn't see they changed the wording to include all alopecias. If that's the case then I stand corrected! My bad. But to call this just a simple rearrangement of words is just wrong. A lot of people were hoping this would bridge them UNTIL 2018 when the big guns are scheduled to hit the market. Pretty cool that Fidia joined the forums.

Sorry for questioning your critical thinking. Insults aside, your insults directed at me gave me a good chuckle. Time to go back into my bunker!


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I honestly think @7TH Sense may be right bout Fidia wanting to make ppl stop calling them and writing hundreds upon hundreds of mails. Im glad we got an update and find the info to be very positive.


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Franky I do not remember what I disliked, but I assure you that I dislike the things which I strongly disagree with. The fact you commented straight after without I mentioning you proves your conscience is someway guilty.

Reading your post, I honestly ask myself why Brotzu at Gaslini said "My name is Nanni Brotzu and not God" instead of "My name is Nanni brotzu and not 'Distracted' ".

You are lacking logic; you say "I had high hopes for this", "I'm frustrated", "I doubt its efficacy", while Fidia, if you were not smart enough to understand, simply rearranged the same friggin' email it has ever sent to each of us who contacted it. What I understand is "please stop emailing and cslling us, we got annoyed, we are working for your cause and please let us work."
The fact is that we can see by the edit of the title from "areata" to "generic alopecia", that the paragraph was surely written by a member who has nothing to do with trials and stats. As an user on BC said, it's probably the same Elena Fedeli who reported to direction the tidiculous amount of calls and emails that were making her sick and probably got the permission to write a generic review in the home page, with the goal to stop dumb people to call every 10 minutes to get non-existant (for now) infos. And this theory has its proof in the fact that straight after FIDIA wrote even on the forums! They even created a forumfree account to post on BelliCapelli!
Their first thought, if it was just a "strange and dubious advice" wouldn't was to inform all the italian forums.
This is quite simple: "Leave us alone until 2018".

Critical thinking may be a challenge for YOU, my 7th sense is particularly strong. ;)

Sorry I didn't quite understand everything but did fidia join Italian forums to say stop calling us basically? Am I correct?


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Yeah, but at least they published and updated several pictures showing how the lotion worked. Did you see that this time?

Don´t get me wrong, I hope this lotion works but how did we pass from "it will be released soon (first quarter)" to 2018. I honestly don´t get that, they even wrote AA at first...


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Shall we move this thread to the open discussion part of the forum? Doesn't look like it belongs here anymore.


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Guys you really need to stop interpreting that much. I don't want to be the guy to break your hopes but why would they only mention AA. Do you really trink a company would "forget" the biggest possible target group, which is indeed Androgenetic Alopecia?
I know that they altered the text now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just did it to sell snake oil. Even if it's out, nearly everyone would at least try it for a couple of months, even w/o results that is a big ammount of cash. And the worst thing is, since it's a f*****g cosmetic it doesn't even have to work.

And don't get me wrong, i was hoping for it to work too, but the whole cosmetic thing was a big no go in the first place.


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I got flamed here for saying its time to lock up the thread we are going around in circles and that people were crazy arguing with each other over various details about this thing...351 pages of members arguing over something that is not real, now you can dislike this post and you can say its in trial, Brotzu said this bebs said that etc but at the end of the day there is nothing no hard evidence to support anyone's claims or ideas.
99.9% of us are here for the cure for male pattern hair loss this lotion that Fidia are trialling/researching will not treat our condition so why must people stay arguing or interpreting there own of version of fidias statement its really beyond me. Its time for everyone to move along and get over this


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At least they are doing something.
If it ever releases, this will help to get over the density problems of the hair that exist on your head, unless you have zero hair on the back of you head which is unlikely, so weakened hair will become strong again if combined with Tsuji' s hair cloning it will be the ultimate cure for hair loss.


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Seems that they updated their press release. It no longer states the product is for areata - it just mentions hairloss and how it can be debilitating.

The fact they only mentioned Areata originally tells you everything you need to know.

They probably only removed that bit subsequently because they received a fuckload of angry messages. With the attention of the balding community the lotion has garnered, they knew they couldn't get away with outright lying about it yet by talking about hair loss in general, they could avoid the shitstorm without technically being false.

Forget about the date - if you want to get anything out of this, make sure to push them on the question of Androgenetic Alopecia specifically. After all, at this point they have to know what they're trialing it for and who they're testing it on. Unless you're fine with driving yourself mad in the next two years over something that was never going to work for male pattern baldness anyway.

the AA girl wrote on her fb account that she and brotzu are surprised

I take it she didn't elaborate on what part exactly surprised them?

Captain Rex

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I got flamed here for saying its time to lock up the thread we are going around in circles and that people were crazy arguing with each other over various details about this thing...351 pages of members arguing over something that is not real, now you can dislike this post and you can say its in trial, Brotzu said this bebs said that etc but at the end of the day there is nothing no hard evidence to support anyone's claims or ideas.
99.9% of us are here for the cure for male pattern hair loss this lotion that Fidia are trialling/researching will not treat our condition so why must people stay arguing or interpreting there own of version of fidias statement its really beyond me. Its time for everyone to move along and get over this

u deserve a like here, bro.

The fact they only mentioned Areata originally tells you everything you need to know.

They probably only removed that bit subsequently because they received a fuckload of angry messages. With the attention of the balding community the lotion has garnered, they knew they couldn't get away with outright lying about it yet by talking about hair loss in general, they could avoid the shitstorm without technically being false.

Forget about the date - if you want to get anything out of this, make sure to push them on the question of Androgenetic Alopecia specifically. After all, at this point they have to know what they're trialing it for and who they're testing it on. Unless you're fine with driving yourself mad in the next two years over something that was never going to work for male pattern baldness anyway.

I take it she didn't elaborate on what part of it exactly surprised them?

must end this thread, it's getting pathetic now.


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It doesn't come that much of a surprise when they said until 2018. It's been said already that there are issues with creating a formula using liposomes in mass quantities and it's come out that they are in touch with other organizations that deal with liposomes.

My concern is that they specifically said AA on their page and not a single mention of Androgenetic Alopecia when their trial was done for Androgenetic Alopecia and Dr. Brotzu did a completely separate trial without their involvement for AA.

EDIT: Weird, the English version press release there is zero mention of AA but instead says hair loss remedy and alopecia (hair loss). The Italian version states AA but only once and in the title. Both though mention that the study was indeed started last spring and that their studies are not yet completed and have not yet obtained results. They further state that the development of the product being completed by 2018 (not released).

They also acknowledge that they have received 100's of calls and emails lol.
By the way, translated from italian it states thousands of emails, and english version states hundreds of emails. Someone is lost in translation.


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Alopecia (hair loss) is not a life-threatening disease, nevertheless it can cause serious distress in people. Fidia has made a strong commitment to research and development, to offer all patients who are affected by the problem, a real treatment option – effective, safe and stable – at the end of the entire study.

For this reason, neither exact launch plans nor time-to-market priorities have been defined for the product yet, although we envisage the development of the potential product candidate being completed by 2018.

Sounds good to me :)


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Alopecia (hair loss) is not a life-threatening disease, nevertheless it can cause serious distress in people. Fidia has made a strong commitment to research and development, to offer all patients who are affected by the problem, a real treatment option – effective, safe and stable – at the end of the entire study.

For this reason, neither exact launch plans nor time-to-market priorities have been defined for the product yet, although we envisage the development of the potential product candidate being completed by 2018.


hairlosstalk translation = lies, snake oil, burn brotzu at the stake

Sorry guys, but this statement is more about reassurance than than anything else I can imagine.
This! ^^

Jake lake

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We have to compare our speculation to the current reality first:
- Is Fidia testing the lotion: YES
- Did Fidia release a statement around NY : YES
- Is the lotion mainly used for AA: YES
- Can the lotion be used for Alopecia Androgenetica: NOT DECIDED
- Is the lotion going to be marketed in 2017: PROBABLY NOT
- ...

I think that a big part of the speculation has proven to be quite right.

We also have to ask ourselves the question: WHY did they release a statement? The statement actually says jack sh*t, only that they are not going to release the lotion this year probably. Does this mean they are following the forums and hype? And WHY did they they remove 'areata' from the announcement? Would they remove it if they knew it wasn't effective for anything else than Alopecia Areata? I don't know. The underlying message is clear though: leave us alone we are busy.

And one question: does anyone have numbers on how many people suffer from AA? They acknowledge that the 'alopecia' problem is widespread ' we are addressing this unmet medical need, a condition that can occur at any age and affects men and women equally, in Italy and worldwide, as corroborated by hundreds of emails and phone calls received during 2016.' . I personally don't know many people that have AA and how big this market is, anyone have valuable information on that? I think it is a rather small market. So they definitely want to address androgenetica market...