Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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she posted this

Da oggi, sotto consiglio dello staff del professor Brotzu, non condividerò più ( nelle mie pagine personali ) nessun aspetto che riguarderà la mia esperienza come paziente della terapia sperimentale.
Non darò più informazioni di nessun tipo che riguardano i miei progressi!

Perché il mio condividere è stato vissuto da alcuni come "fuorviante" senza considerare che chi di dovere è qui con me e avrebbe potuto correggermi in ogni momento!

Da oggi le uniche notizie che leggerete saranno i comunicati dell'azienda Farmaceutica!

Siete pregati di non disturbarmi più! E chiedo che il mio nome non venga più citato in nessun gruppo chiuso Facebook o blog!

*Citare una persona dando false informazioni é reato e può essere perseguibile legalmente.

it looks like she also posted a letter i cant convert it to paste it she put it up as a photo.

Can someone translate this please?


My Regimen
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Can someone translate this please?

i think shes being dramatic because she is getting criticism..if you look on this page Dante did make a rough interpretation. he did not translate word for word but gives the gist of it.


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As we could see after the Fidia announcement 90% here are dramatic as f***, seems to be an additional side effect of hairloss


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As we could see after the Fidia announcement 90% here are dramatic as f***, seems to be an additional side effect of hairloss

My current dream is that kelopesia at least do something, brotzu lotion either gets released in 2017 and the announcement was to make ppl stfu and let them work or a black market version is made and works like brotzus first version of the lotion


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seeing there was no update I left the thread for a month. Whats the current situation? thanks


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please stop saying 'stop crying and go to finasteride before you loose your hair !'

how do you know that finasteride will work for us ?? finasteride dosn't work for anybody, it may damage more your hair.

So stop putting finasteride as the ultimate savior!!!

I'm and like many others were screwed because we though that this lotion will come out in 2017. i'm not saying by this that the lotion won't work.
but we put our hope on it.

You won't know until you try finasteride then. and stop being a drama queen

To the post above, lotion will come out next year accounting for likely delays


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I get what you are saying, but thats not entirely true. Fidia did say that trials were to conclude in December. Then in the interview with Brotzu, he specifically said that he saw no way for the lotion to be improved upon any more than it already had been, and that once fidia finished their trials it would be released. Then when asked if it may be delayed he said he saw no reason for the lotion to be delayed seeing as he has already been trialing and improving it for the last 5 years.
SO we all expected the trials to end in December as fidia said, and that it would be released soon after since that is what Brotzu said, and none of us expected a delay in trialing due to brotzu's comment. Not to mention this is, after all, his creation and he would know more about it than any of us. So for fidia to all of a sudden extend the trials doesn't make much sense.

After 5 years, they quite obviously already know the safety profile, especially now after they did their own trial, and as such they would also know its efficiency. Another whole year of trialing just doesnt seem
necessary, ESPECIALLY when they gave no reason as to WHY it is to be delayed. And yeah I know some of you are going to say the owe us no information yada yada. I disagree. It is a lotion that they did not come up with, that is designed for US and will be payed for by US. Not to mention this lotion wouldn't even be a blip on anyones radar anywhere if not for the hype that WE created. I mean look at the attention we have brought to it from this forum alone, and they can't throw us a bone with some f*****g info on its efficiency and safety profile?

Some 50 to 500 (ive lost count) pages back or so, there was mention that the lab/company conducting this study would only be delivering the results to Fidia in Feb (I believe end). Once they have it, they have to analyse and make a plan, unfortunately for us the product wont appear on the shelf overnight. So to expect to have heard news by now or even the next couple months I think was unfortunately too optimistic on our parts.

I also suspect (my opinion here), that the more Fidia engages with people, the more people will blast them with endless questions, which they are in no position to answer yet. It seems they are asking for some space to do what they need to do. They are committed and they are doing what they need to do to ideally bring this solution to the market.


As for the AA person, she's even changed her name on her facebook page and deleted many quotes about the lotion. I think she quoted Dr B, where he says he will no longer going to discuss this publicly, and the info will only come by press release. It seems to me, this has gotten out of control, and they cant handle the bandwidth of people peppering them with questions 24/7.


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Time to close this thread.

367 pages for sh*t.

You really want to play with fire, don't you?

As for the AA person, she's even changed her name on her facebook page and deleted many quotes about the lotion. I think she quoted Dr B, where he says he will no longer going to discuss this publicly, and the info will only come by press release. It seems to me, this has gotten out of control, and they cant handle the bandwidth of people peppering them with questions 24/7.
No sh*t and at the end of the day people only got what they deserved.
Fidia also got lot of pressure from the AA Italian sufferers. All in all, we can only wait for official releases from now on and can't plan anything anymore.
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My Regimen
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Time to close this thread.

367 pages for sh*t.

Would that change your life in any way? Whats the difference for you if you just dont come here or if it this thread gets closed? Both options have the same result.

Still for no reason you keep insisting that the less likely option happens. You like to take things the hard way dont you?


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So, realistically speaking, what are the odds of a black market version of this lotion being made (in orderly time, that is)? Is it even feasible?


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I think the problem with the lotion is the stability which we dont know if they can solve.. which means histogen is our next bet anyone knows how much is it gonna cost ? And if it is safe to go to Mexico to get it or are we gonna get mugged on the street..


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If it bothers you, how about you ignore this thread instead?

You say this to anyone that has that opinion, Someone hit the nail on the head when they said too many members have too much of an emotional attachment to this lotion/thread. Remember they are not trialling the lotion for male pattern baldness and that's what you are looking to solve right? so why are you still investing time in this?? And don't take it personally its for everyone who is still hoping and praying for this to work when it clearly wont


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You say this to anyone that has that opinion, Someone hit the nail on the head when they said too many members have too much of an emotional attachment to this lotion/thread. Remember they are not trialling the lotion for male pattern baldness and that's what you are looking to solve right? so why are you still investing time in this?? And don't take it personally its for everyone who is still hoping and praying for this to work when it clearly wont
They are trialing for Androgenetic Alopecia... So instead of saying it's sh*t, try to argue your point of view. It clearly won't work? Argue.
Funny that you can't give any background on your claim.

On the other hand, I agree this topic is a garbage and some people gonna cry.


My Regimen
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You say this to anyone that has that opinion, Someone hit the nail on the head when they said too many members have too much of an emotional attachment to this lotion/thread. Remember they are not trialling the lotion for male pattern baldness and that's what you are looking to solve right? so why are you still investing time in this?? And don't take it personally its for everyone who is still hoping and praying for this to work when it clearly wont

You don't know anything. No one knows anything too. But you judge too early.

@The 7TH Sense actually provided a possible reason for a translation/understanding mistake. Besides that it could mean anything.

This is all speculation so please stop acting like everything is clear and you know everything..

And I am definetely not blinded from the hype and only say that because I want it to happen.

Imo the announcement is just a "Hey we actually are doing something". This was the first real announcement ever. What did we expect? I dont know. Expectation were way to high.


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You say this to anyone that has that opinion, Someone hit the nail on the head when they said too many members have too much of an emotional attachment to this lotion/thread. Remember they are not trialling the lotion for male pattern baldness and that's what you are looking to solve right? so why are you still investing time in this?? And don't take it personally its for everyone who is still hoping and praying for this to work when it clearly wont

We're all adults and have the capacity to make our own choices. This choice is ours alone, if you guys dont like this thread and think it's garbage you also have the choice to think this and ignore the people who enjoy coming here. Why do you need/want to take that away from us?

But to make a unilateral choice for everyone else, suggesting the thread be closed, is reaching beyond your right. Just look away as opposed to telling us repeatedly it's garbage.

We who are hopeful for this product, don't come here to read your perpetually negative comments, so ultimately we can ask you the same question, why are you investing your time in this??