Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Ok so pretend you are explaining to a child please

Anti-androgens are typically quite potent, and since their mechanism of action is affecting a male sex hormone (androgens), the side effects will be hormonal as well. The saying that every action has an equal and opposite reaction applies here. When you try to quell the results of something (hair-loss) like a male sex hormone like androgens and DHT, you can have success but the body’s natural hormonal balance will compensate for the fact that you’re intervening, leading to side effects that are frequently sexual in nature (ED/impotence.) (S)-equol - I believe - binds to estrogen receptors, so he’s saying this will also cause similar side effects. I’m no scientist but I think this is the general idea..


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Just out of interest, why does it only seem to be Americans on here that get majorly hung up about products being released abroad ?

Im only a middle income earner but it really doesnt bother me if i have to go to Japan (or whetever.) Sure, it adds to the cost but only what you would pay for a holiday anyway.

Not having a go at Americans per se its just i've picked up on a very defeatest attitude that seems to come from US posters. If you have to go to Italy to get your hands on Brotzu then great ! Italy is a beautiful country

When you put it that way, then yes, but some dont have the income to travel abroad or the desire to go to these countries. Personally I think it's crazy that people are encouraging spending 100 euro/month. Personally it seems like mismanaged household finances. also, Ive been to italy twice, i have no desire to return.

Also, what do you do when you need another treatment or batch of lotion, or what happens if it gets taken at the border. At the end of the day, whether you're American or British or Nigerian, people prefer not to have to travel across an ocean to get their hair loss treatments.


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Anti androgen = equol
Bruh, this isn't correct. Plenty of studies look at very high doses of equol orally. Doesn't do sh*t. It's just a mild reduction in DHT. Dude if it were potent I'd hop on that sh*t right away, are you kidding me? It is purported to bind DIRECTLY TO DHT, NOT 5AR. That alone should do two things: 1) Perhaps lower cognitive sides and 2) HAVE A REASONABLE DOSE-RESPONSE CURVE. When you kill an enzyme, for each enzyme you put out of order, you may stop it from turning over hundreds of reactants into products. So the concentration of a catalyst is always low and even slight decreases in the concentration give massive decreases in the reaction. That's why finasteride is so unwieldy.

But alas, equol is not the miracle you might think it is. You'll get a sh*t load of equol in your bloodstream if you eat the right kind of soy, but you'll still be a boy :^) Ask Asian people (and the research studies where people were orally dosed with equol).

Brotzu will likely give no sides, people. Except perhaps minoxidil level sides. And also the sterylamine used to stabilize the liposomes isn't the friendliest substance, but it is used in a very low concentration, so...

Oh yeah and the reverse is true too. I don't expect equol to do much for hair at all, unfortunately. If you look at the studies, when orally dosed with equol, the concentration of equol in the blood spiked to like several factors greater than the concentration of DHT, and can be elevated for hours. But alas, DHT is only moderately attenuated. I have no idea why.
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I have read most of Lund's papers and have posted about them before, as well as about some Japanese papers. Additionally, I have posted about why it might not be a great idea to trust Lund/Setchell/Lephart's work.

You know, we could be making our own topicals instead of memes and trying it out...

We know r-equol and s-equol work just as well for binding DHT. We know that equolibrium may be a way to get our hands on the stuff, if research labs are not even considered (p.s., if they are considered, then lc labs, cayman chem, alfa-aesar all show up on fisher scientific - these are legitimate labs, i.e. not offense to Chinese).

We know Brotzu's example lotions use a 0.1% s-equol concentration, albeit higher concentrations are suggested also. The claim is that the 0.1% lotions he made did indeed have an effect.

We know that "the" equol patent had a human pilot study listed in an older version:

[Example 20
Human Pilot Study

In Men and Women, Serum 5α-DHT Levels Before and after Treatment with Non-Racemic Equol

[0245]In a pilot study involving 4 men (ages 50 to 59 years old) and 2 postmenopausal women (ages 60 to 62), baseline levels of serum 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT) were determined by ELISA in triplicate. After 7 days of oral dosing with 3 mg of non-racemic equol per day, 5α-DHT levels were again determined.

TABLE-US-00013 TABLE 13 Baseline: 5α-DHT levels 5α-DHT levels on day 7 of before the 1st morning oral dosing (two to four dose on the 7th day of hours after the 1st morning MEN treatment dose) Subject A 692 + 10 pg/ml 600 + 13 pg/ml* Subject B 724 + 18 pg/ml 612 + 18 pg/ml* Subject C 658 + 23 pg/ml 534 + 16 pg/ml* Subject D 747 + 27 pg/ml 596 + 28 pg/ml* *= significant decrease compared to baseline values

TABLE-US-00014 TABLE 14 Baseline: 5α-DHT levels 5α-DHT levels on day 7 of before the 1st morning dose oral dosing (two to four hours WOMEN on the 7th day of treatment after the 1st morning dose) Subject E 221 + 5 pg/ml 170 + 6 pg/ml* Subject F 265 + 14 pg/ml 193 + 20 pg/ml* *= significant decrease compared to baseline values

[0246]This studies demonstrated that oral consumption of equol significantly decreased serum 5α-DHT levels in men (by approximately 17%) and in women (by approximately 26%) that provided androgen hormone modulation in dermal applications for preventing and treating skin disorders and chronological and intrinsic aging.


"Long-Term Effects of Dihydrotestosterone Treatment on Prostate Growth in Healthy, Middle-Aged Men Without Prostate Disease
A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial"
Amanda Idan, BSc, MHSc; Kaye A. Griffiths, AMS, DMU; D. Tim Harwood, PhD; Markus J. Seibel, MD, PhD; Leo Turner, MMed, RN;
Ann J. Conway, MBBS; and David J. Handelsman, MBBS, PhD

That paper there gave old men 70 mg DHT/day. The results were that the DHT-treated group had a 10-fold increase in serum DHT levels, well above the normal range of circulating DHT. Please see the attached picture for results. After a year of treatment, it was found that the average increase in serum DHT levels was 20 nmol/L.

What is the normal range?
30-85 ng/dL (the linked pdf is kind enough to give the conversion factor for nmol/dL, because when I did the conversion by hand, I thought I fucked up lol). The normal range is then 0.69 nmol/L-3.1 nmol/L.

Bottom line: ~70 mg DHT/day gives an increase of ~5-10x physiological levels of DHT.

Rough back-of-the-envelope calculations:
One might expect that to just double normal DHT levels, one would only dose on the order of ~7 mg DHT/day. (Just an order of magnitude less).
Assuming equol binds to DHT 1:1 to render it inactive, we would need on the order of ~7 mg/day to get high DHT suppression (equol and DHT have pretty similar molar masses). Looking at that old pilot study in that patent, we see that 3 mg/day supposedly resulted in ~20% decrease in unbound serum DHT. I think this means we are in the correct order of magnitude.

Now for the last bit of hand-waving that I will just pull out of my ***: an equol topical is supposed to only lower DHT on the scalp and leave DHT elsewhere alone. For simplicity, I assumed that 10% of the body's total DHT resides in the scalp. So the dose might be something like 0.7 mg/day.

So an equol topical would have a concentration of 0.07-0.7%, let's just call it 0.01-0.1%. (1-10 mg/ml, assuming 1 ml applied daily).

Inb4 my analysis is retarded. It's just an order of magnitude check for sanity bro, chill. I'm not claiming anything is exact.

Moral of the story -
1) ~1-10 mg/ml solutions can have an effect.
2) R,S Equol, 99% is available at 100-200 mg/$100 through research labs and you get, what, 30 pills at 6 mg/pill supposedly with that Equolibrium supplement (but you have to extract the equol out, ew).
3) That patent I linked has several examples where they just use DMSO as a vehicle. It's gonna absorb into your skin if you resort to DMSO, lol. Some here might be waiting on liposomes because they don't want to fart around with an ethanol vehicle and absorption, etc. Just sayin'
4) Half life of s-equol is 7-8 hours. Unless metabolizing equol is like...sensitive to chirality, probably r-equol has a similar half life. This is a pretty solid half life for daily application. If you want to get off, you should just be able to.
"Equol: Pharmacokinetics and Biological Actions"
Kenneth D. R. Setchell3* and Carlo Clerici
5) Here's the shitty thing. The mechanism of action is similar to that of finasteride - stopping DHT's actions on the follicles. So....the timeline for improvement will be similar. This means you can't necessarily assess progress until 9 months or so. Brotzu's patent also says the treatment must be continued for many months for a significant effect. But he talks about hair fall stopping, etc. Wouldn't be out of the question if instead the reverse happened and you started shedding lol.
5.1) I'm just a scared doge on the internet... I haven't jumped on any of this other than fleshing out a plan. I figured I'd share it...

Love you guys, hang in there :p
But for those willing to stray from the off beaten path... the starting point awaits...

Finally, I leave you with this:*

The first four items on that list provide arguments and counter arguments to the FDA for the use for soy isoflavones and thus equol. Equol is specifically referenced in some of the documents. Bear in mind that soy isoflavones are part of the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) substances list. If you read the document arguing why, you see the mention of alleviating hot flashes and improving prostate health. These things are likely due to the production of equol, not the isoflavones themselves.
And the petition against soy isoflavones is by the Weston Price Foundation...I'll just leave it at that...
I also invite you to peruse through the few phase II trial studies that exist to evaluate the safety of s-equol. Bear in mind that doses up to 150-300 mg were used orally.

And finally, for those so inclined, here is a quick reference compounding guide.

Yeah I actually looked at their valuation once when trying to determine if they are legit or not.

As much as I want it to be real, I have my doubts about Brotzu's lotion. It's the equol that really bothers me. I've looked through the literature and tried to contact the people at Brigham Young University as they have published the most about equol's ability to bind to DHT and they also hold the key equol patent in the United States. No responses from them. They licensed equol use to NuSkin, a multilevel marketing company, which is a really f*****g shitty sign. One of the authors who appears on pretty much all the work has the same last name as a cofounder of NuSkin - lovely. And to top it off, both of them of course went to BYU. I learned all of this after digging around because I was wondering - why license equol to a company who wants to turn it into an anti-aging skin cream when acne and Androgenetic Alopecia are mentioned as potential applications in all of the literature and patents they wrote? Surely those are the high value problems to target. So I guess I have my doubts in its efficacy.

Several papers I read from the Japanese showed that there are probably some mild hormonal effects of equol that may alleviate post-menopausal hot flashes, some mild benign prostatic hyperplasia, etc. Soy is really popular in Japan and they seem to have no problem fermenting it to produce s-equol. What really bothered me is that the BYU work claims that equol binds very well to DHT yet studies by others who dose s-equol orally to patients saw only a mild decrease in serum DHT. The thing though, was that in these studies the equol concentration in the blood was several factors greater than the DHT concentration. If equol bound to DHT in a 1:1 manner and the binding affinity was high (as claimed by the BYU guys), I really expected that equol should tank serum DHT. Either that, or I should question the antibody used in ELISA to measure DHT concentration; I know that since sex hormone binding globulin binds to testosterone, different antibodies are used to measure free vs total testosterone to distinguish the unbound testosterone from the rest, so perhaps it may be tricky to distinguish equol-bound DHT from free DHT. I mean, SHGB is enormous and completely envelops testosterone whereas equol and DHT/testosterone are comparable in size. I don't know.

When I saw that Brotzu added equol to the lotion, I was initially excited (before I began to question the literature on equol). I mean, the idea made sense - PGE1 is a potent vasodilator and we know minoxidil works, and equol is supposed to suppress DHT's action on the androgen receptor as well as mildly agonize the estrogen receptor, both of which we know are important strategies toward recovering hair, as demonstrated by finasteride, RU-58841, as well as the estrogens that are taken by the trans community, who show exceptional regrowth.

But then Brotzu claimed that the two components don't work well by themselves, only together. This didn't make sense. Minoxidil and finasteride work just fine separately. Of course they work synergistically but they are not useless by themselves. Then I went and re-read Brotzu's patent carefully. Based on the experiments he ran, his conclusions suggested that actually, equol was doing the majority of the work in producing results. I was excited. This made sense. We know finasteride>minoxidil. But then, someone pointed out that there were amendments to the patent, the most important of which claimed that there was a typographical error in the patent, and that the formulation of one of the tested lotions was actually different from what was written on the patent. Acknowledging this change would actually reverse the conclusion and show that for whatever reason, neither the lotion containing PGE1 nor equol alone produced results. I thought that was peculiar - if they don't work separately, how could the professor possibly have known to combine them if he was initially just experimenting with PGE1 for diabetics? Wasn't the anecdote that topical PGE1 grew hair as a side effect? Didn't make sense.

The use of liposomes checks out to me. Not only as a means to effectively deliver drugs (ensuring proper penetration) but also as a means to selectively target the hair follicle; several papers have shown that this is possible.

So I was left wondering - is Brotzu legit? Some things make sense, but we know that to actually get results, we have to address DHT and the only thing in the lotion that appears to explicitly target DHT is equol, which unfortunately seems questionable based on what has been demonstrated in literature. Brotzu seems like a cool dude or whatever, being a professor at a university. But then again, so was the principle investigator from BYU who spent a big chunk of his career investigating equol's ability to bind to DHT and I am skeptical because of his association to NuSkin, etc. as I mentioned earlier. Why would Fidia purchase the patent to this lotion if it is useless? My close friend thinks that it probably works, since Fidia is not a very large company by any means and they don't have the capital to throw around on something that is a long shot or sketchy/garbage. Surely they saw some results for themselves before shelling out the dough to buy the patent. I don't know.

At this point, I wouldn't be shocked if it did NOT work and I would be surprised if it worked better than finasteride or hell, even matched finasteride results, because again, I think equol would have to be the thing that performs the antiandrogenic function. I would have preferred having the reverse attitude - shocked if it didn't work and expectant that it will match finasteride - but, whatever.

>inb4 dislikes just for questioning Brotzu's lotion. I don't give a f***. I will continue to evaluate things critically and objectively because it is the logical thing to do. We all know pictures and data are severely lacking. Also, nobody should be above being questioned. Feel free to question my claims/thoughts/conclusions also of course. I've learned many new things from people correcting me on this forum. If someone wants to show me that DGLA/PGE1 also exert antiandrogenic effects, that would make my day.

The first post of mine that I quoted here has an attachment, fyi, but it was just a chart for some DHT values. Just go to the post itself if you want to check it out.
You may find that study useful.


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Of course it's an advantage if your follicles are still alive. This has nothing to do with the 5 year claim. I think brotzu meant that it's important that your hair follicles are still alive (producing hair, even if we talk about vellus hair). Of course it's more difficult to recover slick bald areas.
*Most areata patients have slick bald areas. The kid he used as an example was slick bald.
*Babies are born bald, they experience reverse male pattern baldness.
*Follicles on slick bald scalp aren't dead, the guy in the other thread wrote an extensive post on this, with the research evidence that supports this claim.
*Transexuals regrow more than 5 years worth of hair loss on slick bald areas. Obviously something in our immune system is blocking the hair production due to some hormonal infection.
*Five year study is needed to evaluate whether Brotzu's 5 year claim is real or something lost in translation.
*BEST CASE SCENARIO (3% possibility): This shuts down the mechanism of hair loss, if that will be the case I don't see a reason why complete reversal is not possible.


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"In our study, the SHBG level significantly increased, whereas the free testosterone level and DHT level decreased after 3-month isoflavone administration as compared with the baseline. This result is in consensus with several earlier studies and a recent review on the effects of isoflavone"

So just to make sure, you don't believe that reducing DHT and free testosterone will cause side effects?

You're link kind of proved my earlier point, unless I missed something.

No, not what I said. Look at the magnitude of decrease in DHT and free test versus the dose received. It's significant but not massive. Then look at how much of an equol dose you can get from simply consuming certain types of soy, and it's obviously plenty, relative to the doses used in the studies. There is no reported equol sickness in Asian countries, where soy consumption can be a regular part of the diet. See the link to the FDA website showing that soy foods and by extension, isoflavones are considered to be on the Generally Recognized As Safe substances list. One of the papers on there even argues that it may confer mild health benefits such as alleviation of menstrual hot flashes, etc., which we know to be the action of equol synthesized within producers.

Now, comparing across studies we see that if we change the dosage of equol supplementation by a bit, it doesn't greatly affect the hormonal levels. In other words, I have yet to see a steady decrease in DHT with increasing equol dose, up to the point of tanking DHT (even approaching 50%). I'm talking about humans, I don't think that rat study you linked counts. And I have my skepticism about Lund et. al. as I mentioned.

Now. Look at the Brotzu patent and consider the dose of equol. It's an abysmal amount (standard dosage is supposedly 1 ml lotion/day). There is no need to expect equol sides. Why?
>Equol is a weak antiandrogen even if you take it systemically.
>If you put a dab of it on your head, you'll still be a boy.


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But don't get me wrong, I'm as excited as anyone that this lotion might be the real deal. But I'm not going to throw reality out the window to get hyped up by it. It can only do so much.
But that is not the reason to lower even our expectations which have a slim possibility: Oh I just get maintenance treatment and be satisfied with a hair transplant, have you forgotten your fullhead self? We are all worth f*****g NW0s)
Follica + Wounding proves that growing hair on bald scalp is possible.
Scientific studies show that the follicles are not completely dead in bald scalp.
Those transexuals have pretty impressive combovers if you say so, in one of the examples in fact doesn't havy any combover at all.
Plus, the stuff I said about areata.


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Okay Ill humor you cause we're in this together. What is the main difference between equol and s-equol, reason being I found affordable equol powder for topical formulation. Additionally, would it not stand to reason one could simply take soy ifla. ?
You could take soy, but you need to be a producer. It's actually not a big deal to be a producer. If you check out that Japanese study I linked earlier, they compare producers vs non producers over time. It might be possible to recompose your gut bacteria to handle equol. The bacteria that can metabolize the isoflavones aren't particularly rare. But the practical concern is - how can you tell? There isn't an easy test to do afaik to find equol in your pee. Maybe someone has made a kit or something, who knows.

But Equelle by Osaka is legit equol, albeit a bit pricey. I have some myself. I tried to crush it up, magnetically stir it in EtOH for hours, and then centrifuge + decant to get the resulting solution. Applied to hair, some 2 mls/day or something. Spoiler: nothing happened. Oh wait, hair smelled like soy.

r-equol and s-equol are identical in composition but are exact mirror images of each other, just as your left hand and right hand are mirror images of each other - there is no way to rotate your right hand to make it your left; the two are distinct, but they appear almost the same. The same is true for any structure, including those of molecules. The mirrored molecules are often labeled (r) and (s) to differentiate one from the other. The physical properties are the exact same. When such molecules are synthesized, in the absence of special conditions, the resulting mixture will be exactly 50/50 (r) and (s) (also known as a racemic mixture). However, the biological activity of the molecules are often different, because life's biochemistry, surprisingly, can be selective to one structure but not the other.

So, s-equol is reported to bind to estrogen receptor beta, whereas r-equol is not. A receptor accepts a signaling molecule in a lock-and-key mechanism. So it is sensitive to the exact structure of the key. If someone holds out their right hand for a handshake, you cannot hold your left out; only your right hand works. This is why only s-equol binds to the receptor.

Both of them are reported to bind to DHT, probably because they just stick to it. Equol is approximately the same size as DHT. And then that two bound together can no longer talk to the androgen receptor, essentially sequestering DHT's actions. So, I mean that's about it as far as the differences go. Also there aren't as many studies done on r-equol (which is never found in nature) although there are some studies where people are dosed an racemic mixture.

Typically, synthesis of a racemic mixture is cheap, because soy is cheap and you just do some organic synthesis. But if you want only the (s), you have two "and a half" options, both of which are hard.

1) Do a special chemical synthesis that only makes (s) and not (r) - can be expensive and complicated.
1.5) Harness the 1-sidedness of life and get those poor bacteria to make it for you (they ONLY make (s))
2) Do a normal synthesis and get a racemic mixture, and then figure out how to separate them
Hard. Cannot separate on the basis of any physical differences. Special techniques are required.

So I have contacted LC Labs in MA regarding their racemic equol mix because hey, both bind to DHT anyway so who cares? Unfortunately, they didn't make it in house and they couldn't tell me what impurities/contaminants may or may not be in it. Obviously it is not sold for human use to begin with, so they are not liable for it not being human grade. So I said screw it, I'm not interested. If you want equol in the U.S., you should give them a go. Their prices are very low and their rep is decent. I'm not so gung ho about experimental treatments.
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I gotta give it up to you though because all of the most-cited search engine results regarding equol and its effect on DHT/prostate health are by TD Lund, who is factually the brother of the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the multi-level marketing company Nu Skin. And he did indeed license the research out to Nu Skin to use in their products.

There are more recent Japanese studies that report similar effects regarding equol, so it could be the guy at Nu Skin just taking advantage of real research that he only knows about through being related to the guy that did it, but it is nevertheless an interesting coincidence.
Yeah, unsettling, isn't it? Plus they wouldn't take my I have my reservations.


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cant wait.

Slowly but surely becoming my own reality




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I appreciate your time.
Breh we have alllllll the time in the world. This is the Brotzu thead after all.

Where does the conversation begin? Where does it end?

If you listen closely, you can even hear the echoes of past discussions, forever reverberating....wait, has this been asked before? How can we even tell....

I'm trapped, bro..


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Can you post link? I don't speak Italian 0_o

Breh we have alllllll the time in the world. This is the Brotzu thead after all.

Where does the conversation begin? Where does it end?

If you listen closely, you can even hear the echoes of past discussions, forever reverberating....wait, has this been asked before? How can we even tell....

I'm trapped, bro..

We all are.


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We're all stuck in the same nightmare waiting for a company to get us out, we're fucked :(

Mate you are 19... something will defiantly be out for you early 20’s .. think of the people who have spent 10 years + on false hopes... and have wasted their 20’s and 30’s depressed and ashamed.. you are very lucky to be only 19 because you will still get to enjoy your life... shave your head get smp and enjoy your life until something comes out


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cant wait.

Slowly but surely becoming my own reality

View attachment 66534
View attachment 66535

I always lol when people post pictures like this because - and call me crazy if you want - but that dude looks GOOD. Even if he buzzed with no guard or shaved, he looks good, especially with the gruff. In fact he'd look even more suave if he cut the hair shorter.
It sometimes works, people.
That guy doesn't really need hair to add any "beauty" to his face.


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I always lol when people post pictures like this because - and call me crazy if you want - but that dude looks GOOD. Even if he buzzed with no guard or shaved, he looks good, especially with the gruff. In fact he'd look even more suave if he cut the hair shorter.
It sometimes works, people.
That guy doesn't really need hair to add any "beauty" to his face.
I lol because it's true.

People like this are not doing themselves any favor by having that fluff on top. If anything it detracts from his own aesthetics & masculinity.

A nice 0 guard and tapered cut up top would make him look way better,


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Mate you are 19... something will defiantly be out for you early 20’s .. think of the people who have spent 10 years + on false hopes... and have wasted their 20’s and 30’s depressed and ashamed.. you are very lucky to be only 19 because you will still get to enjoy your life... shave your head get smp and enjoy your life until something comes out
Yea I'm 19 this is the worst time for it to hit you honestly, Ive lost two job offers because I was so nervous if they were looking at my bald spot or not lost my girl to a guy I used to think was hideous and now he's more attractive than me, im gonna save some money and hopefully Tsuji succeeds, then I can spit on both their faces, when my parents told me life would be harder when I was an adult I never imagined this....


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Yea I'm 19 this is the worst time for it to hit you honestly, Ive lost two job offers because I was so nervous if they were looking at my bald spot or not lost my girl to a guy I used to think was hideous and now he's more attractive than me, im gonna save some money and hopefully Tsuji succeeds, then I can spit on both their faces, when my parents told me life would be harder when I was an adult I never imagined this....

I compeltely understand how distressing it is BUT... it is all in your head.. what we don’t realise is NOBODY is bothered about our hair. Just because we think about it 24/7 doesn’t mean other people even give it a second thought..just because a mate makes a joke, that doesn’t mean they are judging you. They will not know how much it effects you.

Regarding your girlfriend... it probably was your hair that made you split up but not the appeareance of your hair, it will be because how insecure and paranoid you got that affected the relationship, if a women is shallow enough to leave someone because of hair then trust me it has done you a MASSIVE favour in the lomg run.

DO NOT spend the next 1-5 years until a decent treatment comes out on these forums everyday getting depressed and bitter and hating the world... you will slowly turn into a horrible person to be around... it is so hard to try and explain because you are 19 ... but instead spene the next 1-5 years. Saving money, studying to have a good job and learning and exploring new thing... you have one life... DO NOT WASTE YOUR BEST YEARS. Just think to yourself I will be cured soon


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I compeltely understand how distressing it is BUT... it is all in your head.. what we don’t realise is NOBODY is bothered about our hair. Just because we think about it 24/7 doesn’t mean other people even give it a second thought..just because a mate makes a joke, that doesn’t mean they are judging you. They will not know how much it effects you.

Regarding your girlfriend... it probably was your hair that made you split up but not the appeareance of your hair, it will be because how insecure and paranoid you got that affected the relationship, if a women is shallow enough to leave someone because of hair then trust me it has done you a MASSIVE favour in the lomg run.

DO NOT spend the next 1-5 years until a decent treatment comes out on these forums everyday getting depressed and bitter and hating the world... you will slowly turn into a horrible person to be around... it is so hard to try and explain because you are 19 ... but instead spene the next 1-5 years. Saving money, studying to have a good job and learning and exploring new thing... you have one life... DO NOT WASTE YOUR BEST YEARS. Just think to yourself I will be cured soon
My first days on this forums were amazing and carefree, then I saw those posts from 2004 all excited and full of hope for the cure "in a few years" and now that I tell myself that I'll be cured I just hope I won't be like them.


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My first days on this forums were amazing and carefree, then I saw those posts from 2004 all excited and full of hope for the cure "in a few years" and now that I tell myself that I'll be cured I just hope I won't be like them.
There's certainly no guarantee that anything will change but just because things didn't work out in the past doesn't mean they won't work out this time around.

Look at Elon Musk and SpaceX, it failed multiple times before they finally had a successful launch of a rocket.

My point is that mistakes were made in the past but that doesn't mean the same mistakes will be carried out repeatedly and indefinitely. A cure for hairloss will definitely be released, the big question is whether it will still be relevant for us.


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In the 80s there were rumours about something growing hair back, turned out to be true and minoxidil made people freakin happy. In the 90s people discussed a drug being able to maintain hair over years if not even decades/forever, it was true, propecia made it on the market and people partied hard. Pessimists got already shotgunned twice in their balls, I know that will definitely happen a third time- why? People thirst for money, show them a mountain of gold and they will desperately get done whatever is necessary to obtain it. Make a competition out of it and they will run berserk to obtain it. Hairloss treatments are such a case - especially in such a shallow time with Hollywood and Instagram. Believe me, there are people on this planet having heavy sleep disorders in order to be the first delivering a cure. Lean back, buy a good whine and be sure to taste it when party nr.3 starts.


Senior Member
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Lean back, buy a good whine and be sure to taste it when party nr.3 starts.

Invitations for Party 3 have been sent out many times over the last yeas. Everyone keeps on getting pumped everytime but the guest of honor, the good sir R. Eality, never shows up. While we are a waiting for him we always find out that he was never going to show up anyway and the scam police tells us to go elsewhere.

I do agree with you that leaning back and relax is the best way to go but just because we have 2 treatments that kind of work for some of the people here does not mean anything if you put it next to the tons of treatments that never made it to the market/turned out to be ineffective.


Senior Member
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In the 80s there were rumours about something growing hair back, turned out to be true and minoxidil made people freakin happy. In the 90s people discussed a drug being able to maintain hair over years if not even decades/forever, it was true, propecia made it on the market and people partied hard. Pessimists got already shotgunned twice in their balls, I know that will definitely happen a third time- why? People thirst for money, show them a mountain of gold and they will desperately get done whatever is necessary to obtain it. Make a competition out of it and they will run berserk to obtain it. Hairloss treatments are such a case - especially in such a shallow time with Hollywood and Instagram. Believe me, there are people on this planet having heavy sleep disorders in order to be the first delivering a cure. Lean back, buy a good whine and be sure to taste it when party nr.3 starts.

Propecia and minoxidil both suck though. So if history repeats itself....