Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I will take my chances then.

Five years strong.

Full head of hair

Beat the genetics odds. Starting experiencing hair loss at 16, currently 26.

Same here man, been on this for 13y, but if something better comes up to be again at 100% DHT full of semen, and keep my hair, i'll take it
And i bet you'll do the same


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Same hear man, been on this for 13y, but if something better comes up to be again at 100% DHT full of semen, and keep my hair, i'll take it
And i bet you'll do the same
well, took me close to 6k grafts, and 24,000 CAD in the hole.

Worth it though! My life has substantially been better at the cost of a minor financial set back.


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Didn't know moobs were a pre-requisite to maintaining hair while on finasteride.

Didn't know aside from the pseudo - ED almost everyone experiences that finasteride was to blame.

tips fedora
Mother of god...awesome...(ironic). I suppose you will not be defending a drug like Finasteride...


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Mother of god...awesome...(ironic). I suppose you will not be defending a drug like Finasteride...



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I just remembered, that almost exactly year ago the petition for brotzu lotion release popped up. A lot of people here were pissed off, that they wanted release before the end of 2017 and not 2016. Something tells me, that we will be lucky if it comes out before the end of 2018. What scares me the most is, that I slowly lose hope in an actual release.


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I just remembered, that almost exactly year ago the petition for brotzu lotion release popped up. A lot of people here were pissed off, that they wanted release before the end of 2017 and not 2016. Something tells me, that we will be lucky if it comes out before the end of 2018. What scares me the most is, that I slowly lose hope in an actual release.
No worries, we still have tranny drugs.


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I just remembered, that almost exactly year ago the petition for brotzu lotion release popped up. A lot of people here were pissed off, that they wanted release before the end of 2017 and not 2016. Something tells me, that we will be lucky if it comes out before the end of 2018. What scares me the most is, that I slowly lose hope in an actual release.
I dont want to be too optimistic, but we will definetly get it before the end of 2018 if it works. It has already been stated that the trials would continue up until the end of 2017 so the chances of it coming this year are next to none imho. If it works and they decide to go ahead and launch it, then 2018 is a perfectly reasonable target imho.


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actually, i think that the bright side of the wait is that it makes it more likely that the product will work.

why? it's simple. they invested big money on the patent and the research/development. if they knew it doesn't work, why wait? they'd just release it and start monetizing asap, and it'll be just another useless cosmetic product that uninformed/desperate people will buy anyway

they apparently had issues with degradation over time, so why even bother solving that if it didn't work? it makes sense to take the time and make it perfect only if they know it'll actually be so good that will beat the crap out of minoxidil/fina/duta.


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actually, i think that the bright side of the wait is that it makes it more likely that the product will work.

why? it's simple. they invested big money on the patent and the research/development. if they knew it doesn't work, why wait? they'd just release it and start monetizing asap, and it'll be just another useless cosmetic product that uninformed/desperate people will buy anyway

they apparently had issues with degradation over time, so why even bother solving that if it didn't work? it makes sense to take the time and make it perfect only if they know it'll actually be so good that will beat the crap out of minoxidil/fina/duta.
Makes sense or they just want more investor money before they fail completely.


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The 7TH Sense

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Thank you always for the useful inputs you are giving to the thread @Switzer .
Maybe I can add something:


(Definitions from the EPO official resources)

The fulfilment of the second condition for the refund of the examination fee according to Art. 10b(b) RFees, gave rise to the questions of what "substantive examination" was and what kind of act or acts amounted to the beginning of "substantive examination". The board noted that to ensure predictability and verifiability of the application of Art. 10b(b) RFees, the beginning of "substantive examination" had to be interpreted as requiring a concrete and verifiable act of the examining division as regards "substantive examination" after having assumed responsibility for the examination of the application (J 25/10). The board held that if a communication of a particular examining division was to be legally valid, it had to have been written on behalf of and represent the views of the members who had been appointed to that division to examine the issues forming the subject of the communication.

Ok, so giving this, I understand that the patent seems not to have European validation yet; a special commission is now proceeding to grant it, as of now. This commission should be composed of expert in the fields of the applicant's patent.
I didn't know procedures were so long.

But I found another resource from EPO which gives a positive "vibe" in my opinion:


This says that way before this "substantial examination" starts, a letter/communication is sent to the applicant. With the new laws, if the applicant withdraws before the examination starts, is refunded 100% of all costs. Now, since this examination started, it means that FIDIA did not withdraw :)


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Thank you always for the useful inputs you are giving to the thread @Switzer .
Maybe I can add something:

View attachment 66866

(Definitions from the EPO official resources)

Ok, so giving this, I understand that the patent seems not to have European validation yet; a special commission is now proceeding to grant it, as of now. This commission should be composed of expert in the fields of the applicant's patent.
I didn't know procedures were so long.

But I found another resource from EPO which gives a positive "vibe" in my opinion:

View attachment 66867

This says that way before this "substantial examination" starts, a letter/communication is sent to the applicant. With the new laws, if the applicant withdraws before the examination starts, is refunded 100% of all costs. Now, since this examination started, it means that FIDIA did not withdraw :)
So basically they're still on track for 2021?


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Thank you always for the useful inputs you are giving to the thread @Switzer .
Maybe I can add something:

View attachment 66866

(Definitions from the EPO official resources)

Ok, so giving this, I understand that the patent seems not to have European validation yet; a special commission is now proceeding to grant it, as of now. This commission should be composed of expert in the fields of the applicant's patent.
I didn't know procedures were so long.

But I found another resource from EPO which gives a positive "vibe" in my opinion:

View attachment 66867

This says that way before this "substantial examination" starts, a letter/communication is sent to the applicant. With the new laws, if the applicant withdraws before the examination starts, is refunded 100% of all costs. Now, since this examination started, it means that FIDIA did not withdraw :)
how much time does this examination take ffs bureocratic bullshit


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Seriously how long does patent examination take?

Terrible meme
It's all over facebook, I agree it's overused. The dude is Chad though.

On a different note: Doesn't this mean that development is finished since they are seeking further approval on updated patent?
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Senior Member
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Seriously how long does patent examination take?

It's all over facebook, I agree it's overused. The dude is Chad though.

On a different note: Doesn't this mean that development is finished since they are seeking further approval on updated patent?

Yeah that is what I thought as well...