
Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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is there noone who participated in the brotzu trials in any online forum ? would be nice to get some answers i guess
I'm sure they signed a nondisclosure but also keep in mind there were only I think like 60 participants( if memory serves me correctly ) so that's not a huge number to have them littered all over the forums


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I'm sure they signed a nondisclosure but also keep in mind there were only I think like 60 participants( if memory serves me correctly ) so that's not a huge number to have them littered all over the forums
Right, 30 men/30 women with androgenetic alopecia as the abstract of the study being presented tells us.


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Any chemists in group? Is it safe to assume that if you’re a non- responder to minoxidil the Brotzu won’t work either?.

Unrelated, people don't respond to minoxidil because they lack the sulfotransferase enzyme


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Yeah so I’m wondering if that enzyme is also needed to respond to Brotzu, might be the same pathway??


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Cant help but lol at the cucks in here clutching at their last few hairs.
Meanwhile im maintaining on the big 3 and saving money for a transplant next year to finish it off. Fact is if the big 3 did nothing for you, this wont do anything either. Even if the big 3 worked for you, this wont work any better


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Cant help but lol at the cucks in here clutching at their last few hairs.
Meanwhile im maintaining on the big 3 and saving money for a transplant next year to finish it off. Fact is if the big 3 did nothing for you, this wont do anything either. Even if the big 3 worked for you, this wont work any better

In your case, the male pattern baldness is well-deserved.


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Cant help but lol at the cucks in here clutching at their last few hairs.
Meanwhile im maintaining on the big 3 and saving money for a transplant next year to finish it off. Fact is if the big 3 did nothing for you, this wont do anything either. Even if the big 3 worked for you, this wont work any better
I don't think you have any facts to back up this supposition. Wouldn't finasteride making you a eunuch mean you're the the cuck? Get outta here
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Cant help but lol at the cucks in here clutching at their last few hairs.
Meanwhile im maintaining on the big 3 and saving money for a transplant next year to finish it off. Fact is if the big 3 did nothing for you, this wont do anything either. Even if the big 3 worked for you, this wont work any better

I'm doing the same. Gonna get a transplant next year and cure myself. If the lotion even comes out and works, great, but the people here who think they will regrow a crazy amount of hair are in for a rude awakening.


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I'm doing the same. Gonna get a transplant next year and cure myself. If the lotion even comes out and works, great, but the people here who think they will regrow a crazy amount of hair are in for a rude awakening.
Yeah I don't think it would grow like 4 Norwoods, especially if you're older.
Honestly if I was at transplant level, I would wait for Tsuji to finish. Only two years and it looks like it can offer a more natural hairline and you can have the implanted hair be even denser. Not to mention I think people removing DHT aren't being very smart, if better options are gonna be available in two years.


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I'm doing the same. Gonna get a transplant next year and cure myself. If the lotion even comes out and works, great, but the people here who think they will regrow a crazy amount of hair are in for a rude awakening.

If the lotion works it is good news for everyone even people getting a transplant since it means you could maintain with it.
I mean guys we are all on the same boat here otherwise we would not be in this forum.


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Yeah I don't think it would grow like 4 Norwoods, especially if you're older.
Honestly if I was at transplant level, I would wait for Tsuji to finish. Only two years and it looks like it can offer a more natural hairline and you can have the implanted hair be even denser. Not to mention I think people removing DHT aren't being very smart, if better options are gonna be available in two years.

Even 0.5 or 1 norwood could mean the world for some people.

I think it is better if us as a community welcomes any non scammy initiatives. For sure some treatments might fail but it helps a better understanding of the disease something I guess the field miss.

Now I just hope it will work for everyone, even the haters, because we all know how mind impacting alopecia is.


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Yeah I don't think it would grow like 4 Norwoods, especially if you're older.
Honestly if I was at transplant level, I would wait for Tsuji to finish. Only two years and it looks like it can offer a more natural hairline and you can have the implanted hair be even denser. Not to mention I think people removing DHT aren't being very smart, if better options are gonna be available in two years.
So far I've been a great responder to DHT inhibitors and minoxidil. If I stopped now it'd be foolish of me, also to mention the uncertainty of upcoming treatments, etc. I recommend to anyone to work with what we have now if possible. If I keep improving I may not even get a transplant.


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So far I've been a great responder to DHT inhibitors and minoxidil. If I stopped now it'd be foolish of me, also to mention the uncertainty of upcoming treatments, etc. I recommend to anyone to work with what we have now if possible. If I keep improving I may not even get a transplant.
That's great news. I'm 23 so I know I can't mess with it, everything is still developing. Rogaine also ages my face and I'm sure the collagen is important. You're lucky man, you don't have to rely on things that aren't out :D


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Yeah I'm on minoxidil only and I tell you it aged my face immensely, some people think I'm f*****g 30+ while I'm still in my teens, it's brutal.

RU serious

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Cant help but lol at the cucks in here clutching at their last few hairs.
Meanwhile im maintaining on the big 3 and saving money for a transplant next year to finish it off. Fact is if the big 3 did nothing for you, this wont do anything either. Even if the big 3 worked for you, this wont work any better

So you suffer from hair loss, join a hair loss forum to laugh at others suffering from hair loss who haven’t had the luck with treatments that you’ve had, despite knowing first hand how it feels to have hair loss.

Not only that you try to put them down saying there’s no hope for them (despite all recent developments) whilst trying to establish some sort of high ground for yourself because you happen to be a better responder to certain treatments.

You are even worse than the ignorant ones that say ‘just shave it bro’, what the f*** is your problem?


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Yeah I'm on minoxidil only and I tell you it aged my face immensely, some people think I'm f*****g 30+ while I'm still in my teens, it's brutal.
You could try .25 mm dermaroller and vitamin C serum.
Honestly tho, I would drop it. Let your face heal and be healthy. Believe me I think it slows my hairloss, but any effect like that or lower blood pressure isn't worth.


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Yeah I'm on minoxidil only and I tell you it aged my face immensely, some people think I'm f*****g 30+ while I'm still in my teens, it's brutal.

Same that is why if the lotion could replace minoxidil and finasteride with more efficiency would be magical.
We only can hope right now but why not, still better than being despressed over a disease we have no control over.


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I don't understand why are you getting aging effects on Minoxidil. It wasn't confirmed by any study, also being angry or sad causes forehead wrinkles. You look older because you're balding and that is all.
Do mind that wrinkles is not something that is easier to fix than hair loss, there are no magic surgeries in the world that would help to fix them.


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Yeah so I’m wondering if that enzyme is also needed to respond to Brotzu, might be the same pathway??
My guess is not because it’s not the same active ingredient but this is a good question
I don't understand why are you getting aging effects on Minoxidil. It wasn't confirmed by any study, also being angry or sad causes forehead wrinkles. You look older because you're balding and that is all.
Do mind that wrinkles is not something that is easier to fix than hair loss, there are no magic surgeries in the world that would help to fix them.
I've seen male models with fullheads of hair and forehead lines, they still looked young.
its been shown in studies that minoxidil reduces collagen synthesis. This would cause your face to age, and I know collagen is also important for joint health. Within a week of rogaine I saw three lines under my eyes and darker pigment. Since I quit it’s gone.