
Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

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I don't understand why are you getting aging effects on Minoxidil. It wasn't confirmed by any study, also being angry or sad causes forehead wrinkles. You look older because you're balding and that is all.
Do mind that wrinkles is not something that is easier to fix than hair loss, there are no magic surgeries in the world that would help to fix them.

Minoxidil reduces collagen synthesis which can, and many have reported it to, affect facial appearance negatively.


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I don't understand why are you getting aging effects on Minoxidil. It wasn't confirmed by any study, also being angry or sad causes forehead wrinkles. You look older because you're balding and that is all.
Do mind that wrinkles is not something that is easier to fix than hair loss, there are no magic surgeries in the world that would help to fix them.

Was there any study on the link between minoxidil and collagen depletion?


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Was there any study on the link between minoxidil and collagen depletion?
There was a better study about it reducing collagen 2 synthesis I can't find. VEGF, bFGF and minoxidil significantly decreased the total amount of collagen. In monolayer cultures, there was approximately a 30% inhibition of collagen production The results suggest that both 2,4-PDCA and minoxidil have an inhibitory effect on collagen formation Minoxidil (0.1-1 mM) caused a maximum of 71% reduction in the activity of lysyl hydroxylase, an enzyme needed for stable cross-links in collagen

From what I understand, collagen and fibrosis is a large part of balding. Minoxidil inhibits/ affects this in a positive way. Unfortunately this becomes systemic (I think) and can lead to less collagen keeping your face healthy.


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I think the results will be comparable to minoxidil, too. Which is not a bad thing, good responders get a LOT of regrowth from it. We could hope that everybody will be a "good responder" to this lotion.

But what really bugs me is how much the results will last, or, in short, if we could achieve maintenance. What I hope, frankly, is not a replacement of Minoxidil but a replacement of finasteride (sideless, obviously). I don't expect anything more because I am skeptical too, but the science behind is very solid and the treatment addresses 2 major key parts of Androgenetic Alopecia. Remembering what InBeforeTheCure said last year, PGE1 has the same pathways of Minoxidil, so it could really achieve what minoxidil does. I remember he also said in his opinion maintenance could be achievable basing on the efficacy of Equol to inhibit DHT in the long run. Given its double properties, DHT blocker and Estrogen receptor Beta agonist, if the liposomal vehicle really works I can't see how we couldn't achieve at least maintenance. Unfortunately many times the practice disrespects the theory (just read the Darolutamide thread) and we can't even figure why.
I would get so f*****g mad if it will reveal itself as an another useful treatment only for the finasteride users (also because the majority of them are obnoxious trolls who think they will never deal with hairloss again unlike us poor side effects sufferers).
It's also kind of sad that in the abstract posted from Beps the results are limited to the 6th month mark, because they were trialling since the second quarter of 2016 (2 years already passed since). Even though I perfectly understand that there were stability problems. Obviously, the lotion couldn't work if it was not stable. Judging by all the people I asked, contacted and stalked, the stability problems were found only later so I really think they had to restart them after solving the issue.

I frankly say that even though I'm quite optimist, I'm shitting my pants in the waiting for SITRI's meeting, because in a month I will know if I have to go bald or not. Definitely I'm giving up if this won't be a valid alternative to finasteride, maybe I'll browse the website to find out eventual Polichem updates but sadly that's still finasteride at the end. I see no feasible treatment in the pipeline that could be effective, affordable, accessible and available soon for me except from Brotzu and Polichem and I understand this is the situation of most of the users judging by this thread...

I still think we have more reasons to remain optimistic than pessimistic. I talked to some Areata testers treated by Brotzu in these months, even though each of them told me a quite different story on the things that were happening between Brotzu and FIDIA, 4 out of 5 were really amazed by the regrowth achieved thanks to the use of Brotzu Lotion and all of them were impatiently waiting for the lotion to be marketed, they sent me the photos and the recovery was total, 100% (I'm talking about the kids treated, I spoke with their parents obviously).
So I can't really see why the doctor should have told half of the truth in his interviews, I mean it seems quite true what he always said about areata, so why should he lied when talking about Androgenetic Alopecia ? Makes no sense, also because the lotion was discovered by accident while treating AGAs.
But then it seems that his son, I mean Beps, had no regrowth at all, I didn't see his photos but I spoke with people who know him and I trust IESON's users who saw them. This is depressing and I confess it cut my hopes in half when I first came to know this, because he was saying everywhere he recovered 2 Norwood grades or at least 1. I don't believe he stopped using the lotion (he never declared to have that intention), so I can't understand this. Maybe he and his father just got hyped for 4 vellus of regrowth.

But speaking the truth all of this doesn't matter, not because I didn't personally see his photos, but because the congress is next month. Soon we'll know everything, I guess.

7TH Sense, is anyone from the Italian forum attending the conference? I don't see how we'll instantly have any information come April otherwise?


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I'm doing the same. Gonna get a transplant next year and cure myself. If the lotion even comes out and works, great, but the people here who think they will regrow a crazy amount of hair are in for a rude awakening.

Indeed. Its pretty sad these people are constantly hitting refresh hoping for some new developments in something which will just be another snake oil topical.

So you suffer from hair loss, join a hair loss forum to laugh at others suffering from hair loss who haven’t had the luck with treatments that you’ve had, despite knowing first hand how it feels to have hair loss.

Not only that you try to put them down saying there’s no hope for them (despite all recent developments) whilst trying to establish some sort of high ground for yourself because you happen to be a better responder to certain treatments.

You are even worse than the ignorant ones that say ‘just shave it bro’, what the f*** is your problem?

The fact that you call the 'just shave it bro' people ignorant just proves your delusions and insecurity. Shave it, get a tan and hit the weights. They arent ignorant they are telling the truth. Find me ONE bald guy with a good physique who is also depressed and antisocial because of his hair. You won't find one. I get it if you're old, really fat and ugly but lets be honest, being old, fat and ugly with hair isn't going to help your dating chances at all. And to those who fit that category, obsessing over some new snake oil just isnt healthy and should be treated with antidepressants.


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7TH Sense, is anyone from the Italian forum attending the conference? I don't see how we'll instantly have any information come April otherwise?
I was ready to go but then I found someone else who lives closer and will go. I will try to get updates from him and translate ASAP.


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The fact that you call the 'just shave it bro' people ignorant just proves your delusions and insecurity. Shave it, get a tan and hit the weights. They arent ignorant they are telling the truth. Find me ONE bald guy with a good physique who is also depressed and antisocial because of his hair. You won't find one. I get it if you're old, really fat and ugly but lets be honest, being old, fat and ugly with hair isn't going to help your dating chances at all. And to those who fit that category, obsessing over some new snake oil just isnt healthy and should be treated with antidepressants.

im 23 and been bodybuilding religiously since I was 14. I sit at 200 lbs, 11% body fat , 18 inch arms, 49 inch chest and a 29 inch waist at 5'9. The fact I'm looking at my hairline slowly recede is soul destroying. Having a good physique (especially considering it's something you slowly grow with over a lengthy period of time) will not save your self esteem . For many including myself hair is very much a large piece of your identity and watching that disappear can be traumatising and as a result can have a huge effect on your social life.


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im 23 and been bodybuilding religiously since I was 14. I sit at 200 lbs, 11% body fat , 18 inch arms, 49 inch chest and a 28 inch waist at 5'9. The fact I'm looking at my hairline slowly recede is soul destroying. Having a good physique (especially considering it's something you slowly grow with over a lengthy period of time) will not save your self esteem . For many including myself hair is very much a large piece of your identity and watching that disappear can be traumatising and as a result can have a huge effect on your social life.

I’m 5’10 190lbs with 10% bf year round, 18” arms and 29” waist (very similar to you). Chiseled face and nice tan skin. Educated and nice career. The most aesthetic people are the most insecure. I grew up looking great and going bald affected me more than someone who was a slob prior going bald. They just went from ugly to uglier (sounds vain I know).

It still sucks going bald even with everything else going right. It’s actually harder at times bcs I get a lot of looks, I mean a lot from females and I always see them looking at my balding head (almost like an “aww he’s almost perfect, but that hair”. They almost expect more from you when you look great everywhere else. When you’re fat and ugly, they don’t expect anything else (except to be nice, they expect fat and ugly people to be extra nice). Most of the time I don’t want girls talking to me or looking. All it does is bring my standards up even higher and you can’t do sh*t with hair.
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My guess is not because it’s not the same active ingredient but this is a good question

its been shown in studies that minoxidil reduces collagen synthesis. This would cause your face to age, and I know collagen is also important for joint health. Within a week of rogaine I saw three lines under my eyes and darker pigment. Since I quit it’s gone.

I've been using minoxidil for over 2 years and ever since I started using it I have those lines on my bottom eye lid all the time. I keep looking at people around me who are 10 years older who don't have that sh*t. Feels bad man.


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All we have to do is wait till April 14th, praise or insults about brotzu ain’t going to help us anyways. Let’s just wait. I’m pretty sure all the trolls on this forum are going to use brotzu, if it’s really works for Androgenetic Alopeica.
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I always see them looking at my balding head (almost like an “aww he’s almost perfect, but that hair”.

Come on man...

There is something quite common on these boards when guys who describe themselves as very attractive and claim that baldness is ruining everything for them, post pictures

1) They are not as attractive as they descibribe
2) Their baldness is not even that bad yet and/or it is impacting their looks that much as they describe
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That's great news. I'm 23 so I know I can't mess with it, everything is still developing. Rogaine also ages my face and I'm sure the collagen is important. You're lucky man, you don't have to rely on things that aren't out :D
You're 23 and you're afraid of taking finasteride because everything "is still developing"? Bruh, people have started finasteride at like 18 and have been fine, I started at 20 .. By 23 you are done most of your development ...


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You're 23 and you're afraid of taking finasteride because everything "is still developing"? Bruh, people have started finasteride at like 18 and have been fine, I started at 20 .. By 23 you are done most of your development ...
People these days develop earlier than ever before, most finish development in their late teens or earlier. There's absolutely nothing to fear if that is what is scaring you and don't listen to that modern bullshit about developing until you're 25 years old, it's just an excuse to justify the bahaviour of manchildren.


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You're 23 and you're afraid of taking finasteride because everything "is still developing"? Bruh, people have started finasteride at like 18 and have been fine, I started at 20 .. By 23 you are done most of your development ...
Things like our endocrine system, larynx (voice box), penis size, jaw line, still develop into mid 20’s. A lot of men even grow taller in college. I honestly think it’s bs to say puberty ends at 18, show me someone who doesn’t change from 18-25.

nWo Wolfpac

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Well thats it Ive just decided to quit finasteride, its been 4 months of shitty sleep and constant shedding. Its been over a month since ive had a good nights sleep and acually felt normal in the morning, it usually takes me 3 or 4 hours after waking to start getting some energy and I always feel better at night, its very weird. Its also given me dark circles and cartoonish puffy eyes as well proving it's not just minoxidil that can do this. Ive read alot of bad responders to finasteride have their hair thicken up and can mostly return to normal if they havent been on it too long So goodbye finasteride I look forward to feeling like myself again. now Brotzu Lotion is my only hope.

sorry I know im a little off topic but Im up at 6 am on a week end because I cant sleep and just needed to vent.

nWo Wolfpac

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Things like our endocrine system, larynx (voice box), penis size, jaw line, still develop into mid 20’s. A lot of men even grow taller in college. I honestly think it’s bs to say puberty ends at 18, show me someone who doesn’t change from 18-25.

I concur. I would say most mens voices are deeper and more masculine at 25 than 18. And look at athletes and bodybuilders Mens bones keep growing larger and wider deep into their 20's and somethin you hear nba comentators say all the time about 19 year old rookies is how much more muscle they will be able to add when their frame fills out in the years to come. I cant think of any nba players that didnt get bigger and more masculine from their rookie season to mid 20's. I would say womens puberty ends at around 16 thats why their are so many more female teenage olympians than men. hell a 14 year old girl won a lpga tour event this year that would never happen in the mens league.

wow I just read most girls stop growing at age 14 or 15, thats crazy I never realized it was that early.


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would say womens puberty ends at around 16 thats why their are so many more female teenage olympians than men. hell a 14 year old girl won a lpga tour event this year that would never happen in the mens league.

wow I just read most girls stop growing at age 14 or 15, thats crazy I never realized it was that early.
Where I come from 20 year old girls look 16, I also know some 24 year old women who look 14. It's all subjective, those ultra petite women who at 24 look 14 definitely had problems with their development. That's also one of the reasons why jailbait age range in Europe is less strict than in USA.