Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Balding sucks, but put your big boy pants on, suck it up, and be a man. The measure of your worth extends far beyond the follicles on your head. The sooner you realize that, the better your life will be.
Psh let the MAN cry. Once he gets it out, he'll realize he has to put on his big boy pants anyway. Just let it out bros, hair loss gives many feels - that is reality.


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Psh let the MAN cry. Once he gets it out, he'll realize he has to put on his big boy pants anyway. Just let it out bros, hair loss gives many feels - that is reality.

For the vast majority here, we're grown adult men - embrace that.


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God this whole soyboy thing is pissing me off. You do know that drinking normal cow's milk raises estrogen more than soy right?
prenos (1).gif


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For the vast majority here, we're grown adult men - embrace that.
1) Adult men can cry; you're implying that they cannot or should not. I'm not going to accept anything like that much less embrace it.
2) Dude the Brotzu thread is the last place on Earth to put a stake in the ground and proclaim that the majority here are grown men. Like they are chopping trees with their chest hair flowing in the wind. Based on behavior and the drugs people take, this forum is closer to being full of fuccbois and eunuchs, I think.


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Let me take a look in the many researches that have researched this very question Give me some time though, the database is huge. After that I will take a look at the many years of user experience of the users on this website. Will get back to you!



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I know Brotzu lotion originally boasted no sides.. but I have to wonder with the DGLA being a powerful vasodilator won’t that cause the same effects as minoxidil? Low blood pressure, fast heart rate, etc....


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Look, if little kids took this friggen lotion without turning into trannies and still having their balls drop during puberty, I am 10000% sure we will be a OK. Same goes for their blood pressure and heart rate. Fugg I am very optomistic about this but I am already prepared to be kicked in the balls again.

BesT case senario by the 15-17th I come back to find a brand new thread titled: HOLY f*** BROTZU IS REAL AND THE sh*t WORKS!!! THEY ARE LAUNCHING PODUCT BY XX/XX/2018 !!!! WOW!!!


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Look, if little kids took this friggen lotion without turning into trannies and still having their balls drop during puberty, I am 10000% sure we will be a OK. Same goes for their blood pressure and heart rate. Fugg I am very optomistic about this but I am already prepared to be kicked in the balls again.

BesT case senario by the 15-17th I come back to find a brand new thread titled: HOLY f*** BROTZU IS REAL AND THE sh*t WORKS!!! THEY ARE LAUNCHING PODUCT BY XX/XX/2018 !!!! WOW!!!


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1) Adult men can cry; you're implying that they cannot or should not. I'm not going to accept anything like that much less embrace it.
2) Dude the Brotzu thread is the last place on Earth to put a stake in the ground and proclaim that the majority here are grown men. Like they are chopping trees with their chest hair flowing in the wind. Based on behavior and the drugs people take, this forum is closer to being full of fuccbois and eunuchs, I think.

You must be on finasteride, and yes your second statement seems valid .

Point is get a grip and take control of your emotions because nobody will do it for you . that's being a man .


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Guys, how long do cosmetic patent law protect patent? Like, medicine, after 10 years other comapnies can sell the genetic version of same drug. What’s that for cosmetic ? How long do law protect cosmetic patent is it same as 10 years? Or more? If it’s 20 years, fidia made some great business choices. Do anybody know about this?
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I just cant imagine this sh*t can grow your hair back where only baby hair is left.

Be realistic a permanent boost like minoxidil is the maximum we can expect + higher responserate.

minoxidil can thicken up but csnt do magic


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I just cant imagine this sh*t can grow your hair back where only baby hair is left.

Be realistic a permanent boost like minoxidil is the maximum we can expect + higher responserate.

minoxidil can thicken up but csnt do magic
No, man. The only unrealistic thing here is that people still believe that we will never have something better than Minoxidil. It's been 40 years or something.