Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I just cant imagine this sh*t can grow your hair back where only baby hair is left.

Be realistic a permanent boost like minoxidil is the maximum we can expect + higher responserate.

minoxidil can thicken up but csnt do magic

Minoxidil can do magic, when used in Big3 together. In worst case we'll have a lotion with the same effect as minoxidil, but from a different angle, ergo synergizing effect there. Once again, for the majority of the balding starters like heaven with finasteride. Big4 = very very high success rate at keeping hair till you die. Whoever dislikes this isn't a good responder for finasteride or it's simply too late, and for that I'm sorry (truly)


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I just cant imagine this sh*t can grow your hair back where only baby hair is left.

Be realistic a permanent boost like minoxidil is the maximum we can expect + higher responserate.

minoxidil can thicken up but csnt do magic

Unfortunately i have to agree with you, basically when you have bald zone its near 100% of hair gone in that area, any treatments we hear about in the pipeline say10-15% above baseline which essentially means jack sh*t for an aesthetic effect so to think that this would have to give you 50% or more above baseline is really hoping against hope for a topical lotion, i will be the first one to apologize if im wrong but i have a feeling alot of people going to go crazy in a bad way after the presentation. Strongly thinking about going to dr saifi in Poland on my summer holidays for a transplant, this sh*t is too depressing.


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You must be on finasteride, and yes your second statement seems valid .

Point is get a grip and take control of your emotions because nobody will do it for you . that's being a man .
"You must be on finasteride." Rude and false! Totally proclaimed that the majority of people on a hair loss forum are adult men, then totally tried to insult my masculunity by saying I am on finasteride! I reject the hypocrisy!

Again, getting a grip, being a man, and crying are not mutually exclusive. Feelings should be expressed, understood and worked with, not suppressed, stigmatized and written off as useless or weakness; they color life and are part of being human. An adult momentarily breaking down in private to vent is not the same as a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.

You must be old, given your stance on being a man.


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Unfortunately i have to agree with you, basically when you have bald zone its near 100% of hair gone in that area, any treatments we hear about in the pipeline say10-15% above baseline which essentially means jack sh*t for an aesthetic effect so to think that this would have to give you 50% or more above baseline is really hoping against hope for a topical lotion, i will be the first one to apologize if im wrong but i have a feeling alot of people going to go crazy in a bad way after the presentation. Strongly thinking about going to dr saifi in Poland on my summer holidays for a transplant, this sh*t is too depressing.
Don't go to Saifi. The price may sound right, but he himself doesn't have as much reputation as many better surgeons in Europe.
I'm not going to Saifi for these things:
Fake day-1 users promoting his clinic on
He used to work in a very shitty hair transplant clinic in USA
His promotional transplant video hairline looks weird af
Most of his costumers are old men in their 50s
Complaints about ruined, unnatural hairlines
Almost nobody heard of him here
He prescribes supplements after trasplants
Save money for someone better.


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Im cringing at the comments saying it will be like Minoxidil when the science goes much more beyond. S-equol isn't there without a reason.
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Kinda sad people hailing minoxidil when it ages your face and fucks with your heart.
1. Brotzu discovered a different vasodilator that grew hair
2. Fidia (a pharmaceutical company) bought it because it showed promise
3. Took so long to develop because thy added S-Equol which will act better than topical finasteride. Less side effects and better for hair growth
4. They also added a cell metabolizer
This will be better than finasteride + min without stealing your manliness and aging the f*** outta ur face.
Hold in there Brotzu Gang, shits about to come out and don’t listen to the unresearched pessimists that love the trash currently on the market


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I have seen f*****g amazing responders to minoxidil - literally regrowing vellus hairs back to normal (albeit for a limited time before male pattern baldness overcomes its effects). However unless you have a ton of the sulfotransferase enzyme that is required to convert minoxidil to minoxidil sulphate, then minoxidil will be very minimally effective.

Brotzu has stated minoxidil only has 'an effect' on the blood circulation, but the lotion has a better one whilst also benefiting the cells themselves. Another reason Minoxidil can be pretty sh*t is if you're balding process is greater than that of the minoxidil effect, then you're fighting a losing battle - so if S-Equol works like its been recognised to in theory, then it will halt any DHT from further attacking, whilst the other lotion components restore full function of the follicles operations ... very exciting stuff.

OR, its all bullshit and reality doesn't match up with theory and we're gonna get literally raped by Fidia and Brotzu whilst Merck records it on April 14th. We haven't seen any Androgenetic Alopecia results but if they're anything like the Areata ones (which are f*****g ridiculous 100% regrowth) then this torment might come to an end, where we can live happily ever after and instead of reading children stories to our future grandkids we can just read them the Hairlosstalk Brotzu Thread from page 1.


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I have seen f*****g amazing responders to minoxidil - literally regrowing vellus hairs back to normal (albeit for a limited time before male pattern baldness overcomes its effects). However unless you have a ton of the sulfotransferase enzyme that is required to convert minoxidil to minoxidil sulphate, then minoxidil will be very minimally effective.

Brotzu has stated minoxidil only has 'an effect' on the blood circulation, but the lotion has a better one whilst also benefiting the cells themselves. Another reason Minoxidil can be pretty sh*t is if you're balding process is greater than that of the minoxidil effect, then you're fighting a losing battle - so if S-Equol works like its been recognised to in theory, then it will halt any DHT from further attacking, whilst the other lotion components restore full function of the follicles operations ... very exciting stuff.

OR, its all bullshit and reality doesn't match up with theory and we're gonna get literally raped by Fidia and Brotzu whilst Merck records it on April 14th. We haven't seen any Androgenetic Alopecia results but if they're anything like the Areata ones (which are f*****g ridiculous 100% regrowth) then this torment might come to an end, where we can live happily ever after and instead of reading children stories to our future grandkids we can just read them the Hairlosstalk Brotzu Thread from page 1.
Well we've seen results of Androgenetic Alopecia from alternative or copycat lotions which were all really impressive (think wuwei and the other italian dude), so if that is just an indication of the lotion than it could very well be true.


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While many of you are hyped about April 14, plase don't sh*t your pants if they only show tricogram pictures.
Replicel data was presented in the same way, there were no images of scalp, only microscope analysis of hair follicles and their counts.
I personally myself did a tricogram that was done by my dermatologist when I was prescribed finasteride.
My dermatologist told me to do it 6 months later to asses results, I never did it again, but I have the file with results in my PC.
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Guys I have a theory i’d like to share with you guys. So turns out patent law protect its product for 20 years. I don’t know about cosmetic patent law, but I asume it’s same as any other patent but medicine/drug. For medicine/drug the patent law only protect the product for 10 yrs and after that other companies can make generic drugs. Like all the generic propecia in the world that came out right after the patent expired. So that means if Fidia patent Brotzu lotion under Medicine/drug, they only have exclusivity for 10 years. And Let’s just say fidia truly believes the efficiency of the Lotion and want to make profits of it. They need to have that exclusivity for long as possible and have to be out quick since all the other drugs are currently working and in the trials. The only way to do that is patent the lotion as cosmetic products not medicine/drug. That action shorted the clinical trials period by a lot and gives company to gather all the money from male pattern baldness patients(I know some of you disagree with using word “patients” for male pattern baldness but i do think it’s disease) and Let’s all be honest if this lotion works we all going to pay a lot of money to keep our hair even if it cost 100euro(rumor not confirmed) per month. Basically what my theory is that fidia is patent this product for 20 years of exclusivity(if it’s medicine/drug it’s only 10 years) and fast commercialization .

Idk I been thinking about this lotion a lot and it just came to my brain. Plz share your thoughts, and if it patent laws do not protect the cosmetic products for 20 years, I will delete this post. Just let me know ! It’s just a wild theory


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i just hope we ll get some concrete information, good or bad.

but i m afraid it will leave all the important questions unanswered, as usual


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"You must be on finasteride." Rude and false! Totally proclaimed that the majority of people on a hair loss forum are adult men, then totally tried to insult my masculunity by saying I am on finasteride! I reject the hypocrisy!

Again, getting a grip, being a man, and crying are not mutually exclusive. Feelings should be expressed, understood and worked with, not suppressed, stigmatized and written off as useless or weakness; they color life and are part of being human. An adult momentarily breaking down in private to vent is not the same as a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.

You must be old, given your stance on being a man.

Ha, let's call it a gentle swipe. :) I am in agreement with a fair amount of what you're saying. Hoping for a cure to hairloss is great, and baldness is disheartening, no dispute there.

But letting it reduce you to a state where you're crippled, and not able to take active steps to filling your life with things that bring you pleasure is what I am talking about. Feeling down on your luck can be a slippery slope and a massive waste of time. Embracing the brief period we have to take full advantage of the life (emotions included) we are given is a gift, call it being a man, or just a positive attitude is what I am advocating. Stewing in grief on the other hand I do not advocate. Unless you say otherwise, I cant imagine we think all that differently.
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Kinda sad people hailing minoxidil when it ages your face and fucks with your heart.
1. Brotzu discovered a different vasodilator that grew hair
2. Fidia (a pharmaceutical company) bought it because it showed promise
3. Took so long to develop because thy added S-Equol which will act better than topical finasteride. Less side effects and better for hair growth
4. They also added a cell metabolizer
This will be better than finasteride + min without stealing your manliness and aging the f*** outta ur face.
Hold in there Brotzu Gang, shits about to come out and don’t listen to the unresearched pessimists that love the trash currently on the market

What a joke, just read the tittle, we are in 2018 and are in the situation is the same, no Brotzu !.
MInoxidil ROCKS !!!!!!
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What a joke, just read the tittle, we are in 2018 and are in the situation is the same, no Brotzu !.
MInoxidil ROCKS !!!!!!

Explain how in your mind '2016' negates a treatment to be ineffective or a 'scam' because its release date has been extended. I guess with the same logic when Replicel isn't released in '2018' and Tsuji in '2020' they'll both be scams as well ?


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Explain how in your mind '2016' negates a treatment to be ineffective or a 'scam' because its release date has been extended. I guess with the same logic when Replicel isn't released in '2018' and Tsuji in '2020' they'll both be scams as well ?

Well, lets see.
There is not a single before and after photo.
We have tons of things proving to work, ketozonacole crea, cetirizine lotion, etc, etc, all with real studies, all will real photos, all without side effects or systemic absorption .
You have nothing, just a promise .


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Well, lets see.
There is not a single before and after photo.
We have tons of things proving to work, ketozonacole crea, cetirizine lotion, etc, etc, all with real studies, all will real photos, all without side effects or systemic absorption .
You have nothing, just a promise .
Going by your logic Tsuji is also a scam.
You've been talking about keto cream for 4 months already, there is no place where you can buy it and even if you do, I will believe it after you get results on yourself and show them, same applies for Brotzu. And we know that studies can be "faked", did you forget Applemets.