Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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What a joke, just read the tittle, we are in 2018 and are in the situation is the same, no Brotzu !.
MInoxidil ROCKS !!!!!!
And in those two years time they made it more effective. Next month we are finally are getting androgenetic alopecia results (Brotzu himself representing FIDIA). We have Brotzu and his son saying it’ll be out, the patents been paid for and the lotion stabilized/finalized. Checkmate:rolleyes:

Japnicks India

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I honestly don’t understand why people are so skeptical about Brotzu lotion. If it was anything like minoxidil then there was no point in so much research and patents.
Yes i’m not blindly clinging on brotzu lotion that it’s going to resolve everything. There will be a “but” for sure like all other things have. Finasteride/Dutastride have amazing results on so many people and some people got sucidal. Its like two faced coin.

Kinda sad people hailing minoxidil when it ages your face and fucks with your heart.
1. Brotzu discovered a different vasodilator that grew hair
2. Fidia (a pharmaceutical company) bought it because it showed promise
3. Took so long to develop because thy added S-Equol which will act better than topical finasteride. Less side effects and better for hair growth
4. They also added a cell metabolizer
This will be better than finasteride + min without stealing your manliness and aging the f*** outta ur face.
Hold in there Brotzu Gang, shits about to come out and don’t listen to the unresearched pessimists that love the trash currently on the market

Bro its too good to be true, trust me if brotzu lotion works as stated by you then fidia will moon walk all over the shiny heads.

^Its Going to be Legend-WAIT FOR IT TILL 14Th april.


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Kinda sad people hailing minoxidil when it ages your face and fucks with your heart.
1. Brotzu discovered a different vasodilator that grew hair
2. Fidia (a pharmaceutical company) bought it because it showed promise
3. Took so long to develop because thy added S-Equol which will act better than topical finasteride. Less side effects and better for hair growth
4. They also added a cell metabolizer
This will be better than finasteride + min without stealing your manliness and aging the f*** outta ur face.
Hold in there Brotzu Gang, shits about to come out and don’t listen to the unresearched pessimists that love the trash currently on the market

Honestly, If something is too good to be true. Then it is most likely something bad.

Dont get me wrong, I want this sh*t to work but I cant imagine it will be that good or out in a few month.


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And in those two years time they made it more effective. Next month we are finally are getting androgenetic alopecia results (Brotzu himself representing FIDIA). We have Brotzu and his son saying it’ll be out, the patents been paid for and the lotion stabilized/finalized. Checkmate:rolleyes:
Hahahahahaha. Next month ? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


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Going by your logic Tsuji is also a scam.
You've been talking about keto cream for 4 months already, there is no place where you can buy it and even if you do, I will believe it after you get results on yourself and show them, same applies for Brotzu. And we know that studies can be "faked", did you forget Applemets.
There is no place to buy it ? Have you ever here of a pharmacy ?
Dude, really !?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? READ PAPERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the f*** is wrong with you !?!?!?! Did you even bother to read one of the papers about ketoconazole and male pattern baldness ? with photos an all !??!?!?!!?!?!?!
Really dude, you worry about your hair, you should worry about your brain.


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Kinda sad people hailing minoxidil when it ages your face and fucks with your heart.
1. Brotzu discovered a different vasodilator that grew hair
2. Fidia (a pharmaceutical company) bought it because it showed promise
3. Took so long to develop because thy added S-Equol which will act better than topical finasteride. Less side effects and better for hair growth
4. They also added a cell metabolizer
This will be better than finasteride + min without stealing your manliness and aging the f*** outta ur face.
Hold in there Brotzu Gang, shits about to come out and don’t listen to the unresearched pessimists that love the trash currently on the market

Just telling that vasodilators growth hair show how ignorant are you.


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There is no place to buy it ? Have you ever here of a pharmacy ?
Dude, really !?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? READ PAPERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the f*** is wrong with you !?!?!?! Did you even bother to read one of the papers about ketoconazole and male pattern baldness ? with photos an all !??!?!?!!?!?!?!
Really dude, you worry about your hair, you should worry about your brain.

It was tested by the community many years ago, without much results. The study is poor and the cream gave sides, the cream that was used is prescription only, the concentrations are way too high.

The study is shady and only used 10 people.


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View attachment 82930
It was tested by the community many years ago, without much results. The study is poor and the cream gave sides, the cream that was used is prescription only, the concentrations are way too high.

The study is shady and only used 10 people.

Hahahahahahahahah. Yes, sure, whatever you say. The studies showin that KEto don't go systemic ? nah, cause Brotzu is the solution
What an ignorant. So the studies are bad, lets put our faith in Brotzu


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And how many people use the Brotzu study ? and the photos ? hahahahahahahahahahahaha
View attachment 82933
Results, you're clueless, aren't you?
Joined in 2012 and you're still talking about things that were tried in 2004 by this community and failed.
Anyways it's useless to argue with you, I'm not a child so I don't give a flying f*** about your dislikes.


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Results, you're clueless, aren't you?
Joined in 2012 and you're still talking about things that were tried in 2004 by this community and failed.
Anyways it's useless to argue with you, I'm not a child so I don't give a flying f*** about your dislikes.
Comunity, lol . So the community is what matter, we should shutt down all the science ? lol
And the future is in Brotzu, a magical lotion with some top secrets underground test . lol


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Comunity, lol . So the community is what matter, we should shutt down all the science ? lol
And the future is in Brotzu, a magical lotion with some top secrets underground test . lol

Never has Brotzu ever given the impression of this being some top secret thing - he's made it clear it was a completely fluke discovery. The science makes sense. Those who have tried to replicate it have actually had success with the active ingredients (Wuwei) therefor validating it to some extent. Most impressively are the results of the Areata users - @The 7TH Sense can attribute claim to this having seen them all, and the rest of us seeing the one remarkable result from the youtube post of the lady campaigning release for her daughter. The fact that kids with Areata have gotten 100% regrowth at very least contributes to Brotzu being a man of his word.

You can list studies for sh*t like Keto all you want, but whatever 'success' you're having with Keto and Citirizine is completely redundant when you have the underlying support of dutasteride and topical estrogen.

But fortunately we are literally 3 weeks from knowing if Brotzu has made a truly remarkable accidental discovery or if our asses have been fucked without us knowing.


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Never has Brotzu ever given the impression of this being some top secret thing - he's made it clear it was a completely fluke discovery. The science makes sense. Those who have tried to replicate it have actually had success with the active ingredients (Wuwei) therefor validating it to some extent. Most impressively are the results of the Areata users - @The 7TH Sense can attribute claim to this having seen them all, and the rest of us seeing the one remarkable result from the youtube post of the lady campaigning release for her daughter. The fact that kids with Areata have gotten 100% regrowth at very least contributes to Brotzu being a man of his word.

You can list studies for sh*t like Keto all you want, but whatever 'success' you're having with Keto and Citirizine is completely redundant when you have the underlying support of dutasteride and topical estrogen.

But fortunately we are literally 3 weeks from knowing if Brotzu has made a truly remarkable accidental discovery or if our asses have been fucked without us knowing.

Where are the studies done on Brotzu, where are the photos ?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

I don't use dutasteride, what is your problem dude ? Really, check your brain, is fucked.


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I need this now. I only have some weeks left before Toppik will not work anymore. Help :D


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March 14 isn’t the launch date for the lotion, it’ll reveal the results and studies. Wait for what you wish for then make fun of the last hope for everyone who is a part of this 15.5k message thread.
Dude, fun ? Is that or cry, you can be such an idiot to believe on this crap.