Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

Japnicks India

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Gave everyone a like after reading that “relevant message”.
Just being little disappointed where people believed/maybe beps stated that it’ll be released before summer.

hope 2018 october isn’t pushed further.


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If this comes out in October and actually works...



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who cares if it takes half a year more. im ready for my life to be changed by lord brotzu. i will prepare a shrine with a picture of brotzu and it will be the dedicated place of where ill be rubbing the lotion of the gods for the rest of my life.


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But if this lotion is incredible as is being said and if that is proven during the conference, it doesn't matter. I could live through the summer being hyped af dipping in water looking balding, as if the last time. Might be slightly drunk.


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If it is as effective as Brotzu claims i can deal with the October release. Those 18 months watching me regain 5 years of hairless would be unbelievable happiness. Literally just dreaming spending this Christmas, cigar lit, velvet slippers on, Brotzu lotion still drying on my scalp as a i sit in front of a fire and toast my glass to the cardboard cut out of Brotzu i have sitting opposite me .


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Guys wait till Italian users to confirm my translation. Somehow me posting that pics and links brought more hypes.


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Should i delete my post about the message? I feel like I'm about to bring mad chaos to this thread.


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In a way it kinda sucks. I was hoping it would be released before the summer. But I guess it being slated for release in October further adds proof that Fidia believes in the Brotzu lotion. If it was snake oil, they would try to offload that stuff quickly after the presentation so people wouldn't have time to fully discuss the findings that were presented. But them waiting 6 months after the presentation indicates that they believe the hype will still be there months after the conference


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Should i delete my post about the message? I feel like I'm about to bring mad chaos to this thread.
It's impressive how so little power went to your head so quickly. Somewhere there's someone getting their PhD in psychology for writing their dissertation about this thread. Thesis: Strong correlation between hair loss and delusion.


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Does anyone know if the potency of the lotion diminishes over time throughout the years of applying it? Or can we preserve the potential 5 years of growth for years to come?