Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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If legit I think this is exciting news because it implies they have proven its efficacy. Lotta smoke here boys.


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It's impressive how so little power went to your head so quickly. Somewhere there's someone getting their PhD in psychology for writing their dissertation about this thread. Thesis: Strong correlation between hair loss and delusion.
Don’t take it wrong way i just don’t wants all the trolls and pro-brotion fights about my posts. Also why the hell do i think about power on Internet forum. After all we are all slowly dying by dht far as i concern none of us have any power what so ever.


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"oh no it's release is in october instead of august the horror :( :(:(:(:("

this is how you know we finally got some good news ITT


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I'm glad I jumped on finasteride last October, my hair loss has basically halted. I wish this would come out before October but if it does take that long it's no big deal for me if this provides decent regrowth. Here's crossing my fingers!


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I'm going to eat lasagna & pizza every day for the rest of my life if Brotzu is the real deal.

Armando Jose

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Fall release... it's always a fall release. Good to see they're taking advantage of that natural fall shed to make the lotion look better when that hair regrows in a few months. Following in the footsteps of the esteemed applemets and the titans before them.

Good point, most hairloss remedies appears every year in autum as mushrooms

The 7TH Sense

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Fall release... it's always a fall release. Good to see they're taking advantage of that natural fall shed to make the lotion look better when that hair regrows in a few months. Following in the footsteps of the esteemed applemets and the titans before them.

This is indeed very true and I didn't like this at first, I immediately had this exact thought too.
But speaking for myself, seasonal effluvium doesn't change in a noticeable manner the status of the hairs, not mine at least, as well as the "regrowth" when it ends - it's not significant, I would say undetectable. Maybe this was thought for the loads of people who are ignorant of hair loss roots and causes, and who think they lose their hairs just because they see them falling. So maybe there could be a boost of Brotzu lotion + effluvium recovery that could impress people in the terms of even just the stop of the hair's fall. Then, if the lotion is legit, would start to give them real results and they would happily continue to buy it. But the goal is to make people buy this remedy, because in Italy we had so many scams that everybody is really convinced that "the only thing that stops hairs' fall is the floor", the average hair cosmetic does not have an easy life, usually takes dust in the pharmacy's shelves just because of people's prejudices in this regard. Even I when I suggest minoxidil and Finasteride to some friends they say "don't say BS, nothing stops male pattern baldness". What I'm saying is that hair remedies do not have an easy life, even if they're legit.
Also, remember that a big part of those who look for hair loss remedies are women (but also men) who usually panic just because they see one or two more strands of hair in the sink, and this usually happens during seasonal effluviums. Yeah, given this reasoning I think that October release it's indeed a marketing strategy oriented this way. If you're the average Joe and you're panicking because of the lots of hairs you see in the shower/sink/pillow, and suddenly you turn on your TV and see a commercial of this product, then you find it also on newspaper, then you read these threads on the internet... Wouldn't you run to buy it?
Also, put yourself in FIDIA's shoes. If you had such an occasion to make money, wouldn't you maximize the marketing's potentials by adopting these strategies (like October release) even if your product totally works as described - given also all the general skepticism for another hair loss cosmetic? I understand them. They are a pharma company, they give fucks to us sufferers only to a certain point, then they want to make tons of money.

Then at least they have published studies focused on both Androgenetic Alopecia and Alopecia Areata. Even though many were pissed for the abstract I posted because it said "Thickens existing hairs and promotes new hair growth", these are in reality very big claims for a cosmetic. They were very precise: "it promotes regrowth" which is a very demonstrable claim but also easy to attack if it was not true.
Obviously, between "working" and "cosmetic improvements" there is an ocean, even Applemets (despite what you may think) really works, but for people with Androgenetic Alopecia it doesn't give a regrowth/thickening strong enough to be significant.

I guess that the congress will give us more infos in these aspects. If it works, it works despite an October release and the fact that we will know it well in advance (thanks to Brotzu's presentation at SITRI's) keeps me optimistic.
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BTW could not find the source of the october release in the thread, checked like 5 pages.

Can s.o. quote it again thank


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Founder of BELLICAPELLI posted this today. Apparently it's talk between Founder of BELLICAPELLI and one of Fidia's worker.

I used google translator to translate the messages.

This message was sent to us by a person who works in Fidia and who also gave us other details, for reasons of privacy we have removed his name and his photograph, the source is 100% reliable:

BELLICAPELLI: Good evening I read that Professor Brotzu will be representative of the sitri in the name and on behalf of Fidia to present lotion on Androgenetic Alopecia. Do you have more info on effectiveness and marketing? Thanks in advance.

Fidia: Good evening. I informed myself. We should start marketing the product in the fall (October). If he wants information on the product he must talk to the product manager who is following him.

I bet this is fake just like everytime we get info from that shitty BELLICAPELLI forum


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You're saying IESON. Bellicapelli is more credible and has contacts with Brotzu.
Whatever, you can't trust these guys. It's already n time we're getting some fake news. Nothing can be trusted at this point except official news from fidia. Remember when 5-6 months ago some guy talked about announcement in february and release in march ( he even provided pics from a chat with employee or smth like that )? This keeps happening and happening and yet every time people believe retarded sh*t like this


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Whatever, you can't trust these guys. It's already n time we're getting some fake news. Nothing can be trusted at this point except official news from fidia. Remember when 5-6 months ago some guy talked about announcement in february and release in march ( he even provided pics from a chat with employee or smth like that )? This keeps happening and happening and yet every time people believe retarded sh*t like this

I’m not defending anyone but I work for big company and I have experienced many product launches from this side. It’s not unheard that product fail to launch in promised time. There are MULTIPLE factors which may contribute to whether or not a new product is ready to launch - manufacturing (investments, resources, contracts etc), logistics, marketing, risk management, finance, legal just to name a few.
Fidia may not be a small company but I am sure they are not big enough if they really have a cure on their hands. We are talking about a product which has a WORLDWIDE demand. Launching a product like this is always a huge effort for every company, even the biggest companies could struggle to launch product like this in a given timeframe.