Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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What are the "red flags"?

1) At the beginning, the post does not cite directly effects on male pattern baldness. It talks about androgenetic alopecia in menopausal women, that we know is different. The wording is vague and mildly annoying: red flag.
2) The post cites effectiveness on 'young people' who are 'in the initial stages of male pattern baldness', i.e. 'iniziare a stempiarsi'. In Italian, this means NW1-2.
3) The mechanism first described is a blood flow related one, and badly so. MAJOR red flag. Circulation is not our problem: f*****g DHT is.
4) The lotion 'stimulates blood flow' and 'the production of keratine'. This one killed me. It sounds EXACTLY like snake oil ads in Italy, which put a great emphasis on keratine prodution and miracle growth booster: as we know, this is not our f*****g problem. sh*t is snake oil at this point.
5) The 'dht enzime inhibition' is the LAST one cited (after the blood flow and f*****g KERATINE ONE), and is not in depth. This generally means a lower importance in the discourse. This means that even if anti dht effects are present, they are not effective enough.
6) Can be used in pregnancy. INCREDIBLE RED FLAG. Even if an anti dht lotion works topically and not systemically, no one would ever recommend pregnant women to use it (and touch it.. like finasteride). Effects on newborns are WAY too strong. At this point I was dead.
7) They keep on stressing the keratine boost. Snake oil flag is being pushed even more.
8) They cite more blood flow boosting properties. f*****g wops, I do good in never trusting my fellow Italians.
9) They badmouth minoxidil and fina. Another red flag.

I'm done boys


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Does this mean regardless of age if someone lost hair more than 3 years ago it's loses its effectiveness ?


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The 7TH Sense

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@Marco445 A good translation was made by @VivinellAria .
It was an old interview which the doctor gave to Areata sufferers from Sardegna. So it's focused on AA because at that time the studies on areata were proceeding. Note that he "anticipated" the good results telling exactly the truth: everything he told in that interview was then proved at 2016's SITRI when he spoke in 2 essays. I still can't see the logic of the haters: why should he told the truth only for Areata in his claims? I repeat that he confirmed to me some weeks ago through email that FIDIA's Androgenetic Alopecia trials confirmed his first results.

Regarding the lotion I'm using, it worked very well; I began taking it in January 2017 when I was like NW2, by July of that year with mini-combs on the temples I cpuld totally fake a NW1 hairline. Then in January I was seeing some worsenings maybe also due to the definitive stoppage of Finasteride (which I never used consistently because of sides) and I upped the % of Minoxidil to 5. Now I'm still doing fine, maybe I lost some ground but even I can't tell this with certainty even looking t the photos I'm making. I know I can't hold the ground forever, that's why I need Brotzu's rescue ASAP.


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1) At the beginning, the post does not cite directly effects on male pattern baldness. It talks about androgenetic alopecia in menopausal women, that we know is different. The wording is vague and mildly annoying: red flag.
2) The post cites effectiveness on 'young people' who are 'in the initial stages of male pattern baldness', i.e. 'iniziare a stempiarsi'. In Italian, this means NW1-2.
3) The mechanism first described is a blood flow related one, and badly so. MAJOR red flag. Circulation is not our problem: f*****g DHT is.
4) The lotion 'stimulates blood flow' and 'the production of keratine'. This one killed me. It sounds EXACTLY like snake oil ads in Italy, which put a great emphasis on keratine prodution and miracle growth booster: as we know, this is not our f*****g problem. sh*t is snake oil at this point.
5) The 'dht enzime inhibition' is the LAST one cited (after the blood flow and f*****g KERATINE ONE), and is not in depth. This generally means a lower importance in the discourse. This means that even if anti dht effects are present, they are not effective enough.
6) Can be used in pregnancy. INCREDIBLE RED FLAG. Even if an anti dht lotion works topically and not systemically, no one would ever recommend pregnant women to use it (and touch it.. like finasteride). Effects on newborns are WAY too strong. At this point I was dead.
7) They keep on stressing the keratine boost. Snake oil flag is being pushed even more.
8) They cite more blood flow boosting properties. f*****g wops, I do good in never trusting my fellow Italians.
9) They badmouth minoxidil and fina. Another red flag.

I'm done boys
Well it makes sense that vascular surgeons who were originally working on increasing blood flow to cells would be focused on that... plus S-equol was added at a later time. I am surprised about the pregnancy statement and the keratin stuff I have no knowledge about, besides Brotzu claiming DGLA affect it, which I didn't find any studies on.
I could see why the keratin talk sounds fake, but if anything the obsession of blood flow proves prior points in Brotzu's favor


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1) At the beginning, the post does not cite directly effects on male pattern baldness. It talks about androgenetic alopecia in menopausal women, that we know is different. The wording is vague and mildly annoying: red flag.
2) The post cites effectiveness on 'young people' who are 'in the initial stages of male pattern baldness', i.e. 'iniziare a stempiarsi'. In Italian, this means NW1-2.
3) The mechanism first described is a blood flow related one, and badly so. MAJOR red flag. Circulation is not our problem: f*****g DHT is.
4) The lotion 'stimulates blood flow' and 'the production of keratine'. This one killed me. It sounds EXACTLY like snake oil ads in Italy, which put a great emphasis on keratine prodution and miracle growth booster: as we know, this is not our f*****g problem. sh*t is snake oil at this point.
5) The 'dht enzime inhibition' is the LAST one cited (after the blood flow and f*****g KERATINE ONE), and is not in depth. This generally means a lower importance in the discourse. This means that even if anti dht effects are present, they are not effective enough.
6) Can be used in pregnancy. INCREDIBLE RED FLAG. Even if an anti dht lotion works topically and not systemically, no one would ever recommend pregnant women to use it (and touch it.. like finasteride). Effects on newborns are WAY too strong. At this point I was dead.
7) They keep on stressing the keratine boost. Snake oil flag is being pushed even more.
8) They cite more blood flow boosting properties. f*****g wops, I do good in never trusting my fellow Italians.
9) They badmouth minoxidil and fina. Another red flag.

I'm done boys

it is also known that our problem in there is related to lack of blood flow, lack of competition ... fibrosis... it's all linked. that said, it is not an anti androgen.. you did not understand how sequol is supposed to work.. all in all I don't speak italian but spanish helps me (not my mother toungue thoug) and I 'am not as alarmist as you after readign these screenshots. You just misinterpret


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I don't get why finasteride users hate this Brotzu lotion so much? I mean, I do feel bad because they hurt themselves with poison but they do seem to be trying VERY hard to be negative


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@Arrade @Alternative
I want a cure more than you boys. Bet you don't get self harm urges on bad hair days. I reckon this disease can eventually kill me.
Yet I can discern bullshit talk in Italian, because I know the language and the snake oils in the Bel Paese. I don't like fina and I'm scared of sides. Anything that claims to treat male pattern baldness and acts on 'keratine' is major bullshit.


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Guzam is a clown, he reads one interview from years ago and thinks he knows everything about Brotzu. Also I really don't understand his point about knowing italian since I can also talk it.

Also all of his points don't make sense. I have never seen keratin being cited by Brotzu himself except this interview given by his son.and technically he is correct that it would happen as a consequence. Mica é crescina dio boia.


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1) At the beginning, the post does not cite directly effects on male pattern baldness. It talks about androgenetic alopecia in menopausal women, that we know is different. The wording is vague and mildly annoying: red flag.
2) The post cites effectiveness on 'young people' who are 'in the initial stages of male pattern baldness', i.e. 'iniziare a stempiarsi'. In Italian, this means NW1-2.
3) The mechanism first described is a blood flow related one, and badly so. MAJOR red flag. Circulation is not our problem: f*****g DHT is.
4) The lotion 'stimulates blood flow' and 'the production of keratine'. This one killed me. It sounds EXACTLY like snake oil ads in Italy, which put a great emphasis on keratine prodution and miracle growth booster: as we know, this is not our f*****g problem. sh*t is snake oil at this point.
5) The 'dht enzime inhibition' is the LAST one cited (after the blood flow and f*****g KERATINE ONE), and is not in depth. This generally means a lower importance in the discourse. This means that even if anti dht effects are present, they are not effective enough.
6) Can be used in pregnancy. INCREDIBLE RED FLAG. Even if an anti dht lotion works topically and not systemically, no one would ever recommend pregnant women to use it (and touch it.. like finasteride). Effects on newborns are WAY too strong. At this point I was dead.
7) They keep on stressing the keratine boost. Snake oil flag is being pushed even more.
8) They cite more blood flow boosting properties. f*****g wops, I do good in never trusting my fellow Italians.
9) They badmouth minoxidil and fina. Another red flag.

I'm done boys

The blood flow is a key component of this working.

The only reason this was even discovered as a hairloss product was that the first sign of diabetes in limbs was that sufferers first lose circulation to the skin that causes hair to fall out - which made Brotzu think that it would be beneficial for hairloss. Regardless of if its androgenic alopecia or any other type of alopecia, their pathologies (in our case DHT) is what causes an onset of effects that damages the blood flow to the follicle. DHT damages the blood flow and prevents the follicle from operating correctly. Just like if you cut off all circulation to your arm it would eventually die - like in diabetes.

Are there vasodilators that work for hair loss ? Yes - Minoxidil, assuming you have enough of sulfotransferase enzyme for it to be actually useful.

The keratine thing you're highlighting like its a key component - it never has been argued to be.

The DHT component is S-Equol - is a isoflavandiol estrogen that is naturally occuring in soya beans. It has been shown to be effective in shrinking enlarged prostates.However, Brotzu explicitly said that when used alone it would be borderline useless. When mixed with DGLA it was a very different story . Why ? f*** knows, biochemistry is complicated and its still not understood why certain drugs have the synergy they do.

Do we have proof of this working thus far ? Yes, we've seen the areata results of the little girl which clearly show that regardless if it works for us Androgenetic Alopecia sufferers or not - it is not snakeoil.

And finally, this thing was discovered like 8 years ago. A scam is purely for money. Why would the creator of a scam go to the lengths of going through a drug company, along with the hassle of trials only for it to be released when he's in his 80's...for money.
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