Does anyone else think balding is on the increase?
I think every forum member here will, because I have serious doubts that one has hairloss and is not anxious.I'll meet my grave early then...
* dead *It definitely is. When I was a younger almost every snatch that I would see had hair on it. Now they are pretty much all bald, or buzzed(I am assuming due to balding).
I've suffered from horrible panic attacks because of my hair loss too.
Way better: they'll tell you that "it's just hair", "shave it bro", and that crap.
If someone is good-looking (and fullhead), he'll likely be blue-pilled and feel entitled to give you some life lesson about being confident.
One day I'll play a game with one of them.
Suffering from panic attacks and other psychological disorder because of hair loss is the normal reaction a sane human being should have.
Haha no it's not. It's understandable someone would have this reaction but it's laughably far from a normal reaction to going bald.
Really? I think it's a perfectly normal reaction to going bald, especially for someone like Fred who was slick bald by the age of 22. In fact I think it's the only "normal" reaction. A person who'd just laugh at being fully bald that young is not a sane person. Maybe it's not such a big deal (although nobody likes losing hair deep down) to be a 40+ year old receder, but when you go bald in your teens and early 20's it's way different. Both me and Fred ended up in mental hospitals because of hair loss, and we both started going bald very young. We're not alone either, right as we speak there are (hundreds of) thousands of people like us going bald, scared sh-itless and don't know what to do. Depression and anxiety is VERY common among bald people, especially those who go bald young. So again, yes it's a normal reaction!
If you think it's normal to be admitted to a mental hospital due to balding then you likely belong in a mental hospital.
They didn't go bald in today's looks-obsessed society.
Imagine yourself being slick bald at the age of 22.
Take yourself and the events you've lived in your life, and put a bald SmoothSailing in those situations.
Have you had girlfriends? Cool nights out? Maybe one night stands? A rich social life?
Your bald self in a parallel world could have forgotten about all that.
As I've said before, you don't really know people. Many "alpha-looking" guys eventually told me the truth after a few drinks.
Even my father tried to pretend he just jumped on the hair piece wagon and he was never depressed.
Of course, the reality is more complicated. He turned to alcohol, spent countless nights crying over it.
Don't trust what people want you to see. Your dad is probably lying too.
My private mental health clinic (and not hospital) had a vast majority of girls, and a few guys only.
And many of them were young bald men. One of them committed suicide at the age of 26.
He had a shitload of psychological problems who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere in his late teens.
Gee I wonder what could have been the root cause.
As I've said many time, I'm the one who actually called the clinic to be "committed".
At least I was self-aware enough about myself and my surroundings to admit that was I was going through was very serious.
Looking back, it was a very smart decision that most guys in my shoes would not have been able to take.
Most people would type 'motivational quotes' (or worse, 'slybaldguys') on Google and go from there. Winning strategy for sure.