Just Came Back From A High School Reunion


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Simple rule - don't say sh*t about something you PERSONALLY can't understand. ever. just shut your f*****g mouth. You can't talk to a woman about hair loss and expect her to actually understand. You can't talk to a NW1 about it either.

This. Maybe it's just how I was raised - but I always assume I know less about something than what I probably do. If I am not absolutely sure of something, I keep my mouth shut.

Someone talks about some ailment I don't have, I don't pretend to understand. Someone talks about being a cripple and the other guy goes "I know you must feel terrible " - no you don't know sh*t. "I can imagine how that must feel" - no you can't even do that. You can -attempt- to empathise but unless you've personally gone through that you can't relate. Which wouldn't be a problem until people get that attitude of "Well if I had THAT I would do ... something else".

"If I had hair loss I'd just shave it off."

Why do people do that? Let me tell you where that comes from. When people see someone going through something difficult, they instinctively imagine themselves in that situation. Internally they recoil in horror, but then - in order to not appear weak, they loudly pronounce how they would handle it like the strong, stable person that they are. In doing this they are boosting their self-confidence, and placing their character a rank above yours (because clearly, you're such a pussy for being bothered by this, when they, the amazing strong person that they are, would handle it like a piece of cake). But when it comes to walking the walk that's a different matter entirely. Imagine if you could shoot a dart at someone that would make them bald for a week when it hits them. I would pay to see that. All that ego falling to the floor and shattering like a glass jar.


I also know a few people that don't even care - they always shock me at how they handle it so well. I'd always think that an individual would at least worry about it.

I want to keep my hair - I'll be clear on that. But because I razored my hair off and looked okay (maybe a 6 out of 10) I am no longer living in dread in case I did become a NW5 or NW6. Shaving my head at least showed me its not the end of the world. And because I got layed when bald it makes everything a little better because I know I'll still be able to meet women.

I just see hair loss as a being a bit of a shame - but I always acknowledge it must be worse for these kids who lose half their hair at 18 - that must be awful, and in some ways I must count my blessings.


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Does anyone else think balding is on the increase?

I see tons of young men with it.

I think its because people with the male pattern baldness gene go bald sooner because of their stressful lives and poor diets (it just speeds up the process so they are visiby balding in their twenties and not their thirties)
Just my theory but I think the increase in weight lifting and other high intensive work outs among teenagers and younger men is causing hair loss at a younger age. I noticed that a lot more people in the gym are losing their hair than people that don't go to the gym. It is possible that the testosterone boost from lifting heavy weights is causing premature hair loss. Just my theory, but I have no idea.

Also more likely is that people no longer feel quite as ashamed of hair loss as they used to. Many people are embracing hair loss nowadays when decades ago it was seen as socially unacceptable to shaved your head, so comb-overs and other forms of concealment were probably more popular.


Dralex, I've noticed that as well.

However, it might be because they have hair loss that they go to the gym so much because they compensate for a lack of hair. Its really hard for us to say without scientific support.

Anecdotally it does seem on the increase though


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What did you expect of your balding friends?

To lie down and cry in fetal position every time you mention their hair loss?

We're all trying to save face in the public eye.

No but if they were suffering panic attacks and/or serious depression then I'd expect them to say something. Or at least to appear off in some way.


Nobody lifts weights in western Europe?

What are all the gym for then?

We have twenty in every city in the UK. I know Germany has tons as well.


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No one lifts weights in Western Europe and we have plenty of balding men in their late teens and early 20's.

It's 100% genetic.

I have a a picture of my grandfather at 18 years old during his military service.

All the guys on the picture are 18, yet you see many NW3 (or even above) guys (my grandfather is among them obviously).

There aren't more bald men at a young age than in the past.
I find that highly unlikely. Weight lifting seems to be on the rise in every 1st world country. From the youtube videos I have seen weight lifting definitely seems way more popular nowadays in Western Europe than it used to decades ago. IF weight lifting has any association with balding, it would not be the cause but one factor. Obviously you won't go bald if you don't have the genetics, but it definitely is not 100% genetic. There is a reason a lot of people have accelerated or premature male pattern balding when undergoing loads of stress. Environmental factors are definitely in play.

Also you have to realize that over 80% of men end up having some degree of hair loss. That is in their genetics, but if environmental factors are able to speed up the process or onset of balding, then eliminating those environmental factors can greatly improve your hair loss situation.

And aren't the people in the military going to be the people that did lift weights and work out intensively back then lol? How would that picture support what you are saying.
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All the other bald guys stayed home. At least you didn't let it keep you from going.


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If anyone could find year by year group pictures of some sort we could determine the likelihood of balding becoming more prevalent.

I tried rugby teams and most seemed to have balding more prevalent in the past, but of course this might be influenced by the game becoming more popular and televised etc.

I think graduation pictures would be best.


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I don't think so. Besides, it's not just about "a few" posts, you've written more than enough to give a "nice" impression of yourself and I remember one thread in particular, which the whiteknights have apparently forgotten. :) I'm forced to deal with girls like you everyday without being able to do or say anything, but I can finally be myself here, oppositely to what I can/can't say in real life, and I want to enjoy it. Quite liberating, I must admit.

Still pathetic :) You haven't even met me for God's sake, and you hate me because of what I post on a hair loss forum? Wow, must be exhausting dragging all this hate for people and the world around. I truly pity you. And what thread was that exactly? The SadVegeta-thread? Where I was attacked for being a woman, like you are attacking me now?


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Why don't we just leave each other the f-ck alone from now on, I'm tired of discussing with you AKA a brick wall.


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Lady Sovereign, 2006.
