Kythera Acquires Rights to PGD2 Inhibitor


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Minoxidil can kill cats but isn't lethal on humans.

And some substances are toxic to humans but not to other species. Generally, if a drug is toxic to one mammal, it will likely be toxic to another (we share more in common with mice than people here like to admit).

Testing a substance on an animal has the 'luxury' of trying something to see what happens without killing a human, therefore drugs can be approved more readily for animal use.


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Guys we need to get it now somehow, the more we wait, the more hair we lose - I would even rob them if I could find a group.


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Guys we need to get it now somehow, the more we wait, the more hair we lose - I would even rob them if I could find a group.

I appreciate your passion. I really do, but we don't even know how to dose or administer it yet. Even if you did hijack a Setipiprant convoy or something, it might not do you any good. Be easy :)


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I appreciate your passion. I really do, but we don't even know how to dose or administer it yet. Even if you did hijack a Setipiprant convoy or something, it might not do you any good. Be easy :)

It's oral. So just swallow the stuff in the correct amount. This isnt difficult. If you want to try it topically, dissolve it ethanol and mix it with some propylene glycol.

There's an initiative on BTT to get Kane to produce the stuff for us to buy... I recommend that we try it as well.


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So where are the medics? I would take a flight and try to rob them and I'm serious about that. I'd post the results here afterwards, if anybody is interested just write me a private message. We first need to find out where they're located and then get a group together. I don't care about morales and ethics, this is about hair, this is about surviving and everyday I lose more hair.


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So where are the medics? I would take a flight and try to rob them and I'm serious about that. I'd post the results here afterwards, if anybody is interested just write me a private message. We first need to find out where they're located and then get a group together. I don't care about morales and ethics, this is about hair, this is about surviving and everyday I lose more hair.

This guy hold the key to all of your answers:

I'm surprised nobody has tried to get leaked info from him considering how ridiculously big the hair loss industry is.


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Can anybody call him or so and get some informations out? I'm sick of waiting seriously, I'm ready to go in there with a soft gun and leak some medics and I'm not joking about that. The med industry has enough money, that won't hurt anybody - we're living in a wilderness, only those who do something survive. Nobody has the right to tell us that we have to accept to go bald. I want a change, not a new five-year cycle, I want the change now!


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Can anybody call him or so and get some informations out? I'm sick of waiting seriously, I'm ready to go in there with a soft gun and leak some medics and I'm not joking about that. The med industry have enough money, that won't hurt anybody - we're living in a wilderness, only those who do something survive. Nobody has the right to tell us that we have to accept to go bald. I want a change, not a new five-year cycle, I want the change now!

You put the guy in any kind of harms way or make him believe he's being harmed and you're screwing the industry for everyone. He's a top Doctor and we need him to continue working on the cure.... but then again, if he said he needs 20 million to bring forth a cure with clinical trials, then you could assume that a cure already exists.


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Dunno, we're probably the last generation who has to suffer of hair loss. Everyone who is born nowadays may probably never suffer of hair loss but we can have that too in our times, we just have to move our asses, and with we I mean the whole hair loss industry. There are at least god damn 50000 - 100000 visitors every day, if you count all hair loss forums together. I think if we all would regroup our asses we could have a cure by now. Kythere seems to have some potential though, but again if we want we can have it now, somebody gave the suggestion to do a group buy, mine is to rob them with soft guns, both can work.


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Dude, we know the compound. Just make it through a lab, test it for purity and away you go with halting baldness or hopefully regrowing some or a lot.

Agustin Araujo

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Thank you for sharing hellouser.

I do not know much about Prostaglandin D2 other that it inhibits hair growth in high amounts and that the levels of it are higher in a balding scalp than a non-balding scalp.

I hope that Setipiprant will actually help to treat Androgenetic Alopecia. I'll be willing to try Setipiprant to treat my male pattern baldness and see how it goes.

What's your opinion and what do you think of Setipiprant hellouser? :tellme:


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What's your opinion and what do you think of Setipiprant hellouser? :tellme:

My opinion is we get our hands on the stuff from a lab that can produce and we try it out. I'll believe in setipiprant when I see results. But this needs to be a top priority for us right now.