Kythera Acquires Rights to PGD2 Inhibitor

uncomfortable man

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You know you can just get this stuff off the black market, right?

The inhibitor? It wont grow my hair back will it so what is the point? Where is our silver bullet? Certainly not in the yellow, green, black or any market for that matter. I know advancements are being made but what will they yeild? Wont they just die out like all the other attempts only to lead the way for some other company to fail? We could be closer but how much longer until something actually changes? I will be dead. You will be dead. Aaaaaaaa.


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The inhibitor? It wont grow my hair back will it so what is the point? Where is our silver bullet? Certainly not in the yellow, green, black or any market for that matter. I know advancements are being made but what will they yeild? Wont they just die out like all the other attempts only to lead the way for some other company to fail? We could be closer but how much longer until something actually changes? I will be dead. You will be dead. Aaaaaaaa.

So your suggestion to all balding men, no matter at what stage they are, is to submit and not care? What's the point of your rant? This thread's purpose is to get at least some kind of a treatment. If you're too far gone then I sympathize, but you're not going affect my or anyone elses determination in getting our hands on setipiprant.


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As long as capitalism exists there will be no cures.

Quite the opposite.

Humanitarianism and capitalism are diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive.

So scientists should dedicate their lives addressing your problems in return for sunshine, rainbows, and happiness instead?

We are just an excuse for these crooks in lab coats to rake in the dough.

Biomedical research is not a high paying field, especially considering the expertise involved.


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All I heard was greatly unsatisfied. What a fvcking understatement. As long as capitalism exists there will be no cures. Humanitarianism and capitalism are diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive. We are just an excuse for these crooks in lab coats to rake in the dough. As long as the share holders are happy, all of us suffering bald guys can wait, I dont know maybe five more years? This is all a big charade elaborate scam at the expense of yet again the bald guy. Not in our lifetime, maybe never at all is the looming truth but that wont keep the hamster cage spinning, right?!
If these companies don't have their hair treatments approved by the FDA or are developing treatments at all, then how can they make their shareholders happy? Take for example Kythera: they only have ATX-101 (their double chin fat melter) in their pipeline, along with Setipiprant and are trading at $43.20 per share as opposed to $35.28 one month ago. This percent increase in share price was due to the fact that they acquired the rights to Setipiprant. Companies will keep their shareholders happy by advancing in phases I-III. Hair loss is a huge market that is unsatisfied market, is extremely vulnerable to penetration, and is quite lucrative. Hair treatments or a possible cure will happen relatively soon with all the technology and information available. The technology in 2006 (the time minoxidil foam was released) wasn't as strong as it is today in 2015. I believe companies are on the right track.


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The thread is being Hijacked by irrelevant political/Rats are Cute/Humanity is **** posts. We DON'T need that here. Sorry to be rude but its true.
Commence Damage control:-
@ Hellouser
Do you think a topical would be a BETTER choice then the oral dose??
Does the PGD2 inhibtion will help with WHEEZING COUGH?? I have asthama :x
Also when do drugs that are FDA approved reach INDIA?? Like if CB gets approvee in 2020 february so will it get to india till say March 2020??
Sorry if i offended somebody but ill more likely hear to anti finasteride trolls talking **** about finasteride and minoxidil then know why capitalism is **** or not. We have the news and TV for that


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@ Hellouser
Do you think a topical would be a BETTER choice then the oral dose??
Does the PGD2 inhibtion will help with WHEEZING COUGH?? I have asthama :x
Also when do drugs that are FDA approved reach INDIA?? Like if CB gets approvee in 2020 february so will it get to india till say March 2020??

I dont know what effects it may have outside of hair loss. I dont know about drugs reaching India when FDA approved, but i imagine once FDA approved you'll be able to skirt around any indian laws quite easily. I wouldnt worry.


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So i CAN order it from abroad without my customs ceasing it??
Also I have read on Wikipedia that a drug named "Losartan" inhibits TGF receptors of kidneys in rats.
If you could look into it, we could have some more info


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So i CAN order it from abroad without my customs ceasing it??

In reference to Setipiprant, it doesn't matter. We already have sources that can produce the compound for us to use. We just need enough people to commit and buy a large amount to bring the price down. Economies of scale.

Also I have read on Wikipedia that a drug named "Losartan" inhibits TGF receptors of kidneys in rats.
If you could look into it, we could have some more info

Thats a discussion for another thread.

- - - Updated - - -

So i CAN order it from abroad without my customs ceasing it??

In reference to Setipiprant, it doesn't matter. We already have sources that can produce the compound for us to use. We just need enough people to commit and buy a large amount to bring the price down. Economies of scale, ie; suppose you wanted Toyota to make one specific type of car for you. The price would be insane to manufacture it; they'd need an entire new facility. However, if you had 100,000 people asking for that same car then the costs are significantly less. The same with the Setipiprant compound. It takes the labs a bit of work to produce just 1 gram, but that comes down significantly if you ask for 10kg.

Also I have read on Wikipedia that a drug named "Losartan" inhibits TGF receptors of kidneys in rats.
If you could look into it, we could have some more info

Thats a discussion for another thread.


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In reference to Setipiprant, it doesn't matter. We already have sources that can produce the compound for us to use. We just need enough people to commit and buy a large amount to bring the price down. Economies of scale.

Thats a discussion for another thread.

- - - Updated - - -

In reference to Setipiprant, it doesn't matter. We already have sources that can produce the compound for us to use. We just need enough people to commit and buy a large amount to bring the price down. Economies of scale, ie; suppose you wanted Toyota to make one specific type of car for you. The price would be insane to manufacture it; they'd need an entire new facility. However, if you had 100,000 people asking for that same car then the costs are significantly less. The same with the Setipiprant compound. It takes the labs a bit of work to produce just 1 gram, but that comes down significantly if you ask for 10kg.

Thats a discussion for another thread.

Sounds promosing , Lest get kane confirmation and estimation of the price , Then we do the group buy and try that stuff with good vehicle , I'm with you guys ,

I see hellouser would make a thread like RU58441 Very soon and guide people how to mix it ;) Lol .

I hope this time we get a better regrowth !!


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can someone explain why this is suppose to be better than finasteride? is pgd2 the main culprit behind male pattern baldness ahead of dht?? or do we need to take both


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I had some decent sucess with cet so this could be really interesting.

I think if someone could write a template of what needs to be sent to kane alot more people will get on board and simply copy and paste.


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I don't know you guys but seti is our only hope, if this **** fail we have done, we can hope in CB too but for a working CB with a real vehicle will require other 4-5 years, too much, our hairs have a death sentence in max 2 years, when i have a full nw4 i will give up, we need to try seti NOW, we need some answers from cotsarelis aswell, we need hope!


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I had some decent sucess with cet so this could be really interesting.

I think if someone could write a template of what needs to be sent to kane alot more people will get on board and simply copy and paste.

Something like this:

I can haz Setipiprant? Kthnxbye.


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I don't know you guys but seti is our only hope, if this **** fail we have done, we can hope in CB too but for a working CB with a real vehicle will require other 4-5 years, too much, our hairs have a death sentence in max 2 years, when i have a full nw4 i will give up, we need to try seti NOW, we need some answers from cotsarelis aswell, we need hope!

False. Too negative. We have CB, Sm, Bim, Replicel, Histogen and Pilofocus.
And now you can use Big 3 or RU to hold your hair onto future advance treatment.


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Just sent Anagen the following email:

Hello. I am from HairLossTalk forum. I would like to know about the lowest potential price for Setipiprant with an organized group buy of 50 or 100 people with each individual buying a minimum amount of 20 grams. Please let me know if you're able to make Setipiprant.


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I received an email response from Kane, he seems to really pushing OC in place of Set. I'm assuming it would cost him some money to develop Set oppose to selling already his prepared OC solution. At least that's what I took from the email response. We should contact a few sites, increase competition, should get us a cheaper price.