Kythera Acquires Rights to PGD2 Inhibitor


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So where are the medics? I would take a flight and try to rob them and I'm serious about that. I'd post the results here afterwards, if anybody is interested just write me a private message. We first need to find out where they're located and then get a group together. I don't care about morales and ethics, this is about hair, this is about surviving and everyday I lose more hair.

The worlds first hair loss inspired terrorist.


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Trust and We is one of them.

Alright I'll see which one of them is closer to my location and look up for some people. First I need to set up a plan and maybe get some internal informations. We'll see, if anybody wants to support me just hit me up with a private message. I'll keep your names secret, this here is just about for our hair and for a better world.


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This guy hold the key to all of your answers:

I'm surprised nobody has tried to get leaked info from him considering how ridiculously big the hair loss industry is.
Therefore we will see either an extremely effective treatment or a cure relatively soon.

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Alright I'll see which one of them is closer to my location and look up for some people. First I need to set up a plan and maybe get some internal informations. We'll see, if anybody wants to support me just hit me up with a private message. I'll keep your names secret, this here is just about for our hair and for a better world.
You should be careful threatening and conspiring over the internet...


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Let's get the ball rolling, start emailing Kane letting them know you are interested in purchasing Set.


Established Member
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There's an initiative on BTT to get Kane to produce the stuff for us to buy... I recommend that we try it as well.

What is the best way to reach them? right?

Anybody with a social media background can you help organize a way to mass contact these kane people?

Someone on BTT said they can't do it without enough interest.


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What is the best way to reach them? right?

Anybody with a social media background can you help organize a way to mass contact these kane people?

Someone on BTT said they can't do it without enough interest.

Social Media has no relevance here. Just email Kane directly asking about the lowest potential price with an organized group buy of 50, 100 or more people with each individual buying a minimum amount (20grams should be the minimum in my opinion).

This is Kane's other online store:


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Therefore we will see either an extremely effective treatment or a cure relatively soon.

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You should be careful threatening and conspiring over the internet...

Nobody can sue you for things you haven't done yet. No matter how many times you say that you're gonna do it, at least in my country. If it's different in your country, then you guys got even worse laws than ours. However I'm open for more private messages.

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Social Media has no relevance here. Just email Kane directly asking about the lowest potential price with an organized group buy of 50, 100 or more people with each individual buying a minimum amount (20grams should be the minimum in my opinion).

This is Kane's other online store:

I know Kane is known for making stuff in the topically way, but do you think he could also make a pill, which we just would've to take orally?


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Here's a link to the trials for Setipiprant that were done on asthma:

From what I understand is that the trials used dosages of setipiprant at 100mg, 500mg and 1,000 mg. Personally, I think 100-200mg should suffice orally using THIS logic;

Higher dosages were likely used for safety AS WELL AS efficacy. Finasteride has the same effects at 0.5mg, 1mg and 5mg. It is not illogical to assume that POTENTIALLY this could be the same with systemic inhibition of PGD2 with the lowest dose possible HOWEVER, the doses used for asthma do not necessarily correlate to the doses we may need for androgenetic alopecia, in fact, 100mg could be in itself overkill.

Personally, if we can get the prices down to a reasonable amount, lets say, a 180 supply of 400mg use per day for 72grams, I myself am willing to pay between $500 - $1,000, using between 100-200mg orally and 100-200mg topically (in 1ml of solution consisting of ethanol and propylene glycol). But again, these may be overkill dosages and concentrations.

I know Kane is known for making stuff in the topically way, but do you think he could also make a pill, which we just would've to take orally?

You dont need it in pill form. Just measure your desired amount with a scale and swallow. You could even dissolve it in a shot of vodka and drink it down, it really doesnt matter.


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Sounds good...

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You dont need it in pill form. Just measure your desired amount with a scale and swallow. You could even dissolve it in a shot of vodka and drink it down, it really doesnt matter.

Why not water though?


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So this thing, when swallowed will inhibit pgd2 AT SCALP only or the entire body. If its just the scalp then im good.


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So this thing, when swallowed will inhibit pgd2 AT SCALP only or the entire body. If its just the scalp then im good.

Both I think. But I'm willing to take it one step further and do both oral and topical applications. But my questions remain:

Hair loss causes fibrosis in balding areas of the scalp. The follicle is miniaturized to the point where its too small to grow terminal hair and only vellus hair grows. If the inhibition of PGD2 grew hair on mice, was this on full sized follicles or ones that were miniaturized?

Supposed OC or Setipiprant do inhibit PGD2, what still about the lack of CD34+ and CD200 rich progenitor cells that bald scalps lack? We always speak of inhibition; DHT, PGD2, arachidonic acid, etc. but we NEVER address promotion of elements that are missing in scalps that are bald.

Of course, these questions can be put to rest once we DO get to try out setipiprant but we need to get our hands on it quickly. We have one life to live and so far, I can confidently say ours as bald men haven't been very favourable. I dont want to use up any more years of mine as a social parasite just because I'm balding.


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Both I think. But I'm willing to take it one step further and do both oral and topical applications. But my questions remain:

Hair loss causes fibrosis in balding areas of the scalp. The follicle is miniaturized to the point where its too small to grow terminal hair and only vellus hair grows. If the inhibition of PGD2 grew hair on mice, was this on full sized follicles or ones that were miniaturized?

Supposed OC or Setipiprant do inhibit PGD2, what still about the lack of CD34+ and CD200 rich progenitor cells that bald scalps lack? We always speak of inhibition; DHT, PGD2, arachidonic acid, etc. but we NEVER address promotion of elements that are missing in scalps that are bald.

Of course, these questions can be put to rest once we DO get to try out setipiprant but we need to get our hands on it quickly. We have one life to live and so far, I can confidently say ours as bald men haven't been very favourable. I dont want to use up any more years of mine as a social parasite just because I'm balding.

Any one out there who's trying out OC at the moment?

Armando Jose

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This guy hold the key to all of your answers:

I'm surprised nobody has tried to get leaked info from him considering how ridiculously big the hair loss industry is.

Mr Cotsarelis have a bald crown. why don´t is he a lab rat? We can wait......, no a lot of time but,.....

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This guy hold the key to all of your answers:

I'm surprised nobody has tried to get leaked info from him considering how ridiculously big the hair loss industry is.

Mr Cotsarelis have a bald crown. why don´t is he a lab rat? We can wait......, no a lot of time but,.....

uncomfortable man

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All I heard was greatly unsatisfied. What a fvcking understatement. As long as capitalism exists there will be no cures. Humanitarianism and capitalism are diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive. We are just an excuse for these crooks in lab coats to rake in the dough. As long as the share holders are happy, all of us suffering bald guys can wait, I dont know maybe five more years? This is all a big charade elaborate scam at the expense of yet again the bald guy. Not in our lifetime, maybe never at all is the looming truth but that wont keep the hamster cage spinning, right?!


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All I heard was greatly unsatisfied. What a fvcking understatement. As long as capitalism exists there will be no cures. Humanitarianism and capitalism are diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive. We are just an excuse for these crooks in lab coats to rake in the dough. As long as the share holders are happy, all of us suffering bald guys can wait, I dont know maybe five more years? This is all a big charade elaborate scam at the expense of yet again the bald guy. Not in our lifetime, maybe never at all is the looming truth but that wont keep the hamster cage spinning, right?!

You know you can just get this stuff off the black market, right?