2 doesnt have anything to do with weed. You made a choice and regretted it.
And how do you miss out on women because of getting high? Smoking is often social and theres lots of stoner girls and its an avenue to meet people. It would increases chances to meet girls if anything. I have even met girls through it
Different people react differently to things so I'm only giving my personal view, and advice, but of course it mightn't apply to you.
2 is very relevant to my weed usage. Of course it was a choice, this choice was influenced by my weed usage. Without weed I'd be bored at home rewatching a tv series and would have chosen to go to the music festival. This is demonstrably true in my case, even just a few days after giving it up I was much more inclined to go out and do things seen as internet/movies/games were not as fun anymore.
I met plenty of people in my stoner days but weed makes me even more introverted, I'd be even more quiet that my usual self, which for me is a big barrier to actually getting girls.
The mediocrity thing you are projecting and assuming is true for everyone. Lol i feel super aware about what im doing with my life when high. Mainly thoughts like "damn how did i end up like this", etc
Cool, might be different for you. But almost all of my stoner mates (everyday for years) have now stopped smoking daily in order to achieve goals usually to get better jobs and/or education. So commonly it decreases motivation for people to achieve their goals. This isn't debatable to me, but as I said different people react differently, it's not necessarily the case for you.
You are being condescending referring to it as a "stage" btw
Well I meant it to be condescending. It's ridiculous to say that weed has no consequences because its LD50 is less than caffeine. Ignoring any other reason drugs can have negative consequences. That sounds like an excuse to me, which was a stage I went through. Sugar also has an LD50 less than caffeine and yet it destroys people's lives, for example.
It just sounds like you associated weed with a time when you werent successful so you wanna put it down and others down for doing it. Maybe its sour grapes you werent able to do it while being responsible
True, the only thing I am advocating is responsible use. You agree it must be used responsibly? Then it's only an argument on what that means, I know that for me that means not using it daily, I don't know about others, but have said similar things to all my brothers because of what I and some of my friends went through.
Also I do not 'associate' weed with these problems, I am sure that weed prevented me from solving these problems. You can argue this all you want, there is no debate to me, I know this.
The alarmist DEA amotivational syndrome has got the causality wrong. Its more that the people who are less in control of their lives use drugs as a result of their situation rather than the situation being a result of the drug
This is also true. Situation leads to drugs > drugs leads to you not changing the situation. For example alcoholics were usually depressed before alcohol, alcohol just stopped them from treating the depression and its cause and instead masking it with alcohol. (Weed doesn't compare to alcohol I know, agreeing with you here, just showing how drugs can stop you from changing a situation you would probably have changed without drugs).