Let's Say Hair Loss Is "cured" In 2018, How Will You Look Back Upon Your Balding Years


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I'm not talking about you or people like you, i'm talking about the 2/10 people who will never even have a girlfriend to discuss things with. You're right, if i were you i would never even give a f*** about a cure or being bald, but unfortunately, i'm not like you. Hair loss will completely destroy my existence till my death because i have nothing to compensate with. Besides, you had a transplant anyways, so there's no need for a cure to you. As for me, i'm ready to sacrifice my arm or leg to have a hair forever.

Ready to sacrifice arm or leg for hairs!

What the f*** would you do after getting hairs!


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Great argument.

As I've said, they're not thinking this through.

Same with your argument about money and marriage too.

"Hey honey, forget about a secure and exciting life full of travels and experiences, I'm going to get myself some hair!"

Funny how the 2015 me would have sided with the people who antagonize me in this thread.
Are you f*****g stupid or retarded ? There's no f*****g "honey" if you look like sh*t. Why do you think that everyone is in your shoes and has the same chances as you ? "Exciting life", yeah what a f*****g exciting life when you're 2/10. And the 2015 was like that because you were in the same boat we're now in, but after your transplant, why would you give a f*** anymore ? Go enjoy your hair somewhere else like bodybuilding.com or some sh*t and leave the forum for us who suffer and have a shitty life.
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and you're wrong, people won't do that.
I would, without thinking twice. It might sound stupid and perhaps I don't know what I'm talking about, but I would gladly give up all my belongings (except dog) and move out on the streets in trade of a full head of hair for life. It would be a fresh start, I could work my way up again and live a good life. With hair loss, I am forever doomed.


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I believe you, you're in the ultimate "just can't be bald" position as a woman.

Even though hair pieces are acceptable for women, they remain a deal with the devil for anyone choosing to go that route.

I am hating it more with each passing day. The constant touchups, traveling an hour to get it re-bonded every 3 weeks, only being able to wash my hair once a week, scalp cannot breathe, activities I can no longer do, expensive as f***... Still, I have no other choice. Walk around half bald? Out of the question.
I am considering starting to bond myself, so that way I don't have to travel an hour and I can do it in the comfort of my own home. I would also like to get it re-bonded more often, for a more secure fit and better hygiene for my scalp. Of course there will be a lot more work to do, I did some research and there are literally so many different products you need for the whole removing - cleaning - reattaching process. Also I would need someone to cut my hair every so often, but that shouldn't be a problem since I know a girl who does hair.
Does anybody here have experience with doing the bonding yourself? @shookwun
I just hate it so f*****g much that I have to do all this stuff to look normal, while other girls take their hair for granted. They can shampoo and run out the door, for me it's a whole process. f*** this sh*t.


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I am hating it more with each passing day. The constant touchups, traveling an hour to get it re-bonded every 3 weeks, only being able to wash my hair once a week, scalp cannot breathe, activities I can no longer do, expensive as f***... Still, I have no other choice. Walk around half bald? Out of the question.
I am considering starting to bond myself, so that way I don't have to travel an hour and I can do it in the comfort of my own home. I would also like to get it re-bonded more often, for a more secure fit and better hygiene for my scalp. Of course there will be a lot more work to do, I did some research and there are literally so many different products you need for the whole removing - cleaning - reattaching process. Also I would need someone to cut my hair every so often, but that shouldn't be a problem since I know a girl who does hair.
Does anybody here have experience with doing the bonding yourself? @shookwun
I just hate it so f*****g much that I have to do all this stuff to look normal, while other girls take their hair for granted. They can shampoo and run out the door, for me it's a whole process. f*** this sh*t.
WOW! That's a shitty life you have there.


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I am hating it more with each passing day. The constant touchups, traveling an hour to get it re-bonded every 3 weeks, only being able to wash my hair once a week, scalp cannot breathe, activities I can no longer do, expensive as f***... Still, I have no other choice. Walk around half bald? Out of the question.
I am considering starting to bond myself, so that way I don't have to travel an hour and I can do it in the comfort of my own home. I would also like to get it re-bonded more often, for a more secure fit and better hygiene for my scalp. Of course there will be a lot more work to do, I did some research and there are literally so many different products you need for the whole removing - cleaning - reattaching process. Also I would need someone to cut my hair every so often, but that shouldn't be a problem since I know a girl who does hair.
Does anybody here have experience with doing the bonding yourself? @shookwun
I just hate it so f*****g much that I have to do all this stuff to look normal, while other girls take their hair for granted. They can shampoo and run out the door, for me it's a whole process. f*** this sh*t.
holy f*** hair transplant is the only way


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holy f*** hair transplant is the only way
Yes, I would definitely recommend a transplant over a hair piece. A lot of people are ignorant about hair pieces, they think it's just slapping the thing on and they're good to go.
Only when you try living with a hair piece for an extended period of time, do you find out what it's really like.


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I am hating it more with each passing day. The constant touchups, traveling an hour to get it re-bonded every 3 weeks, only being able to wash my hair once a week, scalp cannot breathe, activities I can no longer do, expensive as f***... Still, I have no other choice. Walk around half bald? Out of the question.
I am considering starting to bond myself, so that way I don't have to travel an hour and I can do it in the comfort of my own home. I would also like to get it re-bonded more often, for a more secure fit and better hygiene for my scalp. Of course there will be a lot more work to do, I did some research and there are literally so many different products you need for the whole removing - cleaning - reattaching process. Also I would need someone to cut my hair every so often, but that shouldn't be a problem since I know a girl who does hair.
Does anybody here have experience with doing the bonding yourself? @shookwun
I just hate it so f*****g much that I have to do all this stuff to look normal, while other girls take their hair for granted. They can shampoo and run out the door, for me it's a whole process. f*** this sh*t.
I understand how you feel having gone through the process, there is a lot of maintenance and restrictions involved. All though I do believe it will get easier over time. Will it be a viable solution, not likely.

Reminds me of people who wear full dentures. Looks good from a distance but deep down inside people never realise the psychological turmoil these people go through.

It's my due diligence to let the people on these forums understand that a hair piece is absolutely not an option if you want to live a comfortable life within normality. Having first hand experience among the prosthesis, I would rather have less density and thin scalp 0 guard then have to deal with that sh*t ever again.

These YouTube videos are an absolute joke. You cannot swim, you cannot be under the sin you can remotely do anything fun without the probality of something happening.

Women? Forget about it. I couldn't even concentrate on my partner. 50-75% of my attention was on my wig. Does she notice, hope she doesn't touch it. Trying to dodge them from running there hands through the hairline.

It never ended. I had about 6 wig nightmares during the course of my wearing experience. Forget sleeping in snuggle positions. I had to arch my head on certain positions and use that u shape pillow.

Prosthesis for men in 2017


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It's the same for me. I am 5'9 in Netherlands, skinny as f***. Face is mediocre.

The hair was the only thing that elevated me to some normal existence plane. Without hair I am Gollum, at best a 2/10.
5'9 in Netherlands ? Holy sh*t that must be hard.


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You can't dissolve your ego.

You can't better yourself if your life has no higher meaning, you'll just be chasing your tail.

Despite what MGTOW lunatics will have you believe you, married people are happier than single people.

Now you can tell me to suck your dick.

Why would I tell you to suck my dick? No, it's not true. not in the US. I have many, many married friends and all of them are f*****g miserable as hell. The divorce rate here is absurd. You can't explain that by throwing out some, "married people are happier". it's a lie. Perhaps in Belgium, yes.


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Not to mention here in Italy. I'm shorter than most guys, and I look even shorter with the combination bald head+ectomorph framecel physique.
The statics say the average height in Netherlands is 6' and in Italy is 5'8.5 which is bullshit. I think it's like 6'1.5 Netherlands and 5'10 Italy.